Bastet moved the slab close to her eyes and stared at the images
silently. She then spoke.
Bastet: It's a little... Weird. It says, "The winged creature that
was once a symbol of life... A whirlpool of destruction and chaos.
The ruins of what I've once known. Fallen to a creature of the
Luciel: Whirlpool... Creature of the night?
Bastet: Wait, wait! There's more. She kept tracing a paw along
the slab. "Its heart... Permanently locked. The corrupted
presence of the winds."
Luciel: That's all?
Bastet: It looks like it wasn't finished. There a portion here that
wasn't carved correctly. The last image appeared to be a
faceless dragon of some form. It was hard to tell what the image
Yung: "...By that tells me of Dark Matter and
Bittercold. The winds that Bittercold generated could suffocate, to
the point where someone give into despair. Dark Matter, on the
other hand, could turn others to stone."
Luciel: From what I can see. No.
Bastet: It doesn't say. It takes about a "symbol of life..." and "a
heart that's locked" though. Maybe it's related?
Luciel: Bastet... It may reference it.
Bastet: I'll show this to Alpha. She and the other leaders might
know more... Actually, I feel like Alpha might be hiding
Luciel: Are you sure? You normally don't trust her.
Bastet: No. I'm more suspicious. It's not like when she told me I
was a Poochyena when I first arrived.
Yung: "'s nothing...not yet..."
*He was thinking about what he had been told so far, and was
comparing it to the information that was already known. His main
concern was the fact that they were told that anyone could become
corrupted, for seemingly no reason. He wanted to know what the
start of the chain was.*
Luciel: Hmm... Alright. Auto might be outside near the meeting
area. If any one stops you, just say... She grumbled.
"Ryari" is with you. They'll let you be. She left, clearly
Yung: "...alright."
Glade: "I wonder what's wrong, why doesn't she like that name?"
Yung: "That's probably something that she wants to keep to herself.
I feel as if that's a sensitive topic for her."
*Despite saying that, Yung was also curious. He looked around, not
touching anything.*
Innocent had noticed Luciel leaving from the record room. He walked
into the room soon after, a little annoyed.
Innocent: Excuse me, why are you outsiders in here?
Auto was with Cerberus in the meeting hall of the mountain. The two
were debating something. Odd for Cerberus, who normally writes
things off and goes on with his life.
Auto: Hypothetical. If you hadn't announced your presence you
would've caught us with ease.
Cerberus: Annoying duck, then where's the terror? Do you know how
weak and boring it would be if the hunt didn't involve a chase?
Auto: Counter query. Would you have succeeded and lessen your
chance of failure in the shrine if you didn't go with the idea of
"weakness" and "strength"?
The two kept holding each other's gaze suddenly startled by Bastet
who ran in with a stone slab in her front paws. She placed it on
the ground, and sat down. The Purrloin was catching her breath.
Bastet: Geez... I never had to carry this while on two paws
before... Have either of you seen Alpha?
Cerberus: Go straight from here and down the elites corridor. Turn
right at the first tunnel you see. There should be a torch above
Alpha's quarters.
Bastet: Thanks! She ran off.
Yung: *didn't notice or didn't care, it was hard to tell. He faced
Innocent with a steady gaze*
"Cerberus and...Ryari allowed us in here. I'm waiting for Ryari and
Bastet to return, that is all."
Innocent: Ah... Well, if "Luciel" and Cerberus are fine with it.
Then I can't intervene. If you have questions a majority of us are
able to interpret it, especially those under my or Alpha's unit. As
for there being a Zorua, I doubt that's plausible. They find their
food easily in the forest areas.
Bastet had gone down the corridors to locate Alpha. A room with a
torch right above it, it had stone and cacti decor inside. The
Purrloin would place the record on the ground, tapping the
entrance's side.
Bastet: Alpha? Are you here?
Female Voice: What is it, cat?
Bastet jumped, a giant masked Mightyena stood behind her, looking
Bastet: Alpha! Hi, I have a question regarding the records.
Alpha: Go on?