Tokyo gulped. She never ran from fights, unless she couldn't win
them, and she definitely couldn't win this. Snivy looked at her,
and a sort of understanding passed between them. They were going to
fight it, or try to... Snivy hopped onto the ground. "Okay, Mr or
Mrs. Gigantamax Eevee, we're going to try to fight you and fail. If
you don't want to fight, you don't have to. The only reason we're
doing this is for levels, or possibly to catch you, which we know
will never happen. So, erm.... Yeah." She winced at the terrible
ending. She went over Snivy's moves again - leer and tackle. Yeah,
they had no chance.
Devon nodded, taking the pokeball with the Rowlett and clipping it
to his belt. He then took the GS ball and cerfully slipped it into
his bag. "Alright, I'm headed off. Don't worry, I'll get it to
Professor Summer!"
Luna ran to the lab, knocked on the door and burst in.
"Sorry, I'm late! I had some stuff to handle," she said, panting as
she walked inside. She was amazed to see the lab full of machines
and pokemon stuff. "Wow, this place is awesome," she said as she
looked around.
Amelia lokedat the petilil in front of her, taking a deep breathe,
she narrowed her eyes. " Snow use tackle!" Snow complying with the
order, tackling the petilil to the ground.
Summer sat up with a start. Dammit, she was late! They peeked out
of the door and at the one across. Oh no, she already left...
Summer had come here following Aria. Whom she may be crushing on.
They rushed off to the lab, grabbing her stuff, and knocked.
I am rubber, you are glue, whatever you say bounces off me and
sticks to you. ~Patton
PH time +8 hours. She/Her pronouns.
Avatar credits go to Icefox
My online status isn't always accurate.
Summer opened the door carefully and walked in. "Hi, I'm Summer!
Here to get my starter!" She called to the professor.
Aria reached the other side of the route and decided to sit down to
have some bonding time with her pokemon. (Think Pokemon Camp)
I am rubber, you are glue, whatever you say bounces off me and
sticks to you. ~Patton
PH time +8 hours. She/Her pronouns.
Avatar credits go to Icefox
My online status isn't always accurate.
Alreilan walked along the path, eyeing weeds and clumps of bushes
as she past. It was all to different, too spacious, too dirty.
"Unova and Sinnoh are much nicer then this." she hisses under her
Alcora pumps her fist. She picks the pokeball up and puts it in her
bag. Fennelkit was on her shoulder. They went back to the lab.
His smile has a grip on me <3
Agent Fallows, signing out~