(I know that the Gengar is male, but Rapids probably doesn't.)
Rapids smiled, "Wow! That's a lot! Thanks for helping me, and I
made a few friends here! A Zoura named AZ, and an Oshawott with no
name! I also think that the Haunters and Mr. Mimes that are
attacking people are my friends too!"
"Oooh let's go find them! I'm glad there's someone I know here.
Ick, these chains are suffocating me. I only managed to take them
off my paws. They're kinda bloody and I was coming here to wash
them, but to think again, maybe there's something lurking in the
water watching us..."
(Yep, we're coming!)
Age (2-16): 3
What kind of pokemon are you:umbreon
she also has a few scares
What was happening before you were kidnapped?: dad was huting
Did you read the rules? If so, what's the password?: COKIEZZZZ
Liz put her good hand against the fence and walked along it so she
would've get lost. She bumped into someone and shook her head. "Oh
I'm sorry." She said.
(Yet another quit-by-eeveelution. I guess I'll just leave then, and
see if some people join because aparrently roleplays without eevee
in them are instantly THE BEST.)
Name: fluffy[sasphire](Yes i did it)
Age (2-16):14
Gender:female doy
What kind of pokemon are you? (If you are a ghost pokemon, you must
be Void's minion.):Shiny flareon?
Looks? (Please try to include an image, Pal Pad me if you don't
know how!):
What was happening before you were kidnapped?:Walking around and
then fell and lost directions
Did you read the rules? If so, what's the password?:COOKIEZZZ?