Name: Leap
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Purrloin
Looks: Simple Purrloin, I would include a picture but most are
Before Kidnapping: Purrlion was attacking a Pidove before. She used
scratch on the Pidove and it growled. "That's what you get for
stealing my berries you thief!" She growled and leaped into te air,
about to tackle the Pidove. Then she felt something hit her head
and lost consciousness.
Liz got up and looked at the fence. Her arm still hurt but her head
felt better. She didn't want to risk falling so she slowly got up
and went to find someone else.
Leap the Purrloin breathed heavily from all that running. She was
just kidnapped by the strange ghost type Pokemon. "I think the
strange pokenon said there was more pokemon it kidnapped." Leap
whispered to herself and walked on.
Leap shivered at the thought of more ghost Pokemon. She remembered
the chains that she was in only moments before. "I should have just
let go that Pidove that stole my berries. If I let it go I wouldn't
be in this awful turn of events." She scowled herself and heard a
noise. She decided to try and ignore it.
"My name's Leap. Before the kidnapping I was guarding my territory.
Then a Pidove stole my berries." She sighed. "I wanted to get back
at him so I attacked him. Next thing I know, I'm in chains."
Leap sat down, still aware of the ghost Pokemon nearby.