Bella yawned and woke up, sitting up. She yelped as pain shot
through her body, and rubbed her eyes. "Ah.." She murmured,
remembering what happened last night. She stretched her wings,
wincing through the pain as she stretched them fully.
(I'm dropping Victoria for now I'll make a new character later to
replace her)
Winston was already awake in the gym cleaning up the obstacle
course to make it more refined, and ready for his students when the
class came. After all his class wasn't only a night class it was
also a day class for the non-shifting population of the school. He
was assigned to teach both in mental and physical development of
their monster side.
Amy had already left the cave, and was in the shower cleaning up
the mud, and lake muck she had gathered from her adventures last
night. When she finished, and got out she stared into the mirror
brushing out her hair in deep thought. She was remembering
everything that happened last night. Before long a bright pink
blush was coming up across her cheeks. She wondered how her
relationship with Jake would be now. She wasn't sure how it was.
She couldn't tell if they were friends, or on the verge of becoming
more than that.
Sammy was leaning against the back wall of the mess hall in deep
thought about last night. He was hoping to not be bombarded with
questions from Raven today, but accepted the fact that if he was he
wasn't going to get mad.
"Morning." Lance chuckled, setting down a tray. "If you want,
Breakfast is ready, but take your time."
Raven jogged around the school, hopping over rocks and roots. Using
various tricks to navigate around the terrain, Raven soon jogged
into the cafeteria, seeing Sammy. She had questions of course, but
she wasn't going to ask them just yet.
"Morning..." Bella murmured, standing. She clung to the wall as she
went to the closet to grab some clothes. She swayed her hips as she
looked through the closet, smiling.
Sam grabbed his breakfast which consisted of raw ham, and the blood
substitute the school provided. After paying for his breakfast he
took a seat, and began to eat quietly as he watched his sister
outside the doors waiting for someone.
Jake was also out of that cave, getting all nice and washed up so
that today would be a fantastic day. Though, his stomach was in a
bit of pain. He was going to get something the eat. After he made
sure his hair was gelled up. You don't get sexy hair like his every
day. He put on his glasses, frowning a little. Well, cracked
glasses were better than no glasses. He made sure he was pretty
okay looking, clothes wise and headed down with some money to get
himself something to eat. He would make sure he gets himself some
raw meat. Best plan he really has right now to do about this
Amy waited patiently for Jake. She was hoping to eat breakfast with
him, and perhaps figure out how their relationship was. She was
still unsure about it herself. But preferred to hear Jake's
thoughts on it before she decided it herself.
Jason stepped from the shadows, walking towards Jake. "I knew you
would remember your promise. Now, lets get the job done." Jason
smiled ruefully, his eyes flashing.
Raven opened the bottle, drinking the bottled blood. Sighing, Raven
looked around, before standing against the wall near Sammy,
finishing her drink, a second bottle in her hand.
Covering his red face with his hand, Lance changed, trying to
distract himself. Perhaps today he would stop entertaining girls,
and focus more on Bella's well-being.
Jake heard Jason, his green eyes seeming to mix with a golden
color. Most likely a bad sign. A sign that there was a beast that
could unleash at any moment. He just let out a growl and continued
to walk on his way. He was going to sit with Amy and eat his
breakfast, and they can surely discuss this. Better than keeping it
all in.
"Do you still need time to mull this over? I thought a whole night
was enough time. I will allow 20 more minutes though, because whats
20 minutes compared to a century?" Jason said, his eyes giving away
his anger.
He looked back at him with his piercing gold eyes and snarled. It
was really plenty of time, but he did not trust him. And he was
still quite unsure. 20 minutes... That wouldn't be enough time.
Maybe he could just... Keep ignoring him, though that was already
super tough.
Bella tried to hide herself as she slid off her clothes. She
sighed, and slid on a tight black sweater and skinny jeans. She
slipped on black combat boots and turned to face Lance.