Forum Thread
Plates of Arceus
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Plates of Arceus"You can choose between the choices provided by the previous winner of the gold coin." She explained. "Coinflip or Poker. Please have patience as we call your opponent."

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.
"What's that kid doing over there?" Enzo awkwardly asked as he saw a 10 year old coming close.

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.
Just look at that precious smile. It's so precious that I want to tear that off. I'd hang him to death if I had the chance. Nara thought with sarcasm.
"Don't choose cards." She spat glaring at the kid.

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.
Nara does some blabbering with Ben and gets Fiery plate. Rowan tells us to fly to Veilstone. They reach Veilstone and spend the night in an inn. Nara gets intel that the plate is in game center. Nara hits jackpot and cashier takes them to a place where the group has to beat a 10-year old to get the plate. Nara can't be a part of this game, she can only give hints. Coinflip and Poker are the choices. Nara tells the group not to chose poker.)

"Let's have 11 turns of tossing whoever has the most bet on tail or head wins the prize. I won't lose to old hags like you, nye!"
"Aish, is this kid really going to be our opponent?" Enzo asked in disbelief. "Are you kidding me?"
"Whatever grandpa, I'm choosing head because I have a brain unlike you, so that leaves you to tails." The youngster giggled.

I want to fall in love. No, I'd rather make money.
"Doesn't seem like it. But I'd definitely like to kick the hecc outta this kid after this is over." Jim grunted.
"Fine, ya cocky jerk, bring it on!" He didn't really care for language anymore, regardless of a little kid being in front of him. This boy was getting under his skin.

"Dev, you're making ir wooooorse." Scarlett groaned, her Vaporeon shaking her head.

Ah, Veilstone city. For being one to travel a lot, this was a good place to go too--since well, this was her first time exploring the city, since she's stayed in Eterna for most of her time here in Sinnoh, with the exception of traveling backward to Jubilife and so on. Anyways, Aino glances about, auburn-brown eyes gleaming. While the trainer looked about, Acro--her Manectric--stood beside her, watching Aino's every move. "Now Acro," Aino starts, turning to look at her starter. "Where should we start first on our own tour of Veilstone?" Acro simply yawns, not seeming all too interested in what Aino had to say. He was probably tired. Sighing, she returns Acro to his Pokeball. "No matter, I can decide this for myself. Now," She glances at the Game Center, her eyes quickly gleaming with interest. "That looks like a good place to start. I need to buy some items but...they can wait!" And with that, Aino starts jogging to the Game Center. Her footsteps could probably be heard from outside once she gets closer.
(( ..I apologize if my responses are quite long as well, ))