"I, will, not, kiss yo-shut up!" Lillian said irritated, her alarm
tone being 'Cancer' by Twenty one pilots. She thought it was the
perfect way to start off the morning. She quickly tiptoed out of
bed and grabbed some clothes, which was a black-crop top with a
song quote written in white letters, white jeans and tennis shoes.
She quickly changed and put her hair into a high ponytail.
Sage was blinded by sunlight in her eyes. "UUgghh....morning?" Sage
thought. "This is morning...huh." Sage added. She got out of bed,
and headed into the bathroom with clothes to change for the day.
Though admittedly, all her clothes looked almost exactly alike,
apart from the fact that they had different spots. She didn't do
her hair, since she kept it in a hood, and it was so short.
Liam grabbed his normal attire and slipped into the bathroom,
taking a quick hot shower before changing into his clothes. You'd
think, being a fire-type gijinka, he would hate showers, but he
honestly didn't mind as long as the water was hot. Like...
Really hot.
His clothes consisted of a pair of loose jeans, an orange hoodie
striped with black with white fur on the hood, and red high-tops.
He realized he had fallen asleep with his goggles on when he
stepped into the shower, but wore them anyway, despite the fact
they were a little wet.
Now, with a little extra time, he grabbed his phone and started a
group chat with Shadow and Lillian. "Morning, guys," He texted,
before grabbing his 3DS and playing a few levels of Mario.
Lillian opened her phone and smiled as she saw the group chat.
"Yooo" She texted, getting her backpack ready. Through her past
years at gijinka high she has learned to always bring your backpack
to breakfast, because you only get about 15 afterwards to pack up.
Then classes would start.
[oh my lord Atavan why! The feels! Supernatural ah!]
Shadow yawned and swung her feet over the side of the bed. Her hair
was a sticking up in different directions. She put on a black tank
and a red long sleeved crop top that had the words 'I'm a cat and I
do what I want' on it. She then put on a pair of jean short shorts
[yes you read that right] and her black combat boots. Shadow combed
her hair down and disided to keep it down today
Lillian rubbed her eyes. "Morning Shadow." She sighed, already
dreading class. The bell was about to ring soon, so she put on a
black choker and slung her backpack over her shoulder.
"See you at breakfast!" He replied, and slipped his phone into his
pocket, continuing to play the game, lying down on his bed. He just
waited for the bell.
Lilith sat up in bed to see Ryan still asleep."Geez I wish I could
sleep through stuff."She mutters before grabbing her bag and
changing her outfit for the day.This time around she was wearing a
purple dress that went down to her knees.She also pulled out a
black headband that had a purple stargazer lily attached to it."And
perfect."She muses before once again grabbing her bag and exiting
her dorm.
"RIIING!" The bell chimed. Everybody started to run to the dinner
hall to eat breakfast. Lillian admired the shining sun as she ran
to the dinner hall.
Lilith flinched as random students kept running into her.I
wonder what is for breakfast?She thinks to herself.She enters
the dining hall and grabs something random before going over to the
same table she sat at yesterday for super.
Viola yawned as she woke up 'Another day of school.' She thought.
She immediately sat up on her bed. "Good morning Sage." Viola
greeted as she walked to the bathroom after Sage is finished.
Shadow yawned as she walked to the dinner hall. she then saw Liam
"HEY! LIAM!" She called running up to him, all sleepiness gone from
her face I wonder if he'll like my outfit... She thought
Liam turned around, surprised, but smiled when he saw it was
Shadow. "Hey, Shadow!" He greeted, walking beside her. He chuckled.
"Nice shirt," He said, referring to the crop top.
"Yo! Liam! Shadow!" Running said, running towards him with a smile.
Today she brought sunglasses, but she pulled them off and placed
them on the top of her head.