Lillian came out with a pale romper. "Well, I'm sure this year will
be great." She said, putting her ukulele back in it's case, and
plopping onto her bed, checking her phone.
Liam changed into his pajamas and yawned, flopping back down onto
his bed with a book. He wondered what time it was, but didn't feel
like checking his phone.
"Ah it's ok sage. I don't really mind which side actually. I am
just stating some facts." Viola said "So, have you decided which
club are you gonna join?" Vi asked.
Before deciding to go to sleep, Lillian texting Liam. "Hey, thought
of a couple songs. Fireflies sounded awesome, but there is a song
called 'Distance' which is really good for a duet. Take your pick,
goodnight!" Lillian said, before turning off her phone and climbing
under her covers.
Liam's phone buzzed. Distance? Never heard of that one... He
thought, looking the song up and putting on his headphones. He
smiled as he listened to it, and texted back. "I like Distance a
lot... I'll have to think about it though. Goodnight!"
(Liam just had a jam session with Lillian but he's now in his
Liam closed his book and turned off his phone, getting under his
Star Wars covers and falling asleep quickly. He slept sweetly,
happy with the day's events.
Shion walked back to his dorm while Ryan fell asleep. Shion
couldn't sleep so he decided to just stay up. The rest of the
night. Without any care in the world.
Liam slapped his alarm quiet and blinked his eyes open. Yawning and
stretching, he sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
"G'morning," He called over to Joy, getting out of the covers.