*Yung quietly followed, Glade also followed them.*
*in mind* "(Luciel was originally called 'Ryari' huh...I wonder
what happened to make her either detest the name or..just avoid
using it?)"
They arrived to a secluded part of the mountain tunnels. Bastet was
the first to enter, but immediately told off by an Absol.
Absol: Hey! What are you outsiders doing here?
Luciel followed.
Luciel: Calm down, Cerberus gave permission.
Absol: Oh! Sorry, Ryari. You and your umm... Company can look
around. He left, leaving an annoyed Luciel in the record room
with the rest of the group. There are old slabs located along
the walls here. It's somewhat easy to interpret, but Bastet is more
fluent in translation.
Bastet: Feel free to look around.
*Yung's eyes shone, he was fascinated at the records*
Yung: "Wow..."
*He began reading the writing on the slabs. His experience as a
historian at the Expedition Society helped him greatly here.*
Bastet: That one records the Ice Death from a few years ago.
Apparently there was a slight issue of frostbite in the area
Luciel: We don't have the full details, but we were told a hero
vanquished them.
Bastet: Mhmm! Oh, wait... I think Alpha had some stuff she used to
explain Living Phantoms earlier.
The Purrloin ran off, most likely talking about Shadow Pokemon. She
was in the back, scampering around to find the correct slab.
Luciel: As for being rude, you only have to worry about my father,
Innocent, saying something. He doesn't bluff when it comes to
Luciel: I guess... I'll need to tell Alpha about you. Cerberus
probably smelled you nearby.
Bastet ran out holding a small stone slab.
Bastet: Ta-da~!
Luciel: Bastet, don't run with the records. You might trip.
Bastet: But this looks cool, and I'm excited... It was a low
relief carving of a giant winged creature flying over a region.
Oddly, the carving had images of strange buildings. Those that
wouldn't exist.
Ruby: *Ruby was kind of annoyed that this random Charmander wants
them to tell him what they are doing.
( Bye, and telling Drew about everything that has happen would be
too long. Not to mention, he never introduce himself. )