Yung: "Fake items...yeah. I can see that. I don't know why but I
feel extremely uneasy."
*You could feel slight waves in the air, this was Yung's aura*
Bastet: Bright lights! Bright lights! She was trying to play
with the aura.
Luciel: Don't worry too much. As for the dungeons, I'm going with
you to investigate a shrine near this area. It isn't too far
Luciel: Alright. The Bandits led the group out of town to the
shrine Luciel had spoke of. There was a small statue carving of a
Groudon near it. Behind the carving was the entrance to an
underground cavern.
Bastet: It hasn't really changed since we left...
Luciel: This is a shrine dedicated to Groudon. Inside are Pokemon
who basically pray to the legendary Pokemon.
*Yung was writing in a notepad. He was writing about the area and
documenting them. He usually does explores dungeons which his guild
haven't been to first but only because he wanted to be able to
advise the members of his guild on how to go forward exploring*
Auto: The locals. They praise the legendaries known to have had
chaotic histories. This shrine is just one of them.
Bastet: Whenever we're ready we can enter. Lucario and Shinx may
have to be careful though.