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Posted: Fri, 05/08/2022 10:00 (2 Years ago)
ok i pull up

Lee hadn't had a busy morning, as one of the less respected servants he wasn't needed at the preparations for tonight. He'd dusted a couple rooms and was busy sweeping a hallway, humming to himself a lullaby as his broom scratched along the floor. He rarely got bitter about his work, so he was in a good mood when he saw the sheet of paper on the floor and picked it up. There was nobody around so he tucked it under his arm and kept sweeping, stopping only when he heard a door open and the prince came out of his room (chamber?). He gave a little smile and kept working.

Audrey was out for her morning run through the wasteland that was the forest, as she did almost every day. It was how she'd managed to almost make a map of it in her mind; the best places for views, where she should avoid, and good places to hide should she ever need to. As she neared the fighters area, she could make out a hooded figure walking away - she guessed they'd been payed a visit. Walking now to regain her breath (though this never took her much time as she was very fit (not in a weird way)), she smiled at the children as she walked past and quietly slid inside the fighters quarters. Enzo looked grumpy as always and Hadeed almost the stark opposite, though she could see from their eyes that they were more nervous than normal. "Ready for tonight?" she asked to both of them.

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2022 14:15 (2 Years ago)
finished my form (sorry for taking so long)
lmk if anythings missing :))

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Posted: Wed, 13/07/2022 20:40 (2 Years ago)
wip + examples coming
first roleplay in a while :))

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Name: Lee Fernhand
Age: 18
Gender/Pronouns: cismale
Role: Loyal servant of the kingdom.
Appearance: Lee has nut-brown hair that is rarely brushed, and cut raggedly with a knife. He has a strong jawline and large dull brown eyes, above average height and a malnourished frame, with narrow shoulders and a hunched back that makes him appear shorter.
I can't be bothered to draw him so think something like this (click image for credit on Pinterest)

Personality: While Lee may severely lack in bravery, his loyalty is true. At first sight Lee is a quiet, mellow person, but as he warms up to you, you'll begin to see his spontaneous and creative side. He'd never raise a fist unless he had to, being a pacifist at heart, but God help you if you so much as glare at anyone he's close to.
Other: killable. :)

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Name: Audrey Lance
Age: 22
Gender/Pronouns: cisfemale
Role: wasteland fighter
Appearance: a buzzcut so blond it looks like its been bleached (think classic eminem) nicely compliments her sharp jawline and intense, feline, forest green eyes. she has high cheekbones and deep-set eyes for a fierce, brooding look, though this is contrasted with her usually sunny composure. she wears tight shirts and baggy trousers so like a tank top and cargos, with combat boots and bandaged knuckles to finish the classic brawler look.
Personality: at times audrey can seem bitter and harsh, but normally she's a pleasure to be around. she enjoys taking the mick and is quick to judge, but she's quite forgiving (excluding the case of her mum) and genuinely cares for people. when fighting she generally won't finish anyone off, just let them know they've been beaten.
unfortunately with her fighting prowess also comes lots of confidence and a short temper. Audrey's only intellect is in combat, so she's unable to hold a point for long in an argument and usually starts a brawl instead. there's no filter between her mind and her mouth, so if she thinks it it's out in the world. but overall she enjoys a joke and has a positive outlook on life.
Equipment: small knife in her boot but she mainly focuses on martial arts n stuff so she doesn't use many weapons, and makes a fool of herself whenever she uses a sword. also some fairly basic medical equipment (bandages and alcohol)
Backstory: she was born fatherless with a mother working so hard to provide that she barely had time for audrey. she got into fights very often because of her inability to hold her tongue so she picked up tricks fairly quickly. her mum died at like 10 which is when she shaved her head and decided to dedicate her life to taking down the kingdom that killed her mother, training with masters and hunting down criminals for money before returning and settling in the wasteland.
Other: also killable

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Posted: Wed, 27/10/2021 12:44 (2 Years ago)

him, him, them or her.

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Posted: Sun, 10/10/2021 14:06 (3 Years ago)
"A nap?" He's seemed quite confused, before remembering that the must have looked a state after his sleepless night. "Probably. But that can wait."
A mystery club? That sounded quite exciting. Dyti wasn't much of a detective, but he could help out... somehow, he was sure.

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Posted: Sun, 10/10/2021 13:57 (3 Years ago)
"Hm?" He turned to face the direction in which she was looking. "Why on Earth-" before he could finish, he realised that Min was already crawling towards them. Quirking his eyebrows slightly, he followed, his skirt gently flowing behind him.

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Posted: Sun, 10/10/2021 11:19 (3 Years ago)
Dyti raised a suspicious eyebrow. "Oh?" Families could be complicated; he knew that much, though he doubted that he could relate to anyone else's experiences. "Well, I'm excited to meet them, whoever they are."

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Posted: Thu, 30/09/2021 20:51 (3 Years ago)
"I'd love to!" He announced, practically glowing with joy. He didn't have a way of telling his dads, but he was sure they wouldn't mind; it's not like they'd notice he was gone, anyway.

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Posted: Sun, 26/09/2021 07:22 (3 Years ago)
"Great!" Dyti had stood, walking towards the exit. "I like your dress, by the way," he commented after a short while, being his usual charming self. "Although I've never seen a geodude wearing one before."

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Posted: Thu, 23/09/2021 15:22 (3 Years ago)
Dyti chuckled. "Perhaps you could consider a few more. They'd be useful if you were ever in trouble."
He'd noticed the other students begin to take off, a few chatting about a 'mystery club' or something of the like. Once again, he turned his attention back to Min with a smile. "May I accompany you to lunch?"

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Posted: Sun, 19/09/2021 07:11 (3 Years ago)
Dyti paused. "Well, I really wasn't expecting you to.. explode. So I wasn't prepared, I suppose." He smiled shortly at her, attempting to make the scene less awkward. It didn't really help.

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Posted: Thu, 16/09/2021 15:24 (3 Years ago)
Dyti's "drawing" was more of a stickman with fur. It looked nothing like his parter, but hey, at least he'd finished it. Though there wasn't much point in keeping it, he did as he was told, stashing it away in the folder.
The next classroom intruiged him. He found the little drawings quite amusing, and the story more so. He'd waved hello to the small ball of fluff as it had barreled its babysitters. And though he did find the heat quite bothersome, he'd found a small spot in which there were no flames, and he kept the smoke away with psychic.
Through the flames, he'd caught a glimpse of the one that had defeated both him and herself in battle - he believed her name was Min. And though he knew that it was none of his business, he couldn't allow himself to sit by while a fellow student was in turmoil, as she so obviously was, judging by her body language and general expression.
So, naturally, he made his way over to her and sat next to her, tip-toeing around the fires.
"Are you alright?" He'd asked, turning his head to look at her.

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Posted: Sun, 12/09/2021 19:54 (3 Years ago)
Dyti really didn't have time to do anything. The attack hit him, he fainted. Done and done.
He was revived almost immediately, though, feeling slightly nauseous. He certainly hadn't been expecting that... Well, he supposed that Min hadn't been much of a battler. After hearing the bell, he followed the crowd to art, which, admittedly, wasn't his strongest subject, and took another spare seat, smoothing his skirt down as he did. Hopefully he wouldn't faint again today - it wasn't something he enjoyed doing, which was perhaps why he battled with such ferocity. Well, none of that would help him now.

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Posted: Wed, 08/09/2021 15:07 (3 Years ago)
Dyti had trailed several other students to the class, as he'd no clue of where he was supposed to be going, and had taken whatever seat was avaliable. He'd listened, curious, and the teacher had talked about 'X items'. Well, he'd never heard of them, but they sounded fun. Min.. Who was that? He'd heard the name called out in the register, but couldn't for the life of him remember who it was - his attention span wasn't the greatest.
He'd picked up the item labeled 'X-health' - one of his weaker stats - and his tag. Shortly after putting on said tag, he located Min - only to hear the call for the battle to start. Well, he couldn't attack first; that would be rude of him. So he'd waited, but taken a few steps towards the swamp biome, which should provide plenty of advantage points for him.

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Posted: Sun, 05/09/2021 12:38 (3 Years ago)
Dyti, being not the fittest of pokemon, had given up on running around ten minutes ago, and despite only walking his breathing remained unsteady. He'd managed to memorise the route to school, thankfully, so arrived in good time (though still late). He took a quick note of some lingering students - a startling amount of species', creating quite the explosion of colour, though it wasn't unpleasant to look at. They all seemed to be communicating with others, and he could already see cliques of sorts forming. So, instead of interrupting, he opted to stay near the gate and keep to himself, despite his curiosity at some of the odd hybrids present.

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Posted: Thu, 02/09/2021 06:54 (3 Years ago)
It wasn't like Dyti didn't sleep; he slept for great lengths, usually, far more than his fathers should've allowed, but his last night had been restless. Supposedly because of tomorrow - his first day at school in a new city - though he had any number of reasons to be anxious. There were sounds galore already in the slums of the city, where our young kirlia found himself now, sat next to his window with a pondering look on his face.
Despite his aged appearance, his thoughts were far more childish. Worries of school, for the most part. He and his family were recent to the area, but they were thinking already that they'd spent too long here; he only prayed that school would lighten his mood.
The view from his bedroom window was a brick wall. Not interesting, for sure, but perhaps more entertaining than staring at his own bedroom wall. Then again, when is any wall ever different from another? They're all just vertical ways of stalling one's dreams, after all. Despite this, his hopes were high. A new school, an old dream - which certainly wouldn't be held back by any wall.
As it turns out, Dyti had been sat there for far longer than he'd assumed, so when Zyco reminded him of school, and that he should've left already, he practically sprinted from his one-story two bedroom house, skirt flowing not so elegantly behind him. Tardiness on his first day would not leave a good impression.

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Posted: Tue, 31/08/2021 14:33 (3 Years ago)
we love paradoxes.

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Posted: Tue, 31/08/2021 07:37 (3 Years ago)
Username: Once
Name: Dyti Balorre
Age: 17
Pokemon: Kirlia
Gender: Male
Appearance: A practically regular kirlia, though his hair may be a little more dishevelled and his eyes are a light, sky blue. He wears a flimsy sting around his left wrist.
Personality: Quite a gentleman, Dyti is helpful, friendly and charming. He's not the most intellectual nor physically advanced pokemon, but very few could overpower him in a battle. He's cool-headed and very rarely loses his temper, but will occasionally throw a tantrum when misgendered because of his skirt.
Moveset: Future Sight | Teleport | Hypnosis | Dream Eater | Psychic | Heal Pulse

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Posted: Wed, 25/08/2021 12:01 (3 Years ago)
i've already done it because this seemed a bit dead

@next him, him or her [she does have a mouth] but preferably the first one. if any of these don't show up lmk

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Posted: Mon, 28/06/2021 19:48 (3 Years ago)
Hey Pichu! I want to adopt an egg!
Rarity: Easy
Description: White and blue surface, isn’t very special
Payment: 50k pd
Tips? ;-; : I'll decide after it's done :D
Payment before or after?: after, if that's all good with you.

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