"Maybe we should just.. Go.. home.." Mel murmured, looking over at
Riu. "They don't need us here anymore. We can go home. We can
wander around the regions if we wanted to."
(Actually no, we're almost at 300 pages, and it'll be cleaner just
to start fresh)
Mira glanced back. "We've saved Alola, after all. What more is
there to do here?" She mumbled. "And... My home is in danger again.
Not only that, but I have... Unfinished business."
(I guess it would be better to start new--)
Mel approached them, pausing. "You're leaving?" She asked Mira
quietly, looking at the ground. "I guess there's not anything else
to do here.." She murmured, looking around sadly. Riu placed a paw
on her shoulder supportively.
(okie doke. I was thinking of a plot. What about this? [Randomly
came to me in a nightmare]
Plot: three years after Alola's evil team vanished. Now everything
is becoming peaceful in the region, but miles away in the Kalos
region the legendary Pokémon. Xearneas, and Yveltal have gone
missing. Team Flare has disappeared as well, but rumors state that
Flare has opened a gateway to world where life and death are at an
unbalance and the world threatens to take over the Pokémon
Long story short...they didn't save Kalos in my nightmare as I woke
up before it ended)
Tiger nodded and sighed. "I understand after all I should get back
to Johto. I mean Alola never felt like home, and I want to become a
professor so it'd be best for I get back to Elm..." He said
Mira nodded. "I checked out a few minutes ago from the hotel. I
just need to pick up my stuff and head to the harbor," She
explained. "But... W-We'll all stay in touch! We can text and
everything..." She sighed. "Could you guys come with me? To the
(god I have a dramatic ending for Mira's storyline in this rp
planned out and it might actually make me cry)
(I like the sound of the plot! owob)
(Also if you pull a Lillie I'm leaving this right here right now
don't make me cry--)
"I'll go with you." Mel said immediately. "I'm going home anyway,
so.. I guess it wouldn't hurt.. And we'll definetly stay in touch!
Definetly!" She was fighting back voice cracks.
(okie I might think the plot over more and pull my computer out to
make the thread when this ends)
"Of course I'm coming to" Tiger responded kindly and got to his
feet. "And remember if you need help,Mira I'm only in Johto its not
to far from 3 island."
Mel made a face. "You guys and your close regions. Think I'll ever
even be awake when you guys are? Unova is pretty far.." She shook
herself. "I'll come down too, if you need help." She said with a
Mira nodded and smiled at them. She remained silent and went up
from the shore back into the city. It only took a moment to pick up
her blue duffle bag and green suitcase from outside the hotel, with
the fishing rod sticking out of the suitcase. She walked back to
the harbor and dropped her stuff in her boat, already tied up.
They didn't climb in just yet. Toka and Mira stood in front of the
boat. "This is goodbye, for now."
Mel was fighting back tears at this point. "You monster, just go."
She whispered. "You're making this more difficult to say goodbye."
She growled, rubbing her eyes ferociously.
Riu approached Toka and offered a paw for a fistbump.
"I promise I will. After all there's not much in Elm's lab that
will kill me" he said partially joking. He then hugged Mira in a
farewell. "Just stay safe" he said quietly.
Mira nodded. She sniffed again and stepped away, climbing onto the
boat. "Remember kids, if you don't text me, I'll break into your
house at night and leave a cookie on your kitchen table!" She
called, untying the sail. "I'll see you guys."
With that, she waved goodbye and sailed off, into Melemele Sea,
with nothing but a pokeball left on the docks.
"I'll fight you if you do that!" Mel shouted after Mira, waving
after her. She completely broke down, sobbing, pulling her hoodie
up and above her head to hide her tears.
Riu rubbed his eyes and glanced at the ground. "Look, she left
something." He said in surprise, crouching down to pick it up.
The old pokeball was faded; the red on top looked more white now,
while the actual white on the bottom was cracked slightly. The
button was the only thing still intact. A yellow sticky note was
stuck to it:
"I'll see you guys again if it kills me. Just do me a favor and
keep this safe, alright? Used to house an old friend that I
will see again.
Under the sticky note, right above the button, the name "Tira" was
written in sloppy childish handwriting with a sharpie.
Tiger went over to Mel, and placed his hand on her shoulder. "We'll
see her again" he said gently. "Goodbye is never forever..." He
promised. Cyndaquil then went to the old pokeball and sniffed it.