Forum Thread
Egg Groups
Forum-Index → Help → Guides → Egg GroupsWhat are Egg Groups?
Only Pokémon from the same Egg Group may breed with each other. (Note: In case a Pokémon is placed in two different Egg Groups, only the first Egg Group will count for breeding. Check the Pokédex in case of doubt.) However, there are a few exceptions:
• Despite being placed into Egg Groups with Pokémon who have genders, Gender Unknown Pokémon cannot breed with Pokémon from the same Egg Group. They can only breed with Ditto.
• Pokémon from the Undiscovered Group cannot be bred at all.
• Ditto cannot breed with another Ditto or Pokémon from the Undiscovered Group but with any other Pokémon instead.
Regular Pokémon 
1. Monster
Pokémon in this group are saurian/kaijuu-like in appearance and nature.

2. Water 1
Pokémon in this group are amphibious in nature.

3. Bug
Pokémon in this group are insectoid (bug-like) in appearance.

4. Flying
Pokémon in this group are avian (bird-like) in

5. Field
The largest group, Pokémon here are terrestrial in nature.

6. Fairy
Pokémon in this group are petite and considered very cute.

7. Grass
Pokémon in this group are plant-like in appearance.

8. Human-Like
Pokémon in this group are fully bipedal.

9. Water 3
Pokémon in this group resemble aquatic invertebrates.

10. Mineral
Pokémon in this group are inorganic in nature.

11. Amorphous
Pokémon in this group are amorphous, having no definite form.

12. Water 2
Pokémon in this group are piscine (fish-like) in appearance.

13. Ditto
As the name implies, Ditto is the only Pokémon in this group, and is capable of breeding with all others (regardless of gender) aside from those in the Undiscovered and the Ditto group.14. Dragon
Pokémon in this group are draconic in appearance.

15. Undiscovered
Pokémon in this group are unable to breed with anything.

16. Gender Unknown
The Gender Unknown Group is a pseudo-Egg Group, listing Pokémon which are genderless yet still able to breed.

17. Legendary
Pokémon in this group may only breed with Ditto.Note: the Legendary Egg Group is a special Egg Group only available on PokéHeroes! See here for further information.
18. Unown
Pokémon in this group may only breed with Ditto.Note: the Unown Egg Group is a special Egg Group only available on PokéHeroes! See here for further information.

Emera / Event Pokémon 
1. Monster
Pokémon in this group are saurian/kaijuu-like in appearance and nature.

2. Water 1
Pokémon in this group are amphibious in nature.

3. Bug
Pokémon in this group are insectoid (bug-like) in appearance.

4. Flying
Pokémon in this group are avian (bird-like) in5. Field
The largest group, Pokémon here are terrestrial in nature.

6. Fairy
Pokémon in this group are petite and considered very cute.

7. Grass
Pokémon in this group are plant-like in appearance.

8. Human-Like
Pokémon in this group are fully bipedal.

9. Water 3
Pokémon in this group resemble aquatic invertebrates.10. Mineral
Pokémon in this group are inorganic in nature.11. Amorphous
Pokémon in this group are amorphous, having no definite form.

12. Water 2
Pokémon in this group are piscine (fish-like) in appearance.13. Ditto
As the name implies, Ditto is the only Pokémon in this group, and is capable of breeding with all others (regardless of gender) aside from those in the Undiscovered and the Ditto group.14. Dragon
Pokémon in this group are draconic in appearance.

15. Undiscovered
Pokémon in this group are unable to breed with anything.

16. Gender Unknown
The Gender Unknown Group is a pseudo-Egg Group, listing Pokémon which are genderless yet still able to breed.17. Legendary
Pokémon in this group may only breed with Ditto.Note: the Legendary Egg Group is a special Egg Group only available on PokéHeroes!
"The Gender Unknown Group is a pseudo-Egg Group, listing Pokémon which are genderless yet still able to breed."
In other words, if they can breed in-game, then they have the group that they are best associated with on-site. If they can't breed in-game, but can breed on-site, they fit in one of the new groups. Manaphy and Phione are both able to breed Phione in-game, so are already listed properly on-site.
And Liirah didn't update the post between your post and mine, as she has been offline for hours before your post ;3 (To prevent any confusion or claims that it's already been changed)
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
It could take awhile before the right egg appears, but I don't think it makes 'hatching' a shiny any harder...
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Also, it may take a long time for eggs, even with those supposed 'egg factors' at the highest you can get.
I've seen people waiting a few days for an egg, so try waiting.
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Anybody have any idea why they wouldn't produce any eggs? o: Did I just not wait long enough? I had another pair in there before them, and though I didn't even check to see if they were in the same Egg Group, they produced an egg fairly quickly (within a few hours) xD so I was just kind of confused 8'D Also sorry if this is the wrong place for this question! I'm still fairly new and I apologize for any newbie mistakes 8'D