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Posted: Fri, 19/06/2020 10:04 (4 Years ago)

Aaaahhh sorry for the double post, but this is kinda important lol. To my patrons I have sketched all your requests! So yay on that! However the nub on my Wacom Pen is nothing but a stub now and it's messing up when I try to ink or do anything with it, even browsing online with it is giving me issues...

So until I can get new nubs for my pen I won't be able to finish your pictures! Thank you all for your patience and I hope to be back up and running again soon~


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Posted: Thu, 18/06/2020 21:45 (4 Years ago)

Awesome! Thanks for the clarification~


Hey there! Welcome to my humble shopode! And She is reeaaaallllyyyy ccuuuttteeee aaaahhhhhIhaveaweaknessforNoibats >W< <3 <3 Thank you kindly for the compliment~ You've been added to my list!

All slots are full! I am closed!

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Posted: Wed, 17/06/2020 21:44 (4 Years ago)

Hey there! Welcome to my shop! And thank you for the compliment ^^

I can definitely work on Yung for you since Diamond was kind enough to give me a reference lol. But quick question about the cape xD In front as in something like Count Dracula-y or more like what she drew? I can do either xD

You've been added to the list :)

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2020 20:21 (4 Years ago)

I'm super happy you like how it turned out! She was really fun to draw <3 <3 And yes you can upload her to your Toyhouse ^^ Thank you for asking~

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2020 09:08 (4 Years ago)
Hey there and welcome! So...You just want a picture of Pikachu pretty much? xD Any pose or anything at all?

And thank you for the lovely compliment too! ^^

Edit: Got the Palpad! Added to the list!

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2020 08:32 (4 Years ago)
Orders up! <3
@DiamondDust and @Kelbunny13! Finished your pieces! Hopefully you guys like them! ^-^

(Please click your respective preview image for the full one! ^^)

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2020 03:27 (4 Years ago)

Hello there! Welcome to my shop! Oh gosh, she's really pretty <3 <3 I love Cryogonals! I'll add you to the list!

Thank you for ordering! And thank you for the compliment! ^^

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2020 03:12 (4 Years ago)
@DiamondDust~ Welcome my dear to my humble shopode! xD Shop and abode...Shopode...yisssss xD
Since you're my mini-mod your order doesn't count...But I shall draw it for you anyway because I love you and I love Errshe!..Ashrron? I LOVE THEM XD

Added to my to-do list! Glad that you thought of something! <3

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2020 03:07 (4 Years ago)
I'm happy to say that I am officially..


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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2020 20:03 (4 Years ago)

Here's the form~
Characters: (Please provide image of your character! If you don't have one please describe it to me so I get it right! Remember: Pokemon only for now! I might change this later)
Sketch/Ink&Color/Full: If you want "Full" just to let you know my backgrounds are utter rubbish xD So it would be a white BG)
Tip: (Not recommended but certainly appreciated if you liked it!)
Other: (Anything else I should know?)

Show hidden content
Here are my current orders!
1. BlazeZet=Pikachu copy
2. YungRover= Yung the super Lucario
3. Jazz= Noibat/Espurr fusion

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Posted: Tue, 09/06/2020 11:31 (4 Years ago)
Username: 96XNeko
Character(s): "Darko", Ludo and Kelly please :3 You should have Kelly and Ludo xD If not I can give them to you~
Personality: You know everyone xD If not I will change this~
Description of Image: Can you have "Darko" and Kelly be in a pose like this with the wand and her sword? I want them smirking like "Yeah, we're awesome!" "Darko" in the back and Kelly in the front please! And can Ludo be smirking while she has her head and arms rested on both their heads and she's winking? Hopefully this isn't too complicated ^^;
Image Size: [standard is 3000x3000, Icon 150x150, signature images 284x600] Standard if'n you please :3
Would you like me to save the recording for a potential video? No thanks
Password: I JUST WANT SOME TEA!! D8 xD

ALSO! I'm good with Twitch! I think I can re-access it XD; If not i'll see what I can do! But whatever works for you, Babehdoll~

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Posted: Thu, 04/06/2020 20:45 (4 Years ago)
I miss so much when I don't log on lol xD But I'd totally be down for watching a live stream! :D

Huzzah for reopening!

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Posted: Thu, 04/06/2020 12:10 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 04/06/2020 12:02 (4 Years ago)
I've been so bad with this art showcase i'm so sorry to all the people that watch it xD

I'll try to make up for it by updating this with a few pics from my DA and some doodles i've done :)

Most of these I've been practicing with backgrounds so..They look really bad xD

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Posted: Sun, 31/05/2020 06:24 (4 Years ago)
Avarius nodded gently as Rasticore made a mention that if they ever met Mina again they would put her to rest. A small smile on her beak, knowing the old Mina, before meeting Solaria, would have enjoyed the calm. But she digressed and shook out of it, chuckling softly as she went to perch herself on his shoulder. "That's why you 'ave me here, Rasticore." she spoke quietly before gently grabbing one of her blades from her shawl, gently twirling it around in her fingers as her attention. "But ah agree..If we do find Mina Loveberry again..You an I will send her home." She then watched the figure as Rasticore did, her tail stiffening a little before it calmed, wondering also what has the Flora distracted. She flinched gently as the creature stared at them and it's pupil changed, the feathers on her shawl flickering a little before she paused a moment and tilted her head as she watched the Flora with the lantern, blinking twice. "Odd...It seems tuh be after the lantern..or perhaps...someone within the lantern...?" She then ran her claws through her hair.

"Well let's not waste anymore time tremblin' in our boots.." She snickered before looking back up to Rasticore, gently pointing her blade forward.

"If we're to try an' stop the beast, we're going to need some help...And...Ah need to see if Marco and Tom can be saved..Care to take us to Central Mewni to check if he's...'at the shop?'"

Star continued to play with the creature, gently placing it on her head like a hat. This caused her to giggle cutely as the creature started to play with her long moonlit blond hair. She could feel the creature put it on it's head like a hat. Perhaps the creature wanted a hat? Her attention then went over as Brudo approached, smiling again before she then looked back up to Celena. She really liked these two people, she had no idea who they were, but she felt safe. She watched as the two spoke, lightly tilting her head a little as she noticed the blush on Celena's face. Her eyes sparkled again as she made a playful coo noise, gently crawling up Celena's dress and into her lap, the creature still in her hair. She rested herself back onto Celena and continued to make happy baby babbling sounds. Brudo finished wheeling himself towards Celena and now the baby Star in her lap. He gave a weak smile and chuckle as he rested his feathered fingers on Star's head, avoiding the creature. "You'll hunt beasts good and proper someday..Heh heh..Butterfly of the Astral Clocktower." He then paused a moment. That seemed kind of random to him, the Astral Clocktower? Why did he make mention of that old place? He shrugged it off but then looked back to Celena, his eyes widening a little as he noticed her blush as well. "Celena...." He said through his raspy voice, gently standing up from his wheelchair and approached her, gently resting his hands on her face, gently turning her head a little both ways as he then pulled her in close to him, resting his chin on her head. "You're...You're blushing, Celena." Brudo commented as he then gently pulled away, resting his hand on her cheek. "You're getting to be more lifelike...Wonderful." He lightly then looked back down to Star, looking back to her. "Haha...Good thing I got rid of Moon," he replied to himself, sitting himself down back into his wheelchair, "The babe here is doing you some good.." He gave a small cough before his attention went to one of the gravestones where Moon's grave was placed, something sparking had caught his attention. He wheeled himself over to it and looked down at what the creature was holding, it was the Rakuyo that Moon had left behind. "Aaahhhh..Excellent." Brudo mumbled to himself before wheeling over to Celena and Star, the Rakuyo gripped in his hand. "She'll make a fine hunter,yet." Brudo then smiled again before looking back to Celena. "My dear...keep watch of her, will you? I'm going to fix up this weapon of hers...Perhaps put in some magic shards and runes..."

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Posted: Mon, 25/05/2020 07:16 (4 Years ago)
"Ya don't know..? Lady Mina was one of Solaria's first experiments..Using that abandoned clinic to try an force old blood unto her. It was a success..but brought Solaria to her own demise...now Lady Mina rests..sumwhere..seeking more blood..One of the many hoonters I have yet to find.." she shook her head gently before lightly stepping off of his arm. "It's fine, Rasticore..That's why you and I are in this togetha." She gently reached into her shawl and took out her blade, quickly slapping it against her leg so that it split in two, she pondered a minute what he was saying and shrugged lightly, "Ah don't...really know that one...Ah just--...?!" Her feathers stood on end as she looked to where Rasticore was, watching as the same figure that rose out of the ground started to emerge, a quiet growl escaped her beak as she stood at the ready just in case.

"...Ah'm...Ah want to say so...but...Just...be on yer guard, now." She started to watch the figure like a hawk, her eyes never leaving it. 'If it is you, Flora...Toffee...What are you planning...?'

"Thank you, Celena. Don't worry..." Brudo gave her another small smile before staggering his way up the stairs to approach Moon, who was trying to get up after being elbowed. "I'll make this quick.."

Moon finally arose to her knees and looked up to see Brudo out of his wheelchair, her eyes widened greatly as she wanted to stand up and fight back, but the pain was too much from Celena's force. "Hng! B-Brudo! What are you--?"

"Enough, Moon..." Brudo snarled down to her, lightly sighing a little before he looked back to her, tilting his head, "You know...You could have been...a great hunter..But...Your desire is to return to the living world..I'll grant you such a request.." He then held his scythe high, showing no mercy as he slashed down with a quick and blunt force. Silence filled the area, no screams, no anything. "........" Moments later, a rather lightly blood stained Brudo appeared from the workshop, gently reaching into his pocket to retrieve a small handkerchief to wipe some of the blood away from his face. It was done. The blue haired hunter was no more. He quickly made his way outside to see if the child was still in Celena's care, and much to his pleasure, she was. He staggered down the steps as he then carefully put himself back in his wheelchair, panting a little as he then rolled his way over to Celena and the now playing Star.

"It's finished...Moon is no longer dreaming.." He gave a small disgruntled sigh before looking back down to Star, who was happily playing with the creatures before looking up at both of them, seeing the moon reflected in her eyes. He paused a moment and blinked twice, the moon was...back to normal? He shook it off a little before smiling back to Celena. "Thank you, Celena." he lightly coughed a little before sighing once more. "Perhaps...I will have this little hunter take my place in future..So you and I...can retire here in the dream..."

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Posted: Mon, 25/05/2020 04:21 (4 Years ago)
*Needs to remember there's a filter option for just forum posts so that the 25+ notices only become the ones I want to notice* Ugh...I'm so sorry this is late but..

I LOVE THIS <3 <3 Aaaaaaaahhhhh Starfall and Dennis are just so cute togetthhhheeerrrrr~ You really captured their adorable vibes and I love it to death <3 Thank you kindly for drawing this for me <3 <3 I really appreciate it.

I'll be sending payment soon~

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Posted: Mon, 25/05/2020 03:04 (4 Years ago)
"Well not surprising.." Avarius commented after making mention of the Solarians, "When Lady Solaria was still an active hoonter she made unnatural hoonters..Especially Lady Mina..Poor girl..never stood a chance." She then gave another small sigh as her attention continued to look up towards the moon, chuckling as she glanced behind her to Rasticore, gently tapping his arm. "Aah...Wantin' to try yer luck on fightin' the Flora, Rasticore..? Ah know that look in yer eye..But ah wouldn't recommend it..But yes...He would have..Which is why I find to strange he's about.." She pondered a moment before giving a small nod, "Aah..That could be it. Woonder what the Flora wants with the blue haired hoonter..? ...! Y-You don't think..." She looked away for a moment, shaking her head. "Ah no no...That'd be impossible wouldn't it? Only Great old one ah've ever known to have a child and then have it live is..But...It...could be possible..?" She continued to mutter to herself, remembering that technically Brudo was the Flora's surrogate child, so she dismissed the idea of the hunter's baby being his. "Well..it matters not. Let's be wary.."

After feeding Star and listening to what Celena said about Star's eyes and the moon, he gave a quick glance upward, his eyes widening slightly as he noticed that the scenery seemed to change. He mumbled to himself before starting to grab a few things to work on Celena's arm as she continued to care for Star. "Never you mind that, Celena." Brudo grumbled a little as he started to patch up her arm, a gentle smile on his face as he looked to her. "If she is the true daughter of the Flora..Then we must care for her still...Train her to become the ultimate hunter so that this nightmare can end..At least...For us." He gently held her close as he then looked down at Star as she giggled up at the two. It was a nice feeling for him to have a child in his arms again, even nicer with a woman he genuinely cared for at his side. He gave a small grumbled huff before gently wheeling himself back outside to get a better look at the moon.

"So...you've come back, have you..It's been a while, Flora.." He gave a small laugh as he then gently picked up Celena and placed her on her brick wall. "Well sorry to say..Your prey will be leaving...TONIGHT. She's a burden to us hunters..." He smirked gently before reaching down to grab his Scythe, pulling it out as he slowly rose to his feet. "Actually...." He looked up to Celena, "Celena...Take yourself and her to the other side of the dream for a moment...I...don't want her innocent eyes to witness what i'm about to do."

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2020 10:41 (4 Years ago)
"Ah know Brudo wanted me tuh wake up too..but I had to decline m'self for the hoonters..Ah've seen what the frenzy does to them..Ah can't let it happen....not anymore.." she gave a small defeated sigh before she gently shook it off and then continued to stand on Rasticore's arm, lowering her voice to a whisper. "Tha guard yer rafferin' too's a beast..Heavyset one at that..Believe they called themselves Solarans...Ah know Mina Loveberry became one ah those.." She gently gripped onto his scarf-cape with her free hand as the other rested inside her shawl, watching the moon with intensity. "....Ah..I figured as such.." she took in a small breath as she watched the eye look around, blinking a little to why he just showed up out of seemingly nowhere. This place had been deathly silent for hours now. "...What ah want tuh know is..Why's he comin' now..there isn't anyone here but us..Perhaps the bloodshed or the magic leakage...?"

"How would you know how to raise a child..? I don't see any reason you would have had one..Haven't you been here longer than anyone..Wouldn't your child be here..with you?" Moon growled lowly again as she poked her head out from the workshop, still trying to quiet Star. "Besides Brudo..It wouldn't have been the first time I took her out to the waking world..That..was by mistake though."

Brudo snarled loudly before he glared daggers to Moon in the distance, his fangs bared slightly as he covered Celena's ears once more. "
YOU THINK BECAUSE I'M STUCK IN THIS CHAIR I WOULDN'T HAVE HAD A FAMILY..IS THAT IT, MOON?!" He then held himself back, his hands quaking a little before he looked away, "I...I do happen to have a child of my own..He's older now..Not sure where he is..Might be alive...Might be dead...But he...He was a brilliant hunter. Fast like his mother, accuracy like his mother, but his power came from me. He aims to kill..." He then gave a another small sigh, "Granted I would have preferred to him NOT choosing the Chikage..but I digress." He looked up and realized Moon wasn't even listening at this point. This caused him to growl lowly, gently removing his hands from Celena's head again before his attention went back to her, his demeanor had changed again. "...Ahhah...Of course you do, Celena..You were modeled after a fine motherly woman..Granted...I don't remember the woman anymore...I'm...I'm glad..there's life within you.." He gave her a genuine smile, lightly pulling her into a small hug. "I hope you continue to show such emotions towards me." He looked up as well, shaking his head again before releasing her. "Yes..Quick, get the child." Brudo watched her leave towards the workshop, a smug grin spread across his face as he heard Moon fall to the floor. He gently wheeled himself towards the two ladies and then blinked a little as he eyed Celena's shoulder. "Dear me...Celena that fractured you...Come to me..I'll fix you." Brudo said calmly as he then looked to Star, who was thankfully starting to stop her crying as she suckled on Celena's finger, but was stirring a little because she wasn't actually being fed.

"Fret not, Celena..Here." Brudo gently wheeled himself up to the workshop and opened a small cabinet, "I have some food she can have..It looks like mush..but it'll help her." He gently opened the box and approached the two, gently taking Celena to sit her on his lap. Star was looking at both of them, her eyes shined a little reflecting the moonlight that hit the dreamscape. He gently spoon fed her with a small sigh.

"There's no denying it, Celena..." Brudo spoke quietly as he ran his feathered fingers through Celena's hair, "This is the Flora's child..I can see the reflection of his eye in hers..No doubt he'll be wanting her." He grumbled more, but happily fed Star while Celena held her, thankful that Star was starting to cheer up.

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2020 08:04 (4 Years ago)
"Ah'm older than you think..Don't give me that. But yes..Ah remember..When Brudo wanted to have me leave..But ah declined..More hoonters will be coming in..so more hoonters will need to be put in their place in case they go into a frenzy.." Avarius chuckled a little before she gave a small yip sound as she was lifted into Rasticore's arms and placed onto his forearm, growling faintly before she then leaned herself back onto his arm, crossing her arms a little. "Yer lucky ah can't hurt you.." She then chuckled lowly before running her fingers through her hair again, nodding to Rasticore. "That'd make the moost sense...And ah know there's a few places..Only safe place ah can really think of is the Magic Sanctuary...The one that was deticated to the fallen old one Glossaryck.." She blinked and rolled her eye playfully as she looked over and up to him. "Ya really forgot that Marco was an outsida..? Makes sense..He and Thomas were pretty mooch connected at the hip when he first came in..One would certainly believe Marco was Mewman..But ah was there when he first arrived..It was heartwarmin' seeing the big burly Thomas have a soft spot for someone like Marco.." She then chuckled again and looked forward, lowering her head a little as she gently reached into her shawl and lightly pulled out a small locket, sneaking a small peek inside it. It was a picture of a much younger version of her with a toddler Dennis in her arms, and one of the demon creatures on her shoulders. She felt a tear stream down her eye before she gently put it away and continued to look forward.

"Not at all...Hmmhmm.." Avarius quickly ceased her chuckling before she stood up on his forearm, gently stepping down in his arm a little before she looked up, her tail and feathers started to tense a little. Something ominous was filling the air, or at least, she felt something malicious fill the air. "Rasticore stop..Do...Do ya feel somethin...Is...is he returning..?"

Moon sighed again before she gently held Star close to her, lightly rocking her back and forth, frowning a little as Star cried more. She growled faintly and used one of her free hands to rub her temples, attempting to hum a small lullaby towards Star. "Star please...Do be quiet..I'm sorry." Moon sighed again and looked to Brudo, who returned her look with a growl and glare of his own. She sighed once more and then stood back up, shoving her way past him and Celena. "Well if you two won't help me..I'll try to find someplace here where she'll calm down."

"....Such a naive parent you are, Moon." Brudo said grumpily as he looked down to her, lightly closing his eyes to keep his anger to himself as she shoved past them, slightly losing the grip on his scythe. "Try being NICE to her...She's hungry...Have Celena make her something to--"

"I DON'T need your help, Brudo..." Moon hissed back at him before taking Star to the workshop, "I know she's hungry..I'm going to fetch some ingredients from the waking world."

Brudo's eyes widened, "You're taking your child to the waking world..ARE YOU DAFT?!" Brudo snarled loudly, gently holding Celena close as he placed his feathered fingers over her ears as to not make her deaf. "SHE WOULD BE AS GOOD AS DEAD. SHE'S FRESH MAGIC...A NATURAL ATTRACTANT FOR THE BEASTS AND ROGUE HUNTERS!! You realize you're asking for death...?!" He then gently uncovered Celena's ears. An aggravated sigh escaped his lips before his attention looked down at the clear gem that was now in Celena's lap. "Hmm? What's this?" Brudo raised a brow and gently reached down to pick it up. His eyes widened a little as he looked back to Celena. "Celena...this...you're...showing emotion..? This..this is a tear..." He gently turned her around on his lap, lightly gazing into her eyes. A gentle smile appeared on his beak. "So...You like the idea of raising a child, do you..? Don't worry, Celena...Soon enough.." He then looked over his shoulder to the workshop. "She doesn't know how to...We'll take her...What kind of Mewman risks a child's life in these times..." He sighed again before he blinked a little.

"....Flora..." He barely uttered, glancing back towards the workshop again, "Celena..we MUST cease the child's crying..I feel the Flora is becoming angry...Please..be a dear and fetch her for me, would you..?"

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