Luciel and Bastet were keeping up their guard as they looked
around. Luciel seemed even more nervous now.
Male Voice: I heard from one of my followers that their was a
siting near the Groudon shrine.
Female Voice: Send some members to investigate. Capture them
Male Voice: One of our own is there.
Calm Voice: Two.
Female Voice: Then Cerberus should go. Be careful.
Male Voice: I'll head out now.
*Yung was on guard, he was now also sending out waves of aura that
only he can detect. This was done to check for presense other then
themselves in the shrine*
Luciel was using Night Slash and Psycho Cut as some of the native
shrine Pokemon started revealing themselves.
Bastet: Did you hear anything?
Luciel: No...?
Bastet: Okay. Hey, how are you doing? Lucario? Froakie?
A Houndoom was outside the shrine with a group of Houndours and
Absols. They led the group into the dungeon and the Houndoom
started howling.
Calm Voice: Is the howling necessary?
Houndoom: To strike fear? Yes.
Calm Voice: But we lose the element of surprise.
Houndoom: Hey. You do your perish song thing once we catch them.
Calm Voice: I can't believe I'm being ordered around by you.
Luciel was already one step ahead. Bastet was trying not to fall
off Luciel's back.
Bastet: Luciel!? Don't run so fast!
Luciel: Sorry. I just can't confront THEM. Geez they're going to
hunt us down...
Bastet: It's an underground shrine dedicated to a ground type! I
don't think water is likely.
Auto: There might be a reserve deeper in the dungeon. Let's find
the stairs first and we can try to lose them.
Houndoom: I just heard yelling! Hahahah! See what I mean, brother?
It's entertaining!
Calm Voice: We're not related. Just do your job. They walked
Houndoom: Hmpf. Uptight as usual.