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Forum Thread

The Science Lab Of Strange Shinies! (CLOSED)

Forum-Index Global Trade Station Shiny Hunting The Science Lab Of Strange Shinies! (CLOSED)
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 337
Posted: Wed, 05/08/2020 16:22 (4 Years ago)
Username: Spencer
Shiny (and quantity): Wooper, 2
Breeder: ChickoritaMining
Payment: 300k PD
Everstone?: Only on one
You need to set up a private trade to the breeder with payment and Pokémon equal to the amount you ordered as soon as they accept you...are you going to do that? (You better be answering yes, I don’t want people to worry about payment and for breeders to worry about getting paid so just do it): Yes!
Other: Gummybears!
Trainerlevel: 80

Forum Posts: 706
Posted: Thu, 06/08/2020 01:31 (4 Years ago)
Accepted! Please set up a private trade as soon as possible!
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Thu, 06/08/2020 01:36 (4 Years ago)
@Kazyaquin, accepted!
Yo I am remaking this
Give me time B)
Trainerlevel: 80

Forum Posts: 706
Posted: Thu, 06/08/2020 11:30 (4 Years ago)
I found two strange Wooper with unique coloring...they seem to be pink instead of blue! They’re sent to your private trades!

After finishing my Wooper hunt, I’ll be hunting Shiny Minun! 2 slots available! :)
Trainerlevel: 80

Forum Posts: 706
Posted: Fri, 07/08/2020 13:33 (4 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Tue, 11/08/2020 23:07 (4 Years ago)
Heya @Spencer, due to our experiment, we successfully made this Galarian Stunfisk. Though it seems a bit, rather different than a normal one. Would you care to take this off color G Stunfisk?
Don’t worry about leaving your couch and bag of chips, it’s already sent to you via private trade!

Yo I am remaking this
Give me time B)
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 337
Posted: Tue, 11/08/2020 23:38 (4 Years ago)
Username: Spencer
Shiny (and quantity): Shiny Minun (1)
Breeder: ChikoritaMining
Payment: 200k
Everstone?: No
You need to set up a private trade to the breeder with payment and Pokémon equal to the amount you ordered as soon as they accept you...are you going to do that? (You better be answering yes, I don’t want people to worry about payment and for breeders to worry about getting paid so just do it): Yes
Other: TY!
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2020 01:27 (4 Years ago)
Heya @Kazyaquin, the experiment was a success and a lab pokemon was born! Hope you don’t mind it being a different color than a normal one. No need to leave the comfort of your pillow fort, its already in your private trade!

Hunt is over for me, I’ll be back soon!
Yo I am remaking this
Give me time B)
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2020 01:36 (4 Years ago)
Bump! Lowering my price for Eevee because females just aren't hatching. Price is 180k PD per silver babu
Trainerlevel: 80

Forum Posts: 706
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2020 14:26 (4 Years ago)
Sorry but I’m temporarily closing off the hunt until I get the new Galarian map. I’ll make slots available when I get the map. Also you forgot to add something to your post

Also, bump!!
Trainerlevel: 106

Forum Posts: 1,016
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2020 17:20 (4 Years ago)
Username: Nima
Shiny (and quantity): 1 Shiny Eevee :3
Breeder: BlackReshiram
Payment: 180k PD
Everstone?: Nah
You need to set up a private trade to the breeder with payment and Pokémon equal to the amount you ordered as soon as they accept you...are you going to do that? (You better be answering yes, I don’t want people to worry about payment and for breeders to worry about getting paid so just do it): Sure? (I forgot prepayment was OK here lol)
Other: :3 Appreciate it~
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 370
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2020 17:29 (4 Years ago)
@CCShinx After the longest experiment I have performed till date, I was finally able to gold plate two Galarian Meowths for you. I have offered on your trade.
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 12/08/2020 18:19 (4 Years ago)
@Nima accepted! Your eevee will be in a private trade shortly
Trainerlevel: 80

Forum Posts: 706
Posted: Fri, 14/08/2020 17:11 (4 Years ago)

Also, I temporarily closed my slots before because I wasn’t sure if I would get enough electric gems to get the new Galar map, but a lot of people helped so I have the map now!! I have 2 slots for shiny Minun!
Trainerlevel: 80

Forum Posts: 706
Posted: Sat, 15/08/2020 00:13 (4 Years ago)
Bump! Does anyone want a shiny Minun slot or can I do a new hunt? Also, BlackReshiram has lots of shiny Eevee at 180k pd per shiny!
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 337
Posted: Sat, 15/08/2020 00:17 (4 Years ago)
Username: Spencer
Shiny (and quantity): Shiny Minun (1)
Breeder: ChikoritaMining
Payment: 200k
Everstone?: No
You need to set up a private trade to the breeder with payment and Pokémon equal to the amount you ordered as soon as they accept you...are you going to do that? (You better be answering yes, I don’t want people to worry about payment and for breeders to worry about getting paid so just do it): Yes
Other: Gummybears
Trainerlevel: 80

Forum Posts: 706
Posted: Sat, 15/08/2020 00:18 (4 Years ago)
Accepted! :3
Trainerlevel: 80

Forum Posts: 706
Posted: Sat, 15/08/2020 23:21 (4 Years ago)
Bump! Can I start a new hunt or does someone want a shiny Minun slot?
Trainerlevel: 80

Forum Posts: 706
Posted: Sun, 16/08/2020 01:03 (4 Years ago)
I’m hunting Shiny Fomantis now! :)

Fomantis and Lurantis might be some of my favorite shinies because they’re so pretty and greeeeen :0
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 659
Posted: Sun, 16/08/2020 10:54 (4 Years ago)
Username: Sparks
Normal (and quantity): 2
Breeder: FortyChimp09
Payment: 15k-20k pd
You need to set up a private trade to the breeder with payment and Pokémon equal to the amount you ordered as soon as they accept you...are you going to do that? (You better be answering yes, I don’t want people to worry about payment and for breeders to worry about getting paid so just do it): Yes
Other: Sorry, that I made this new form in this laboratory... xD
I really needed super shrooms for my dex, so can I get two?
I can increase price if you want... Just reply.