"Ugh, giggle now, I lost my pride ages ago when I was hatched a
Chingaling in the first place, can you just help me?" Chan asked,
motioning the chains straining her arms, feet, and chimes.
Name: "M...my name is Jewel"
Age (2-16): "I'm 14"
Gender: "Uhh, it's kinda obvious that I'm a girl!"
What kind of pokemon are you? (If you are a ghost pokemon, you must
be Void's minion.):
Looks? (Please try to include an image, Pal Pad me if you don't
know how!): "do you have something in your eye? I'm right here!"
(She is a Shiny Liepard)
What was happening before you were kidnapped?: "Well, I was being
bullied, so I ran away, and someone knocked me out..."
Did you read the rules? If so, what's the password?: "Yeah, the
password's COOKIEZZZ! I like cookies."
Pam gently grabbed the unconscious Pokemon (Liz) and flew up. She
was weighed down a little by the Pokemon's weight. She flew and
gently dropped the Pokemon near the group. She then flew back
towards Void.
Name: Anna
Age (2-16): 14
Gender: female
What kind of pokemon are you? (If you are a ghost pokemon, you must
be Void's minion.): Eevee <but wait theres more >
Looks? (Please try to include an image, Pal Pad me if you don't
know how!):
What was happening before you were kidnapped?: Wandering around
camp eevvelution
Did you read the rules? If so, what's the password?: COOKIEZZZ
(Oh :( I hope you join back. I wanted people to be different kinds
of pokemon. Before I accept you guys, can you try changing or
adding a different pokemon? Like a wartortle or something?)
Rapids looked around, "Why have no Haunters or Mr. Mimes attacked
us yet apart from the one that I made faint and the one that me
faint and possibly others? I mean, we're sitting ducks!"
Name: Elaina
Age (2-16): 16
What kind of pokemon are you? (If you are a ghost pokemon, you must
be Void's minion.): Guardivuar
Looks? (Please try to include an image, Pal Pad me if you don't
know how!):
What was happening before you were kidnapped?: I was just wandering
Did you read the rules? If so, what's the password?: COOKIEZZZ
”Mysterious… surprising… and law-defying… Isn’t that