Yung: "I have another trick up my sleeve...don't worry. My aura can
always detect them. Tyler, your group stay with Luciel and Bastet.
I'll act as a diversion."
Luciel: Alright... Good luck, Lucario. Remember you have that Orb.
She ran and turned into a left corridor.
Calm Voice: One of my own said they separated.
Houndoom: Oooh! A challenge. Alright, you should go after your
child. Ill go after the others.
Calm Voice: Right. On it, keep one of my members to keep them
Houndoom had already left with some Houndours and Absols.
Calm Voice: Ugh... We're the same rank and... That.
Yung: "...this is it. Glade...stay safe."
*He ran down a different corridor, having used Calm Mind 6 times as
he was making his way through the dungeon. He used his aura to
maintain the distance*
Luciel found the dungeon stairs.
Bastet: Should we? Lucario is still separated.
A group of Houndours were chasing Yung's scent.
Calm Voice: You would think the shrine keepers would fix things
up... I should tell Alpha that later... They kept walking
through the dungeon with a few Houndours and Absols.
Glade: "I know him, he will be using his aura to take some pressure
off of us, we need to keep going, somebody might still be chasing
us. And he's pretty strong, and well equipped. He wasn't a star in
the Expedition Society for nothing. That said though, if he gets
cornered and attacked..."
* Yung was running around, he ran around different corners, taking
sharp turns. He hoped he was able to alleviate some pressire of
Luciel and the others*
Houndour: Mister Cerberus. There's only one trail here.
Cerberus: Like I care! If it's a fight, we will surround them. Two
of you go to your positions, just as practiced.
Two of the three Houndours nodded as they ran off.
Cerberus: If you hear a howl, cover your ears. We'll have
Innocent's subordinate knock them out.
Luciel nodded.
Luciel: Alright, let's get to the second floor.
*Yung soon ran into one of the houndoors*
"Step Aside!"
*Yung used Aura Sphere. This was already super effective but it had
also been powered by Calm Mind...6 times. Yung ran on*
Houndour: One of our own is down. They were hit by something...
Cerberus: Perfect! I have a plan to capture them. You stay with the
Absol. I'll trap'im.
Houndours: Yes, sir.
Cerberus would try to remain hidden as he followed Yung's trail.