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Plates of Arceus

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Plates of Arceus
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Thu, 25/01/2018 10:08 (7 Years ago)
Jim quickly figured his expression and put on a grin. "Nah. It's okay, I was thinking about something", he lied. "And I'm waiting for you to have a voice crack now." He chuckled.

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 25/01/2018 11:47 (7 Years ago)
"Thinkin' about what?" Mia grinned quickly, striking a pose that pretty much involved her toppling off her feet and onto the ground with a laugh. "Trust me, that voice crack'll come pretty soon." She snickered as she pushed herself to her feet again.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Thu, 25/01/2018 12:00 (7 Years ago)
"Nothing much...." Jim began. Think of something you dumb nut! "Well, you see.... Enzo's just, well, disappeared, with a note saying that he had to go. We have the plates alright, but.. I'm just thinking if I have to sleep alone in our next hotel." He scratched his chin, his small beard hair stinging his fingers.

(Yep. Covering for Nao)

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Thu, 25/01/2018 12:04 (7 Years ago)
Mia looked thoughtful. "You could always bunk with me and Kawena if you want." She offered. "He doesn't like being alone, so I offered to share with him." She explained cheerfully, and then blinked. "Oh, Enzo left?"
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Thu, 25/01/2018 12:15 (7 Years ago)
"That'd be cool. I'm afraid of the dark and need a human with me. I've tried sleeping with Jenn, but it doesn't work." Jim sighed. "Well yeah, he pretty much did. I go to my room after drinking coffee and pull his blanket, and I find just a note and the plates."

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Sat, 27/01/2018 14:56 (7 Years ago)
(eyy toma let's get on with the story)

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sat, 27/01/2018 15:39 (7 Years ago)
“Gosh. Y’all should really go now.” Scarlet said, bag over her shoulder. “Where’s the next plate?”
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Sat, 27/01/2018 15:53 (7 Years ago)
"Nara said we'd be going to snowpoint today, by the way, where is she? I haven't seen her since morning." Jim scratched his chin.

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Sat, 27/01/2018 18:07 (7 Years ago)
"She scares me." Mia shivered. "Okay. Snowpoint. That's where we're going next. We've got the plates, Enzo and Nara vanished. Should be fun."
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Sun, 28/01/2018 05:58 (7 Years ago)
"I miss my man." Jim said glumly, but he cheered up instantly. "Oh I just remembered I have a secret base in Mt. Coronet, we can spend the night there!" (I'm not doing anything wrong, am I?)

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Sun, 28/01/2018 13:15 (7 Years ago)
".. You have. A secret base. In Mt. Coronet. Do I want to know why?" Mia mused, blinking in surprise. "But yeah, sounds like fun." She grinned, nudging Jim.

[nah, you're good uwu]
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Sun, 28/01/2018 14:25 (7 Years ago)
She is nudging me. AAAAAAAAAAA Jim used all of his force not to lose control.

"Two years ago, Sinnoh had a law. There was a speed limit for trainers on birds. And I was constantly on the wanted list for overspeeding." Jim giggled. "I used to hide there for an hour, till the cops would cool down. No one would expect anyone to hide in a place as hostile as Coronet."

"The got lifted, but then.." Jim blinked. "Something happened...." He continued in a detached way, as if he did not want to think about what happened. "And the hideout became a well-developed base."

He shook his head. "But boy, would I not like to visit it after an year!" He grinned.

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Thu, 01/02/2018 08:27 (7 Years ago)
(yes yes hello hello. how about some progress?)

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Fri, 02/02/2018 15:43 (7 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Sat, 03/02/2018 14:52 (7 Years ago)
Mia blinked. "Jeez, that's a weird law." She remarked, tapping her elbow thoughtfully. "I don't think there was anything like it back home in Unova." She shook herself. "You okay? You sorta trailed off there." She said quietly, looking back over at Jim carefully.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Sat, 03/02/2018 14:56 (7 Years ago)
"Yeah. I'm alright! Let's go get some spaghetti for dinner. I'm pretty sure we won't have food there." Jim grabbed Mia, obviously without thinking about it and being too excited about his base, and rushed into the elevator. "Stairs are nasty." He just realised he had pulled Mia with him too. "Oops. I was too excited and.. hehe". He pushedthe button for the ground floor, laughing in an embarrassed way.

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Thu, 08/02/2018 16:33 (7 Years ago)
(wow five days are long. Seems dead to me //cri)