"We should set off soon. We'll start by looking for clues that will
help find the source of the evil." Yoru flicked out her ribbons to
gesture that they were to follow her. She then started to leave the
"A Crystal cave. Reshiram sometimes rested here once in a while."
Yoru muttered. "But apparently there's a clue here." Yoru hoped
they wouldn't ask why, but she was following a mysterious presence.
Arceus had given her...strange powers to say the least, when she
had been chosen as a quest guide, and she'd need every single one
of them for this.
Rey woke up to find himself not feeling right. For one, he didn’t
have legs. He was also floating. Also, he was the legendary pokemon
eternatus. That was more than enough to scare the soul out of Rey.
Walking, or actually, gliding, he tried to figure out where he was.
*he saw the eternatus* (this cave must be pretty big to make
eternatus fit XD)
*he used his pyhcic powers to levitate to the eternatus* "hey...
can u tell me where the heck i am?"
Rey would find he had been transported to the cave with everyone
Yoru began exiting the cave. "The clue is in the city. This way!"
She let go of her illusion and darted out of the cave, heading
toward the civilization.
First he finds himself a eternatus. then, he finds himself
surrounded by other legendary pokemon. Ha Ha. At least things can’t
get any more suprising. but nooooo… he finds out the pokemon can
talk. Wow. Not knowing what to do, he follows Yoru.
Her ears twitched a bit as she hopped along. "I'm not quite sure
yet. It should come to us once we get there." She called over her
shoulder. The city was small, not much activity. They would find
they had come at dusk