Kanaya grabbed the scarf and her phone, heading out. She went
through the halls, and found the infirmary. She knocked softly, and
blushed a bit. "R-rosa?" She purred, her tail swaying. She
scratched the back of her neck, purring softly.
Jason looked at his stump. He stuck the hilt of his knife in it,
grimacing at the pain. But now no one could take his beloved
weapon. Jason melded into the shadows, preparing to rest until his
powers recharged.
Rosa heard the knock on the infirmary door and heard the voice. Ah,
it was Kanaya! "One moment, please! I'll be there in a moment!" She
called out and finished getting a few things tidy. She walked to
the door and opened it, smiling at Kanaya. "Hello, Kanaya! Was
there something you needed?"
"Oh! Rosa, I was told by some of my students that vampires are
easily chilled, so I decided to make you a scarf. Sorry if it's not
the best..." Kanaya said softly, holding out the scarf. She
Bella smiled, and nodded. She sat down, thanking Lance. "Thank you,
sweetie." She purred lightly, smiling up at him.
She looked at the scarf and chuckled softly, her face heating up
just a little. "Well, thank you so much, Kanaya. I don't know if it
is true for all vampires, but I do find myself getting rather
cold." She took the scarf and wrapped it around her neck nice and
tidy-like. "I love it."
Jack stood at the doorway of his dorm. He listened intently. All he
could hear was the other students. No Jason-like sounds. Jack had a
bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, like a storm of impending
doom was on the horizon. He stepped into the hallway, making his
way down to who-knew-where.
Kanaya smiled, her face brightening. "Oh, good! I hoped you would,
it took me a while to make." She said, blushing. Her fingers played
with the end of her pink scarf. Her eyes sparkled a bit more.
"You did a really good job on it. No one has ever made me something
so wonderful." Rosa told her and smiled sweetly. "Besides making
this, what else have you been up to?" She asked, her green eyes
glistening with that normal happiness she contained.
Bella hummed, picking up her book. She leaned against Lance,
nuzzling into him as she opened her book. She began to read,
listening to the thrum of Lance's heartbeat.
"Oh, just working on the audition scripts and such for the school
play." She purred, nodding. Her lips curled into a happy smile, a
rare jewel in her usually stoic face.
surprised, Lance blushed lightly, his heart beat picking up
slightly, attempting to focus on the words, Lance found himself
distracted by Bella. Mentally groaning, Lance turned back to his
Rosa loved Kanaya's smile when she got it. It was a rare sight, but
it was always nice to see at those times. "Oh? What will this
school play be about? I'm sure anything made or directed by you is
always wonderful." She stated, chuckling softly.
Amy walked over to Jake and shoved the ham she had wrapped up in
his mouth. "You didn't eat like you promised." Amy said blushing
slightly. She didn't know if she had the courage to come out and
say her feelings to him.
Sammy sat outside in a low hanging tree watching the wilderness
before him. His mind elsewhere still feeling like the outcast he
was. He still wondered why he was allowed to live seeing as he
wasn't "pure" like his family was, but that didn't matter now. What
mattered is that he was away from that place. In his second home
here. He had no idea what he would choose to do with his life after
he graduated from this place.
Alica was looking out a window in the main corridor sitting on the
window sill quietly humming a haunting tune to herself. She watched
the other students outside.
Bella felt Lance's heartbeat speed up, and leaned away to look up
at him. She tilted her head, worried look in her bright eyes. "Are
you okay...?" She asked softly.
"Mmm, this year it's going to be Aladdin. I love that movie, so
it'll be this years musical." Kanaya said with a sweet smile. She'd
been packed with working on the play, and you could see bags under
her eyes from lack of sleep. She was about... Four days past her
"Hmm? I'm fine." Lance smiled, wrapping a arm around Bella and
pulling her back in.
Raven sighed breathing in the fresh air, as a small smile tugged at
the corners of her lips. walking leisurely down the trail, enjoying
the wilderness. It was one of the few places where she could think
at peace, and be herself.
Jake felt the ham get shoved into his mouth and he immediately just
dropped it on the ground, snarling at it. He was pretty much
playing with his food. He prowled around that piece of ham before
grabbing it with his mouth once more and eating it. He might have
already lost it, but who would know?
"Interesting. Well, I hope everything goes well, Kanaya." She took
notice to the bags under her eyes and frowned. "Maybe you should
take a little break and rest. You look like your really need it,
Kanaya." She told her, grabbing her hand softly to show her the
worry she had for the other.