Forum Thread
Plates of Arceus
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Plates of ArceusHe exited the café and got to the staircase. "Nah." He took the elevator to the third floor instead.

Well then, make your move Jim thought to himself as he planned to greet Mia in a deep voice. He went up to her and managed a "H-h-h-hi" in a voice so shrill Jim didn't know he could make.

Shut up, Brain, you're not my boss! His mouth replied, to his surprise.
Shut up, you both He commanded his mouth and brain.
"Uh yeah, my throat's been kinda sore lately, hehe" Jim chuckled. "It's kinda unpredictable when I'll have a voice crack."
Nice, Jim, nice. You've reached the level of becoming the laughing stock of the group twice in less than thirty minutes. I doubt if you have any chances with this girl. He gulped with a slight expression of insecurity on his face, unknown to himself.