Forum Thread
The Lost Souls.
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The Lost Souls.Small children go missing when they are alone at night. They are taken by people to somewhere.. strange. Children have entered, but never left. They grew up there, forgetting about their past lives. Many children were in this.. Undercover Society, I guess. You see how you're in a room? It's all white with a locked door. All there is is the bed you're currently on and the speaker I am talking to you through. Later, someone will bring you food, water and a change of clothes. Don't worry, you won't be in here forever. You will be able to leave your room after eating to socialize. Once every two days, you are taken into the ''Questioning Room.'' She will explain how like works.. Good luck!
After all, it had explained why she was here! She had been alone last night and now she was here! Yeah, to Carrie it made total sense.

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)

You told me to buy a pony
But all I wanted was you.
She whispered to herself. Her parents were always strict about eating times, they didn’t want her wasting time late, or to much, stuff like that. She didn’t mind, they were strict because the cared and it wasn’t to bad. Maybe annoying at times but not mean!

Have a wonderful day y’all, you deserve it :)

You told me to buy a pony
But all I wanted was you.
- Oreki Houtarou

Meet Hiko~!