"Finally!" Victor says, as he looks at the school. Unlike others,
he was a bit less homesick due to the peace in Alola, unlike his
house at Kanto.
"Pika-pi! (We're here!)" Volt says happily as the enter the school.
The Pikachu thought that something was moving in the sand, but
didn't pay much attention to it.
Breeze walked into the school. She looked down at Pearl, who was
sitting in her bag. "So, are you excited?" She asks. Pearl
"Lio!~" Breeze chuckles and smiles.
Volt plays with the flocks of Pikipek as they enter the school. The
school looked very colourful, unlike those in Kanto, which were
usually plain grey.
Mel started down the road, eventually making it to the school. She
took a moment to look around. It seemed nicer than the schools in
Unova. Then again, most things here seemed nicer than Unova.
Cottonee floated out of her arms and to the ground, chirping
happily. Mel smiled faintly, looking around. It was nice here.
Tiger walked into the school, and glanced around. Cyndaquil jumped
onto the ground, and yawned. "So this is the Pokemon school" Tiger
began softly. "Looks nicer than the school in Violet City" he said
Lauren, Mystique, and Marshall entered the school, holding their
partners in their arms. They had backpacks or sling bags on their
backs. (Lauren never gives up backpacks.) The three friends looked
at each other before Marshall took out a piece of paper. "Class
is.. This way!" he said excitedly, running toward the room.
"No running in the halls!" Mystique shouted, fast walking
"No shouting in the halls, either," Lauren muttered, glancing at
Hercules. The Eevee laughed before pointing at Mystique and
Marshall. Lauren walked after them slowly. She wasn't in a rush
after all.
(Victor got a new bracelet, by the strange light forming his
bracelet into a newer one. To hold his emerald. Tiger, and Mel were
talking about how they miss their homes. Now everyone is heading to
Pokemon school)
Tiger looked to Cyndaquil. He had a slight uneasy feeling, the
Pokemon school...it might be alright. I just need to forget about
being cautious...no evil organizations sprung up yet he thought
to himself. He was still outside so he didn't hear anyone else.
Mel opened the door, holding it open for Cottonee. She watched
several Pikipek fly away before shutting the door and instead
looking out the window. She'd find the classroom soon enough.
After a few moment, she pulled a paper out of her bag, scanning it
quickly and putting it away, heading down the hallway, Cottonee
floating above her head again.
Tiger looked around the hallways of the school. He walked into the
building after Mel, and went to class. Cyndaquil was walking next
to him when they entered the building. "Wonder if this school is
different from Johto's" he mumbled half to himself.
Mira had never been to a school before; she had been homeschooled,
since there weren't any schools on Three Island. She gulped,
finally realizing exactly what was happening, and shivered.
"Dratini drat?" Her pokemon asked quietly.
"Alola is so much bigger than..." She trailed off and ran her hand
over her hair. She sighed. "Let's look around the school."
Tiger went out to a balcony that overlooked the courtyard.
"Cyndaquil cynda? (Are you really thinking of taking on the island
challenges?)" Cyndaquil asked kindly.
Tiger nodded "why not? After all it could be fun" he said kindly.
He had left Mel to find the classroom, and decided to explore the
school himself.
Marshall was obviously the first to
arrive at the classroom. Mystique had come in second. "Where's
Lauren?" Marshall asked. Paresylis barked and pointed a paw out.
Serpentine escaped her trainer's grasp and dashed over to Lauren
and Hercules. The Snivy pointed to Marshall and Mystique before
dashing back to her trainer.
"Unlike you two, I follow the rules," the girl said, huffing
angrily. "No running or shouting in the halls."
Mira looked around the school and in the different classrooms. She
stopped at the window of one particular classroom, where there was
a teacher teaching a class to some younger kids:
"...And so, a pokemon's ability can change the course of battle. It
can make certain moves almost useless, and certain moves
One child raised her hand. "Yes Mimi?"
"Can a pokemon have more than one ability?"
"Well," The teacher folded his hands. "That is a much more advanced
lesson that you'll learn later."
Tiger was about to head to class when Cyndaquil growled angrily.
"Something wrong?" Tiger asked in a low whisper. He looked where
Cyndaquil was growling, and saw a group of trainers, in strange
uniforms, coming onto campus and attacking trainers in the
courtyard. He was about to say something when he saw two familiar
figures, a Pikachu, which wasn't strange, and a boy that looked
about a year younger than him.
"We need to get as many Pokemon as we can" Tiger heard a familiar
voice which confirmed his suspicions. "If we do that then we can
make these weaklings grovel in our wake" he said darkly.
"Snow?" Tiger whispered in a low growl "why is he here...come on
Cyndaquil" he said, and ran through the halls to get to the
courtyard faster.
Mira smiled. "They do teach about hidden abilities here. I'd
like to learn more about them," She mumbled, heaving a relieved
sigh. "Maybe I can learn some new stuff here!"
She walked past the classroom, finally, going back downstairs.
"Dratini dratini drat dratini!" Her pokemon told her,
looking urgent.
"I don't know where the classroom is... Yet. Maybe Tiger will?" She
suggested. Dratini shook her head. "Was that not what you said?"
She shook her head yet again. "Okay. I seriously wish I could
understand you sometimes," Mira sighed. Dratini nudged her in
Hercules's ears perked up. "We've got
trouble," the Eevee said. He struggled out of Lauren's arms.
"Serpentine, try and get Mystique's attention. Praesylis, Lauren,
come with me." The Eevee sounded urgent and scared. "It's an
emergency." Lauren looked at the Growlithe who was struggling out
of Marshall's arms. Serpentine was chattering about Hercules
hearing something. Lauren knew only she could understand the
"No time to explain guys. Follow Hercules!" She grabbed Mystique
and Marshall's wrists and dragged the boys after Hercules. It
wasn't hard to catch up considering he didn't move far with each
bound. Praesylis and Serpentine would be harder to catch, but
thankfully they were keeping pace with Hercules.
Tiger ran past Mira, and went outside. He stopped as he, and Snow
saw each other. "Tiger? You go to school now" Snow laughed darkly.
Tiger crossed his arms, and felt nervous, he hoped no one heard the
grunt call his name.
"Get out of here" Tiger growled. Cyndaquil jumped in front of
Tiger, and growled.
Snow shook his head "no. We're here for Pokemon, but if you want to
give up your Sil-"
"That's a no" Tiger cut him off quickly. He was then surrounded by
more grunts, one of them whispered "that kid kinda looks like
Snow...maybe they're related?" To another grunt causing Tiger to
freeze for a moment.
(Team Skull is about to attack the Pokemon school)
"Murkrow! Haze!" A voice, somewhat deep but definitely feminine
commanded. The room filled with fog, then the voice yelled again.
"Dark pulse!" Bodies and yelps of pain were sounded as a
ginger-haired girl stepped out of the fog.
Cottonee leapt off of Mel's head, a low growl escaping her. Mel
paused midstep, nearly falling. "What's up, Cottonee?" She asked.
Cottonee barked and floated back towards the doors. Mel followed
her, opening the door. Cottonee zoomed outside, barking
aggressively. Mel followed her, raising her eyebrows before falling
silent. She could hear unfamiliar voices. She stepped back
slightly, eyes narrowing ever so slightly.