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Daycare Eggs?

Forum-Index Suggestions Daycare Eggs?
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Wed, 19/02/2020 01:06 (4 Years ago)
..Forgive me if this was already posted..I didn't see it anywhere.

Granted I did hatch a shiny Sobble and i'm very pleased...But I wanted to perhaps suggest a new method to obtaining eggs in the daycare?

I've kept track of when I got eggs and it would vary day by day...Sometimes I went 2 days without a single egg..making the shiny hunt a little...less than thrilling to say the least.

This is a clicking site, no? Perhaps instead of praying that your perfect pair might give you an egg the same day, perhaps make it that it'll be something like:

500+ clicks= 50/50 of 1-3 eggs? That way it would encourage clicking and you'd be getting eggs in the process rather than hoping you'd get some.
•Pros: You would get eggs based on number of clicks and it'd still be a 50/50 if you get eggs.
•Cons: If you click A LOT then you would be getting a lot of eggs and if you don't hatch or get them then they'd be released to the wild and you might not want that.

What do you guys think?
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Wed, 19/02/2020 03:58 (4 Years ago)
I kind of support the idea.

Have also got the problem yesterday when Double Interaction was on and not a single egg was breed by my perfectly matched couple exactly 12 whole hours while I have been online. And when I come back today I find 2 eggs waiting in the Day Care after my sleep last night.

However I think the number of clicks needed to have eggs is way too low at 500+ and what of having a 50% chance of getting 1 - 3 eggs for those 500+ clicks. That is too OP in my opinion. Only 1 egg is sufficient enough for each target clicks reached (I will say at least 1000+ clicks for the target) and have a maximum capped eggs obtained per single day (24 hours). This way there should not have happened when people clicking too much could possibly have problems in adopting those eggs within the time-frame of 24 hours.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Wed, 19/02/2020 05:28 (4 Years ago)
I'd have to say that I support 100%

I mean, I've been on other sites where after only 40-100 clicks you get a chance for 1 egg, so 500 for a chance of 1-3 seems pretty fair to me. And as you suggested, if they're not collected within a time frame then they get released to the wild also seems fair to me.

After all, I've been trying to breed (before I gave up from frustration) some Mareep and most of the eggs I got HAD to be from the wild, even on days where I'd click 5-7 thousand and I'd get nothing! I've even personally gone a few days without a single egg from the daycare and a metric ton of clicking, so I admit, I felt cheated out on that. A lot of money wasted for literally nothing.

Besides, we still have to pay for the pokemon to be in the daycare to even have the chance to breed to begin with so payment plus clicks seems like a fair exchange. I don't really see too much of a downside to it. 1: eggs for clicks for easier, RELIABLE breeding 2: timed egg release for a sense of urgency and fairness to others and 3: it promotes people staying in this site who like breeding and a 'reward' of sorts for their clicks.

plus, if we want to go into game facts, if we treat each click like a step in any of the pokemon games (which only requires 256 steps for a chance at an egg, I checked), then it's still fair since it's double the steps for a chance at 1-3 eggs.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 305
Posted: Wed, 19/02/2020 05:46 (4 Years ago)
I like this idea very much but there is one teensy little problem, I think there should be more interaction per egg like maybe at least 1000 interactions. (Y)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Wed, 19/02/2020 06:47 (4 Years ago)
Ah! My apologies for the late replies, everyone. I have been at work until recently so I will respond as followed. Thank you all for your consideration :)


I appreciate the half support~

Ouch, double and nothing. I'm sorry to hear about that. That sounded like me when I was breeding my Sobbles, I log off, no eggs, I log back on next morning, 7. SEVEN eggs. A little ridiculous.

I can understand that, I was just throwing out a number that I think everyone here can relate to clicking wise. I know not all of us are mass clickers ( I mean I am, but I know of some who are not). Thank you for your suggestion to add onto mine :)

What is the maximum egg count? I've never seen it lol. Appreciated definitely, thank you kindly :)


Thank you kindly for your support, my friend~

Understandably so, but with how the clicking style is I think 1000 isn't too bad of a start either. All in all if this idea WAS implemented it would be up to staff to decide.

5-7 thousand and still no eggs? That's mean and I'm sorry you went through that. Truly I am, I felt that way with my Sobbles a lot. So I gave up clicking too and then suddenly I got eggs. It's kinda playing off of they'll have eggs if and when they want to me, which I get, but when you're shiny hunting I can't find a single person that's THAT patient. If you are one of those extremely patient people I applaud you, because I am certainly not that. No sarcasm, I truly mean that.

Yeaaaaahhhhh...I never understood WHY we had to pay for them to watch our pokemon...I mean I know in the games you did, so I guess I can understand that coming from THAT perspective, but to me it seems like you run out of money really fast to keep them in it almost isn't worth it. I mean I put in 7000 PD and in just one day I was down to 1500..Greedy much? It was only a day!

Thank you for that~ That pretty much is what I wanted to get across with my message here, but I'm not good with words.

Very true, thank you again for adding on~ :)


Thank you so much for your support~ Love your avatar BTW...Espurr is such a cutie.

Again, I was just throwing out a number givin on people's click ratios haha. But given the clicking style of Pokeheroes I definitely agree now that the minimum amount of clicks should at least be 1000.

I guess we will see if the staff decides~

Thank you again so much to everyone so far~
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 35
Posted: Wed, 26/02/2020 00:57 (4 Years ago)
Omg, yes! I would die for this to be implemented. It should have different values for certain egg groups, like less for easy, going up the scales. I am 100% on board.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Wed, 26/02/2020 01:17 (4 Years ago)

Hello there. Thank you for your support on this~ <3

That seems reasonable to me, hopefully if they implement this they'll do as they see fit for the eggs~
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Mon, 20/07/2020 15:58 (4 Years ago)
I see this thread is a little dead but I gotta say, I totally agree, maybe with a few adjustments. I'm not super experienced but here's a few suggestions.

Easy: 300~500, average amount needed to click to get an egg from daycare, 700, if you haven't gotten an egg by now, now you do.
Medium: 500~700 average amount needed to click to get an egg from daycare, 1000, if you haven't gotten an egg by now, now you do.
Hard: 700~1000, average amount needed to click to get an egg from daycare, 1250, if you haven't gotten an egg by now, now you do.

I don't know much about the other categories, but I think this makes sense for these three egg categories. and then once an hour there's a 1/50 chance of getting an egg even if you haven't clicked. or a 1/100 if that's more reasonable. It's just frustrating going days without eggs when you have "easy" eggs. It feels like if I'm breeding "easy" pokemon, it shouldn't be frustrating for a casual player (like myself). IDK, like I said, I'm not a super experienced player, I just like to play when i'm bored, so I might be just ignoring a game mechanic or something that could make this a whole lot easier or something.
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 801
Posted: Sun, 26/07/2020 00:27 (4 Years ago)
Umm a little things needs to be cleared up for me.
Pokefarm has a similar feature, we get eggs by interacting. The more we interact the more eggs and it also depends on the pair. Like a perfect pair can produce 3 eggs per 50 clicks but a less desirable one can do 1 per 50.
But the con is that we can’t get eggs without clicking on there like at all.

So as long as that’s not the case and we can still get eggs without clicking and clicking just boosts the breeding rate then sure Full Support.

Free Palestine
Trainerlevel: 154

Forum Posts: 15,329
Posted: Fri, 07/08/2020 22:47 (4 Years ago)
Hmm...interesting one...in general i would support this, but with other number:

we should need more clicks for higher rarity and we should need more than just 500 clicks for eggs (given that we can still get eggs like today --> i would not want that to be replaced)

that would for sure mean: more interactions (which is good) and rewarding very active interacters (which help the site) to get more eggs without having to spend tons of gems :)
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Fri, 07/08/2020 23:29 (4 Years ago)
This is definitely a good idea. There are several days where I have been breeding grimers and I have gotten 30-50K interactions on multiple days (in the 20k's where I wasn't as active). Often time where I only got 2 or 3 eggs, at most maybe 4 or 5.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 346
Posted: Sat, 08/08/2020 15:07 (4 Years ago)
I personally really like this idea. During my Chespin hunt I once only got 8 eggs a day with both premium and flute for increased chances.

I feel like the chance of getting an egg should be dependent on the rarity. As in getting an easy egg would have a higher chance of appearing than a rare egg. I also don't think that 500 clicks is too easy, since I know a few people who struggle to do 5k interactions, so it really depends on person.

Though egg cap might be needed, as in you can get max 20/30 bonus eggs from interactions.

Otherwise I think it's a great idea that encourages more interacting, which is always great.
Trainerlevel: 64

Forum Posts: 207
Posted: Sat, 08/08/2020 15:26 (4 Years ago)
as someone who's tried breeding minior eggs (which literally takes forever...i got maybe 2 eggs in the span of 3 days) and is now shiny mega hunting...this would be really useful :')

I agree with Zarkesh's idea where higher rarity eggs will require more clicks than an easy/medium rarity egg
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 305
Posted: Sat, 08/08/2020 21:25 (4 Years ago)
I half support this:

I agree with the daycare needing a tweak-

But as someone who has a very busy lifestyle, and comes on maybe 5-10 minutes every couple hours to check for eggs (sometimes 5 minutes before work, then 5 after quickly, then my usual 10 before bed) having eggs only come out of interactions would honestly make me be less active, and lead to selling my stuff and deleting my account.

In saying that, I agree with absol-girl, where if the interactions become a boost instead of the only feature to get eggs. Then I'd fully support that- it gives to option to boost daycare needs but not 100% necessary.
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Sat, 08/08/2020 22:11 (4 Years ago)
I like this a lot! Perhaps the boost/more eggs could depend on rarity? E.g. getting more easy eggs would require less interactions than getting more rare eggs. This also really helps make event hunts more reasonable, as they take months to hunt and event passes are super expensive.
Trainerlevel: 124

Forum Posts: 45
Posted: Sun, 09/08/2020 11:06 (4 Years ago)
Its totally enough that PFQ is fully interaction based site,we dont need PH to be the same... I hate there that im getting eggs only if i interact... Better not to get any than to make X interactions just to get eggs... I hope this wont be implemented...
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 346
Posted: Sun, 09/08/2020 12:02 (4 Years ago)
I'm pretty sure that this suggestion leans more into getting bonus eggs for interacting, not losing ability to get eggs without interacting. I would also be against it if that's the case, since many people barely interact at all.

I don't want to sound defensive, sorry if I do though
Trainerlevel: 124

Forum Posts: 45
Posted: Sun, 09/08/2020 14:48 (4 Years ago)
Anyways,im not supporting it... We already got a lot of crap updates,no need for this too...
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Sun, 09/08/2020 15:57 (4 Years ago)
Yeah this definitely shouldn't replace the current system. But it'd be nice to have a way to more actively get daycare eggs through working for them along with the current RNG daycare system.
Trainerlevel: 101

Forum Posts: 1,145
Posted: Sun, 09/08/2020 19:12 (4 Years ago)
Quote from CsoxiIts totally enough that PFQ is fully interaction based site,we dont need PH to be the same...

Since you want to bring up PFQ, you do realize it being very interaction oriented with its gameplay is what garners it having lots of activity?

PFQ has a total of approximately 21.4 billion on site interactions amongst all of its users. PH on the other hand? It only has a measly total of approximately 6 billion interactions.

PFQ is only 3 or so years older than PH. By the time PH passes as old as PFQ is right now at this rate, it still won't surpass the amount of total site interactions PFQ has had in the same amount of allotted time. I doubt it will even be close whatsoever.

On top of that, PFQs overall site activity is 250% greater than that of PH's overall site activity. There's a ton more people online daily with PFQ compared to PH.

PH has almost around 34,000 less users currently than PFQ does, but even if you compare the amount of users to each site's activity, the amount of users doesn't really matter so much. PFQ only has 120% more users than PH does, so yeah those numbers are pretty much irrelevant to site activity.

Also, sure, you're entitled to have you own opinion with saying PFQ is already enough for YOU, but not everyone plays PFQ nor cares about it. You really can't speak for everyone and only yourself on that.

Anyway, based off of the overwhelming support that this suggestion has so far, I think it's pretty clear and safe to say that a change is needed. It's very apparent that people don't feel rewarded enough for actively playing the game through interacting. That's pretty much the main point that this suggestion is driving across, and it's a very valid point. Even myself as a player who has actively played this game for the past 3 years. I can wholeheartedly say that I fully agree with the point of this suggestion and what this fellow community member has said.

The problem with PH in regards to its gameplay is that it lacks being as interaction based simply because actively interacting doesn't reward players enough. If interacting was more rewarding in a way that would appeal to a larger audience, then more people would actually interact which would in turn also directly inpact this site's activity. If you want to know why PFQ is more successful with garnering activity with its users, then that's a big reason as to why it actually is.

Helping overome the pure RNG of the daycare system with active play is a brilliant idea.

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