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The Creative Corner (Art Club)! [Open!]

Forum-Index Fan Clubs The Creative Corner (Art Club)! [Open!]
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 00:47 (7 Years ago)
Yeah, I know, I lot of the face is slightly crooked. It was my only free space at the time and I was going off eyes I'd already drawn.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 00:50 (7 Years ago)
Ah, okay. In that case it honestly looks pretty good xD

Can I get a critique on this? It's a little doodle I did when I finished standardized testing early, so it's nothing much.

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 949
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 01:34 (7 Years ago)
since it's cartoony you can ignore a lot of rules about anatomy, but i do notice that the torso takes up a good chunk of the body? shorten it slightly by making the legs longer. it's a really cute drawing though.

i think the eyes are too far apart and sit too close to the edges of the face. i think making the face wider and longer would make it look better?
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 01:35 (7 Years ago)
I'll definitely try that next time ;;; it's traditional so I can't change it.
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 949
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 02:47 (7 Years ago)
i drew some undertale C:

i was testing out a few things with the lineart haha
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 03:11 (7 Years ago)

aaa that's so cartoonish :o i dont have much critique because lance said it all but i suggest making the face a bit more symmetrical

aaaa so amazing!! i love your art <3 i think the lines on the ponytail should be more curved and following the way the hair is moving though :o


sorry that i haven't on as much. i'm getting a bit lazy haha. i'll try my best to stay active! here's an art dump.

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my new son, Bleppers

my other son, Cirrus. I am aware of the mistakes on his left arm and i plan to fix it later bc im lazy.

an adopt in my collab adopt shop

and another adopt
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 03:12 (7 Years ago)
aaa thanks!! ////7////
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 03:14 (7 Years ago)
Yep, I barely tried with that so I kinda waved the face off x3
I'll put more effort into bleppers I swear

Ooh, you're right, I didn't even notice that o-o

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 1,323
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 13:35 (7 Years ago)
finally, something digital. this is a long overdue commission for Cwend ouo
i tried a new fur shading style, and honestly i have some mixed feelings about the outcome lol

Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 507
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 13:42 (7 Years ago)


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and you might not approve of it
but what can i do?
it's not like i can change your mind

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Trainerlevel: 129

Forum Posts: 5,629
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 13:53 (7 Years ago)
-squints at member list-
Mh, Nao's not a member so chances are I can post this here without them noticing. If not, oh well, surprise ruined I guess haha.


WIP of Nao's Kenma!Skitty in the spoiler. .u.

The volleyball looks kinda weird?? But, um, it's the pattern the volleyball has in the anime (Haikyuu!!) so whatever idk. I'll take a short break now, though, and then start with a different piece because -cough cough- commissions -cough-.

Also yes, Dcas, ahhh. So fluffy! <3
I'm not sure what's new/different about the style - as I'm not that familiar with your (shading) style rip - but I love it. ; w;

.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,386
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 14:35 (7 Years ago)
Back for some time - probably till new exams get in the way (yay?). For now, only History's on the list, but I think I should be able to handle it while doing art (,,o w o,,) Most of the older art already got at least one critique, so I'll just continue by checking up artsies on this page:

Personally, it could work as a 'simple' style for a comic or similar, but I'd suggest you to add some kind of gender marks, because it's pretty hard to tell what they are.

Wowie, I love it! I'd fix arms on the one with green shirt, though.

My God, I love how clear your lineart is! It's a little hard to recognise it on the furret - try making it a bit darker?

Naw, it's not bad. Some lines, like on ears, hands & shoulders are somewhat messy.

Honestly, that hair is beauty how does one do fur and hair, oml The skitty looks too short, in my opinion?

//throws in dittos
5 min coloured sketchy, literally-
Critique not needed, but it'd be nice <3
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why is it so huuuge, lmao

Trainerlevel: 129

Forum Posts: 5,629
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 14:46 (7 Years ago)
ngl I have no idea how hair and fur works, at this point I just randomly draw lines, hoping they look good ahah. Too short how? o: Compared to the ball or ..? Because if it's the ball, I'm planing on resizing that, yep yep. uwu Just drew it a lil (lot XD) bigger so I could get the lines/seams right. >u<

.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,386
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 14:51 (7 Years ago)
Not really the ball. Compared to it's head's size, it's kind of strange? And it's belly looks skinny, a bit. But randomly drawing lines seems to work really good :'D
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 1,323
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 14:55 (7 Years ago)
aaa im glad :"D

by messy do you mean uneven? :00
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 507
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 15:00 (7 Years ago)
Oh whoops i forgot i drew this :'v

Critiques are appriciated :U

looking great!!
And woaah drawing random lines do work really well!!

What a cute ditto♡

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and you might not approve of it
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Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 1,169
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 15:01 (7 Years ago)
hhh Jupiter is soooo cute ;w;
Trainerlevel: 120

Forum Posts: 2,894
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 15:05 (7 Years ago)
*falls in from the sky*

@Dcas - wowowowoww you bless us with your presence

@Lucklikeit - they're a bit too skinny~

@Lii - hehe, incognito eh? tryna hide the evidence

@Lunala - this isn't an insult don't take it like one pls ;; it kinda looks like a potato x)

@TGG - whoa.. it looks so, symmetrical? x0x)

Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 862
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 15:09 (7 Years ago)

This chibi is absolutely adorable xD i can't really say anything, i love it, maybe shading a bit more on the hair would be nice, but it's hella pretty


this is absolutely beautiful i love your style
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 507
Posted: Sun, 14/05/2017 15:10 (7 Years ago)

why yes, the symmetric tool is really useful

@ardun and Nev

Aaa thank you ;u;
I dont really know how to shade yet so whoops

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and you might not approve of it
but what can i do?
it's not like i can change your mind

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