Yung: "I see. Thank you. Tyler's probably imagining things
*He sat down where he was and took out his book that he had been
writing and began adjusting previous notes.*
"I do hope I didn't injure Cerberus too much during that fight..."
Innocent: He'll be fine. He's actually stronger than myself and
Alpha. He just doesn't use his brain much when making choices. More
brawn over brains.
The Absol was pointing to his head as he spoke of Cerberus.
Innocent: Give him a few days, and he'll be back barking orders and
annoying the daylights out of myself. The Absol smirked.
Bastet: Well... This slab in the record room. She pushed the
stone carving in front of Alpha. It contains images that I
can't interpret. There are buildings that seem to not exist and it
talks about ruins.
Alpha examined it, she stayed quiet then sighed.
Alpha: It's a... It could be a prophecy.
Bastet: ..!? But this looks like a past event!
Alpha: I... Ahem... I'll talk later. Goodbye, Bastet. She walked
away from the Purrloin and her stone slab.
Bastet eyed the Mightyena as she left.
Bastet: Hm... That's really weird.
Yung: "Glad to hear."
*He looked over his notes a little bit more and then closed his
notes and got up.*
"I'm...stepping out to the main area for a bit...I trust that Glade
and the others won't wreck the place."
*He slowly started to walk out to find Auto*
Innocent: Very well.
Auto was still arguing with Cerberus in the meeting hall.
Auto: Additionally, from what Luciel--
Cerberus: Luciel?
Auto: Told me. You have a habit of repeating the same tactics. If
you want to be more efficient to your people, learn to be more
unpredictable. No repetitive movements. No...
It was more of a lecture than a argument.
Glade: "And you know that Lucario can detect things with their
aura! Yung would have detected their movements and would have said
something and that ability can detect someone even if they're
disguised! So calm down!"
Glade: *grinning* "Oh I won't be the one to find should
have been paying attention!"
*Glade ran out and dragged Yung back*
Yung: "What is...oh I see."
*Yung went straight over to the voice's hiding spot*
"Found you. Come out before I knock you out"
Yung: *visibly unimpressed, to the actual Tyler*
"So we found the Zorua that got you so worked up. I need to get
back downstairs. I'll leave them to you"
*Yung went back down to where Cerberus and Auto were. Glade blocked
the exit*