Forum Thread
~Forest of Nightmares~ [HORROR ROLEPLAY]~[Always Accepting!]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → ~Forest of Nightmares~ [HORROR ROLEPLAY]~[Always Accepting!]Elf woke up very late. He began to sit up, but he was chained back.
"Phooey. This better not be Mother again. She's always up to these things." He muttered, starting to tug at the chains. "Though I admit, I'm really out of practice."
He loosened his paws and tried to slide through the chains. It was quite dark.
His sucked in his breath to make himself thinner.
How did Houdini do it?
Right...He bent his elbows to 90 degrees and brought his hands up and through the bottom of the steel ring.
Then his slidthe lengths of chain towards the center of the steel ring to increase the distance between each of the sets of chains and slid his paws out from between the padlocked chains.
It was working, but painfully slowly.
The rest of him was still in chains. He was tired, and bored, and confused.
Wasn't this the time when some monster should be bursting in and trying to destroy him before he was fully freed?
"why must you have left me? I told you to stay..." she remembered the pond her and Ian used to play at. 'Ian wait up! ahahaha!' The newly evolved Shiny Zoruark shouted. She ran after him, but couldn't find him. 'Ian?' She slowed down, the feeling that someone was watching her. Suddenly, she blacked out. When she woke, she felt weird? more like numb? She looked down, and saw her clawed hands were gone... She was a zorua again... whats going on?
She soon found out her friends couldn't see her. She followed them to the forest she was just at, and found.... her body. I AM DEAD. Suddenly, she got to close to her body and it somehow came back to life? but, that wasn't her...
The Zoruark's eyes shined pure red, no pupils what so ever. Ian -her crush kinda- was so happy... It hurt to see how happy he was, but it wasn't her.. Her possessed body had attacked her friends, only Ian got away.. She watched him grow up, depressed, but he found someone else. someone... better. He completely forgot about her, and she couldn't take it. She went back to her body, curled up in her own arms, until she was brought to wherever we are now, her spirit pulled from her peaceful rest, brought to this......
when she was next to her body, it felt warm to her, as if her being there had given her a warmth. she fell asleep peacefully, hoping to never wake up.
Here she is, living under a curse. To entertain this weird Gengar..
(So nobody is a minion ghost-pokenon?)
"I think I broke something." Elf remarked. "I just don't know what."
He got up, his body still wrapped in chains. His thigh hurt. And his face.
He started to walk to the lake to get a drink and wash off the blood and dirt, when he saw someone near it.
"Rapids?" He asked, bewildered.
"Rapids, wake up!" He started splashing water at his face.
She tried to find a reflection in the pond, like when her and Ian used to sit next to it. but she couldn't find a thing. no, not a strong zoruark next to her Haunter friend, not even a ghostly zorua.. she wasn't there. she doesn't exist anymore. She is still sleeping, this is a dream, just a stupid, awful dream to atone for her sins..
The mostly purple cat Pokemon was in chains, and heard a voice. She didn't hear it clearly and was half asleep. "Did a Arbok use Wrap on me again? I'll get you this time.." She hissed and thought the chains was a Pokemon.
For hours she struggled to free herself from the "Arbok" and finally escaped. "Where am I?" She asked herself. She walked on two legs to see more of the place she was in. It was dark. Really dark.
"Yeah, I will! Joce and I mainly take the same classes." He thought about it. "We haven't been going lately, due to family issues...Never mind. I take Martial Arts, Math, Gym, Wrestling, Alchemy and....uh...I don't know anymore. So many."