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||Remnants Of A Forgotten Past||

Forum-Index Roleplay ||Remnants Of A Forgotten Past||
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 20:26 (8 Years ago)
Nyanza Wisteria

The Faunus was a lot calmer than Nyanza had anticipated after she had blatantly referred to him as being weak. Maybe there was more to him than she expected, things might work out for this team in the end.

Replying to Rot's statement about getting along, "We can all use a little hope, can we not?" Truth be told, even if she didn't immediately like her teammates, she did have hope that would work well together. "And about our missing member, I'm sure he'll arrive shortly. I like to hope anyone paired up with myself wouldn't perish in such a simple incident."

Nyanza walked over to her bed in the corner of the room and took a seat. She sat on her cloak, and in order to not wrinkles on it, she lifted her body up slightly and tried to flatten it out as best she could without drawing attention to herself.

In order for herself and her teammates to get along, they needed to learn about each other; their strengths, their weaknesses, their fighting styles, even their fears; everything. "We may as well start our bonding as teammates imminently. They could make us fight as teams or as pairs during the sparring matches in the morning, and we need to be prepared. We are going to be making our first impressions towards the staff and our entire year." She had to make these people understand how important the matches tomorrow were, "If we don't portray ourselves to the best of our abilities tomorrow, no one will take us seriously. I, for one, want to be the absolute best. And I hope that you both feel the same."

Nyanza had to take a serious breather after that speech. She doesn't remember the last time she used so many. And the was worst part was, she wasn't even done. One last breath, "Now tell everything about yourselves."
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 22:36 (8 Years ago)

After Ozpin was done giving his opening speech to the new lot of students, some of which weren't as attentive as they should've, he was informed someone had done goofed with the team assignments. As he surveyed the teams on his scroll, it became quite apparent that someone had managed to accidentally swap the places of two students. Unfortunate, but not unfixable.

After checking the information of the two students, Ozpin easily spotted student #1 who had stayed to linger around the amphitheater. Collapsing his scroll and tucking it away, the professor started approaching the student, noting that she didn't seem quite 'alright'. She was mostly likely one of the students from the unfortunate airship. Though if she was seriously injured, the medics wouldn't have let her out of their grasp.

"Miss Meas, there was unfortunately a mix-up with the teams and you were placed in the wrong one." Ozpin informed Jorani with a sense of formality after arriving by her side. "Let's get you sorted in the right one. Follow me." His tone of voice didn't leave much room for arguments and he didn't wait for any words of acknowledgement either before starting to head towards the dorms in search of the second student. He fully assumed Jorani would follow.

Josh Luteus

Meanwhile, Josh was fully immersed in finding the correct dorm room. He tried keeping an eye on the room numbers as he approached the correct number but the amount of new students mingling about made that harder. He didn't particularly care for people so the crowd was rather unappealing to him, especially since they were occasionally on his way. However, at long last, he spotted the number 106 just a few doors down. Almost there.

"Mr. Luteus, hold on a minute."

Interrupted by the same voice he had been listening to just moments earlier, Josh turned around and came face-to-face with professor Ozpin himself. What kind of business could the professor possibly have with him?

"There was a mistake when the teams were written down. Jorani Meas-" Ozpin gestured towards the girl that was with her, Josh only now taking notice of her. "-is supposed to be in Team Orange. You're in Team Cyan." At this point, Ozpin took out his scroll and checked something on it. "Cyan is in dorm room 102. I believe we passed it not long ago. We'll have the systems updated with the correct information soon."

Josh wasn't impressed by such a 'mix-up' but he wasn't going to talk back to Ozpin himself. So he nodded stiffly, "Thank you, I'll head there now." And with that, he started walking the way he had came, this time trying to to find the number 102. Fortunately, it didn't take him too long to find it. With a sigh, he went to open the door. Time to meet the rocks he'd be tied to from now on.


Once Josh had headed off, Ozpin turned to Jorani again. "Your team, Team Orange, is in room 106." As he said that with that same formal tone he'd been using the whole time while solving the little predicament, the professor gestured towards one of the doors down the hall, door 106. "I hope you'll get along with your team." And with that final note, Ozpin turned to leave.

(((Team Cyan is spelled CJAN. I just come up with that from the top of my head, I hope it's fine. Also, sorry Omnia, I know I controlled your character there since I wanted to get this stuff in at once. I hope I didn't upset you with it, won't happen again. Dx

And I hope this was satisfactory Ozpin and Josh. :I)))

Arsen Magnus

Arsen definitely hadn't been expecting such a positive and enthusiastic reply to his introduction. He was admittedly slightly taken aback when Rot shook his hand with both of his and thanked him. Why would he thank him? He took a step back as the faunus released his hand as his brain overworked trying to make sense of the other boy.

And his brain was still working on that task when Rot started talking again, which effectively reset what was going through Arsen's head. Their fourth and still missing team member could have been hurt, or worse, in the 'accident'. It was a very real possibility, one that Arsen hadn't realized before it was spelled out to him. A small frown appeared on hiss face as it fully sank in. Josh taking this long kind of supported that possibility as well.

It didn't seem like Nyanza was overly concerned with his well-being though. She was apparently more worried about being the 'popular' students if he was hearing all of that right. Arsen shifted on his feet and crossed his arms as he looked down on the girl sitting on one of the beds. Yes, being the best of the best in the academy would help him get what he wanted but he didn't exactly need approval from the other students or the teachers. He wasn't going to hold back though.

Oh wait. There were sparring matches in the morning? ....That's what you get from not listening to speeches. Hopefully he didn't miss any other vital information.

And then one short sentence froze Arsen completely: "Now tell everything about yourselves."

No one had ever asked him to do that. What was he supposed to tell? How much was everything? He didn't expect Nyanza to be interested in what his favorite candy was, only the interesting things. But there wasn't anything interesting to tell! There really wasn't that much to him and he had no idea what he was supposed to say. 'Everything' was such a scary word that demanded lots of things to be told and he couldn't get out a single word.

So he looked at Rot, allowing a brief look of helplessness cross his face before his features melted back to his usual neutral look. He was hoping that the faunus would start off and give him at least some kind of ideas about what Nyanza wanted to hear. And so he could postpone his own turn to talk for few precious moments.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sat, 02/07/2016 21:10 (8 Years ago)
Jorani Meas

Despite her immediate misgivings, Rani sensibly reasoned that it would be a terrible first impression if she stalled any longer. It didn't seem he was going to listen to any protests if his tone was anything to go by, ergo she wordlessly shambled after him. Besides, she was inquisitively curious about the mug the professor was carrying. What was even in it?

The blood in her ears had settled down to a dull, unpleasant throb. Needless to say, the brunette was relieved. Noises of a higher frequency still didn't sit well with her, but those were scarce along their path to the dorms. Even as she registered this fortunate outcome, her hands began to expertly navigate through the bedlam that was her hair. She might as well take advantage of her clearer head and extra time to appear at least somewhat presentable.

Invested in her endeavor in every respect, Rani found the short exchange between Ozpin and Josh rather convenient. If it wasn't already obvious, she clearly wasn't too keen on speaking in general. Her hands had just dropped back to her sides with her long sleeves fluttering down with them when Ozpin turned back to her.

"Your team, Team Orange, is in room 106. I hope you'll get along with your team."

Her only response was an uncertain nod. She bit back the swirling flood of her questions: How many would-be students died? What happened on the ship? Is it really a mix up or were switches needed to make up for the lack of students? How does the school pick teams and their names? What is in that mug? It was times like these when she wished she could dredge up a fragment of courage to speak, to give her never-ending curiosity a chance, to not be so crippled by her fear of her own kind. She wondered when that day would come.

Homesty time: Rani delayed as much as she could on the very short trip down the hall. Maybe she couldn't halt the inevitable, but she could at least attempt to brace herself for it. Faced with the door of room 106, she swallowed back her nausea and tried to bite down the apprehension that was harrassing her at the last moment. With one last self-conscious check on her fishtail braided updo and her rumpled clothes, she turned the knob and took her first, wary step inside.

As a disclaimer, Rani wasn't the type to swear. But the situation she just walked into was the kind where swearing mentally was a bit of a no brainer, and she did exactly that. Her grey eyes swept over the three other people inside tentatively. There was the girl in purple and white; Rani made a mental note that aggravating that one felt like a terrible idea. The guy in red and black sported horns and was no doubt a Faunus; she didn't fail to note that doors probably did not like him. Blue and grey identified the other one, and she couldn't get any solid idea on him yet. The hoodie kind of discouraged that. And here came the dreaded talking moment.

"I apologize for my tardiness. There's been a mix up with student names and it took some time for it to be corrected." Rani almost winced at her choice of words. Even though she didn't trip over them, the way she produced her syllables let unease trickle through their gaps. "I'm Jorani Meas, and apparently I'm your teammate. Josh Luteus - I believe that was his name - is on Team CYAN."

During the entire time she was speaking, her eyes flicked from person to person. She had long since mastered the art of looking at someone in the face without looking them in the eye, and she employed this readily. Internally, she was fretting about how badly she could've possibly messed up.

{{{It's fine. :3 I hope it's alright that I assumed he was carrying his signature mug... It was more to lighten up the atmosphere of my post, but I'll remove it if needed.}}}

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 464
Posted: Sun, 03/07/2016 13:02 (8 Years ago)
Rot Juodi

Rot listened to what Wisteria had to say, he didn't really understand her first sentance, but the part about their forth teammate was blunt and insensitive, in his opinion. She was too self-centered and that will end up causing problems to their teamwork in the future. Rot watched as she claimed one of the beds, making another problem pop back up - the one he'd been mulling about as a possibility when he just entered the airship and it ended up being true. However, he still had no solution for it.

His musings were once again cut short, when the purple-eyed girl began her speech. Yes, he agreed that they should bond, but not with the rest of it. If you look from the strategic side, it would be better to appear weak. Then other students would underestimate them, it would be easy to pull the rug from under them in a tight spot. To be the best didn't mean to show off the most. For his family, to be the best meant to be strong, brave, smart and resourceful. Admittedly, he wasn't really good at those things ether, but still..

Wisteria took a small breath amd ended her little 'prep-talk' with an order to tell her everything about them. Everything could mean a- there were steps by the door, he was sure of it. He turned to see if anyone will come inside, but his eyes caught the pleading look Magnus was giving him. It lasted just a moment, leaving Rot dumbly blinking. The guy looked so scary with his hood casting shadows all over his face, just two blue orbs dangerously shining within them. Yet it seemed he wasn't just strickt words and coldness to the core like Wisteria. Rather the inside looked a bit mushy..

So he wanted Rot to go first. Well as their supposed leader, he probably should help him out, yet he didn't know what to say. He could just go round in circles, right? Or he could put it off to the only other person in the room. Oh yes, he felt the nervousness back. "I-I suppose you don't really want to know e-everything, j-just the things involving our combat abilities. If-f not maybe you should go first, to give us an idea o-" his train of thoughts was interrupted a second time, by the same person. Rot turned to see the door, the person that finally walked in.

He expected to see their missing team member, but instead a girl stood there. Her eyes traveled from one person to the other, slowly taking them in, before speaking up. He listened to her carefuly, but couldn't believe what she was saying. There was a mix up. A mistake. In this academy. Just like the airships crash. Was it just him, or did the academy really lose their touch in the last 20 years, give or take.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Mon, 04/07/2016 13:07 (8 Years ago)
Nyanza Wisteria

The two males hesitated before answering Nyanza's question. she could see Arsen glaring at Rot. 'Are they afraid to answer...?' The silence was slightly awkward, but was broken by Rot's miserable attempt at an answer, but before he could finish, the door clicked open. A tall-ish girl wrapped in a cloak entered. Slivers of gold attire reflected the sunlight that shone through the window. Nyanza didn't really like the colour of gold.

The new girl introduced herself as Jorani, and apparently there was a mix-up with the teams, and she was now the fourth member of their team. 'This school is meant to be elite, yet they can't even correctly manage teams?'

Something about Jorani piqued Nyanza's interest. Although Nyanza didn't exactly like her colour scheme, she seemed more capable in every aspect compared to her other teammates. Nyanza hoped that they had another excellent huntress on the team besides herself.

"Welcome," Nyanza said to Jorani. She chose to remain seated on her bed as she felt no need to be touching anyone's hands. She wondered who even thought of the idea of shaking hands when introducing yourself, what did it accomplish, besides possibly contracting diseases? "I'm Nyanza Wisteria, from Vacuo. I was just in the process of learning about our fellow teammates' combat styles and weaknesses, though not to much avail." Nyanza glared towards the males with an angered look in her eyes. she turned back to Jorani, "Feel free to inform us about your combat style once ready." Nyanza was very interested to see what this girl could bring to their team.
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Mon, 04/07/2016 19:04 (8 Years ago)
(((Mugs are fine and encouraged. x,P)))

Arsen Magnus

Rot started talking. Thank heavens. Arsen was off the hook, for now. Though it seemed their leader didn't really know what Nyanza wanted to hear exactly either so the hooded lad felt slightly bad for putting the burden of voicing those uncertainties on Rot's shoulders instead. For that, Arsen felt sheepish enough to avert his eyes away from Rot and focus on the interesting floor.

Unfortunately, he didn't get to marvel at the surface they all walked on for more than few fleeting seconds as the sound of the door opening had him automatically lifting his gaze again to see who just entered the room. Most likely their fourth team member.

Nope, it was some random girl in a rather impractical looking clothes.

Arsen couldn't help raising an eyebrow at the girl dressed in fancy gold clothes as she seemed to give them all an once-over. Was she lost or something? Should they help her? Someone probably needed to say something.

And then that someone turned out to be the girl herself. What she was saying wasn't something Arsen had been expecting though. The academy had airships blowing up and now they were making mistakes while constructing the teams? Fairly enough, human errors do happen but that didn't really convince Arsen. He was growing suspicious.

But those suspicions could be laid to rest for now, the whole team was gathered now. Given that no one burst through the door to inform that more mistakes were made during the making of their team and someone was booted off. Nyanza beat him to introductions though, she was blunt and went to the point, quite expected. However, what Arsen hadn't expected was the angry look she sent towards him and Rot.

His arms still crossed, the male visibly tensed as he met Nyanza's glare, a small furrowing of his brow indicating confusion. What did he do now? Why was she mad at him? At Rot? Because he didn't answer her question? Because she didn't like Rot's answer? An answer that the faunus didn't even get to finish, mind you.

So, what Arsen gathered from this all was that staying silent was apparently bad and made the mean-ish girl mad. But she was also mad at Rot and Arsen's reply probably wouldn't have been any better if he had opened his mouth so Nyanza would've gotten mad at him anyway. There was just no winning for him.

With that quick deduction of his, Arsen watched as both Rot and Nyanza's focus were on Jorani now, his mouth pressed into a thin line and a hint of a somewhat troubled expression on his face. And then he quietly retreated back few steps, distancing himself from the situation and the rest of the team.

If he just stayed back now and kept his trap shut, perhaps they'd ignore him like they were supposed to. If they ignored him, they couldn't be mad at him. Solid Arsen-logic.

Though now he was being rude by not introducing himself to Jorani. Ughh... Some of the tension disappeared out of Arsen's posture as his shoulders sagged now instead. And he looked at the floor again. Such a pretty floor indeed.

Yep, he just couldn't win with these people, no matter what he decided to do.
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Mon, 04/07/2016 20:15 (8 Years ago)
Amethyst Winstone

Amethyst walked out of danger watching medics run around and help students that were injured during the fall of the airship. She was really interested in how fast they were and how good they handeled situation, so she didn't want to get in the way. For her, only logical way to move from path is to go to amphitheater, but before she could move one of nurses walked to her and talked to her. At first she didn't get anything until nurse started to bind her leg. She was supprised that she had wound that seemed somewhat deep on uper side of her leg.

It took some time for Amethyst to assure nurse, with smiles and sweet words, that she doesn't need anymore help and that she should go and listen to speech. When nurse was sure Amethyst was fine she let her go. Amethyst's thoughts were mess. At the same time she though she did something good, like, probably, saving few students, but in that same time somepart of her told her it was stupid what she did.

When she finally finished dragging herself over to place of the meeting, she realised the speech ended, so she asked one of the other students for short story. He told her about blue screens and teams. She felt ready, she has been waiting for this for way to long, if anyone asked her.

Her eyes pasted onto screen, while she looked for her name. It wasn't hard for her to find it. 'So I am in team AASH. That sounds interesting. And it's room 107, nice.' She turned away and slowly moved because her leg started hurting, but she still had her, fake, smiled pasted on her face.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Thu, 07/07/2016 09:48 (8 Years ago)
Jorani Meas

Witnessing the angry look aimed at the other two, Rani felt herself hesitate and wonder if she had walked in on the worst possible moment. Even so, there wasn't much she could do about it in her current position. Straying eyes regarded the two males curiously for the breadth of a second before being averted. It was never polite to stare, and of all people Rani hated being pitied. Ultimately, she refrained from commenting. "I hail from Vacuo as well, but I was raised in Mistral," she said, her standard measured tone overcoming her anxieties for the moment.

The small line that formed a bridge between her eyes was the only indication Rani was thinking. It flattened and smoothed out a moment afterwards. "I'm at my best when working from afar. My weapon relies a lot on accuracy, and I don't hold up well against close-ranged attacks... but I believe you might have come to that conclusion already. The explosion on the airship did quite a number on me." As fleeting as the smile was, it was hard to miss the solid exhaustion etched in it. "I've been told I'm arguably good at reading people, but I'm terrible at understanding. Communication in general is a bit problematic."

Her cheeks were suddenly injected with color, and her tone turned faintly apologetic. "Er, I have almost no qualms on being unsportsmanlike if necessary. I daresay my Semblance encourages it." Clearly flustered, Rani abashedly fished out a few black buttons from her skirt's pocket. She closed her fist around them for several seconds then splayed her fingers. The buttons shot out as blurs and frolicked about in the space in front of her. "I can move and interact with things after touching them. It doesn't work on living things, as far as I'm aware, and works well with gravity and air Dust."

Holding her hand out again, the brunette watched as the buttons dropped back into it. "Contrary to what may be assumed, I can move efficiently and briskly enough." She ran a critical glance down her own getup, pursed her lips, and rolled up her sleeves to expose the gleaming metal braced against her forearms. "The usual transforming paraphernalia fad," she summarized. Arms returning to their original positions at her side, she leaned back against the nearest wall. Dust, she was tired and feeling uncomfortably vulnerable. "I'm good at improvising, keeping my mouth shut, and cooking. I get easily emotionally compromised, become too focused on the future, and can't be straightforward to save my life."

Mentally, Rani was doing her best to shrink into herself. Did she talk too much? Did she say anything irrelevant? Were some of her words utterly unnecessary? Worrying her lip till she tasted blood, she resisted the urge to add anything else. Though she had half a mind to mention that she was good at picking pockets, but that would be another secret out in the open. How was she even sure she could trust these people? Yep, she was being a complete worrywart again. All of a sudden she found her boots very fascinating.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 464
Posted: Fri, 08/07/2016 09:10 (8 Years ago)
Rot Juodi

Rot continued to stare at the new girl, slowly taking her in. Her voice held a shake of nervousness and it wasn't as cold, nor demanding as Wisterias. He liked that, had no idea why, but he did. That could mean they would get along better then with their other female team member. In Rots opinion Jorani was sort of good looking, the gold suited her well. Though he doubted that the clothes were very comfortable in a fight. Maybe she had a combat suit tucked somewhere away in her luggage?

Of course, Nyanza was the first to speak, jumping straight into the introductions. Somehow, anger managed to creep into her voice, and Rot could swear he felt a heated glare on his back. But it was gone as fast as it appeared. How someone could change their mood so quickly was just beyond him. At least she acted friendly with their new teammate. Could it be that Wisteria had a natural dislike for boys? If that was the case, then the next four years won't be too much fun.

Rot glanced over to Arsen when he steped away even further. The taller guy had a pretty neutral look on his face, but the slight movememt in his brows showed he was troubled. But then his shoulders slumped over in defeat. What a strange guy, indeed. He always kept silent yet Rot could see he had much to say. Maybe a little encouragment would help? Since everyone was quiet, he could go ahead and introduce himself.

However, Rot was a bit too late. Jorani spoke before he could even open his mouth. First she told from where she was, then the part nether of the two males could. Jorani sure was impressive: she was a far-range fighter, her Semblance being a perfect match for it. Though Rot didn't understand much about her weapon. Hopefully, tomorrow he'll get a clearer view on it in the practise matches. They could end up fighting together and that would be a first class seat to observe its work.

When she was done, Rot felt the need to compliment her for such a wonderful summary of her abilities. To some point he could understand how she felt, going all shy looking at her boots. "That was a great introduction! I'm very glad to have a teammate like you!" Rot happily told theur newest member. Now seemed as a pretty good chace to introduce himself as well. "I'm Rot Juodi, the teams supposed leader." Then he moved his hand to gesture towards Arsen. "And this is sir Arsen Magnus. I think we'll get along just fine." Rot smiled to Jorani.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Fri, 08/07/2016 12:19 (8 Years ago)
Lavender Holyrain

Lavender was making her way down the halls, her happiness suddenly forgotten. Her scared thoughts loomed throughout her head, terrified of her team hating her, or yelling at her. She began to shiver and blink. She leaned against the wall, balancing. She passed a few rooms before seeing her team room. She prepared herself to greet her team, resting her palm on the doorknob lightly. She sighed, opening it.

She entered, slightly fake smile on her lips. "He-hello...." She said, closing the door behind her. She shifted her weight, feeling quite awkward. Her cheeks became flushed, and she tapped her pointer fingers together. She blinked, hoping she wasn't too out of place.
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Tue, 12/07/2016 11:24 (8 Years ago)
Amethyst Winstone

Until Amethyst reached dorms, her leg didn't hurt as much and she added cheerful jump to her walk. However she was still dragging her left leg behind her, a bit. She still had smile on her face, the smile that anyone, who didn't know her, would say is true. She was actually really concerned because of being late. She thought that her team was already in their room and was talking. 'My teammates are probably already getting used to each other.' She thought to herself.

As she went to her room, number 107, she looked around and listened. 'It seems a lot of people have found their rooms.' She spends some more time looking at people passing her and walking to their rooms. 'Well at least I am not last one to find my room.' She takes few more turns and finds herself in hallway with numbers that lead her to her room.

When she finally reached her room, two Faunus girls were standing outside of it. On was blonde Raccoon Faunus and other was green haired Cat. Amethyst decided to dance-walk to two girls with huge smile on her face. ''Hello. Are you my teammates?'' She said in cheerfull voice.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Wed, 13/07/2016 16:17 (8 Years ago)
Nyanza Wisteria

Nyanza absored all the information Jorani was throwing towards her. She was an intriguing individual to say the least; a ranged attacker with a telekinetic semblance. Though it would be hard to judge how well she would coordinate with the rest of the team as no one else bothered to answer her question.

Rot decided to introduce himself and Arsen to Jorani. Nyanza could see Arsen attempting to retreat from the conversation. All the teammates needed to be involved in this discussion, whether they liked it or not.

"Thank you for describing your abilities Jorani, much appreciated." Nyanza nodded in Jorani's direction. She next glanced over towards Arsen. "Maybe you'd like to go next?" She questioned, with a smirk."

Hazel Honey

As Hazal began to open the door and enter her dorm, a tall girl approached her and her other teammate. The first thing that caught Hazel's attention were the girl's purple eyes that stood out from her darker skin. Hazal herself was smaller than this girl, and she knew there would be an even greater height difference if it wasn't for her heels.

"If you're in this room, then I guess we are teammates." Hazel responed to the girl's overally cheerful question. "I'm Hazel, and I've had a rough day already, so let's just head inside." Hazel tried to appear as happy as possible, but she was tired after the airship incident, and really didn't care that much.

(Sorry for such a late reply, I'm away for the next few weeks.
I'm only able to use my tablet right now, so this isn't proof read and probably isn't my greatest work. I apologise cx)
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Wed, 13/07/2016 22:23 (8 Years ago)
Arsen Magnus

Arsen's gaze stayed locked on the floor as Jorani started speaking. It didn't appear that he was paying much attention to her words due to his fascination with the floor but unlike with the speech earlier, Arsen was listening to every word.

"-The explosion on the airship did quite a number on me."

Oh, so she had been on that airship as well. Arsen didn't remember spotting her, which was weird considering her quite weird-ish get-up.

"I've been told I'm arguably good at reading people, but I'm terrible at understanding. Communication in general is a bit problematic."

She seemed to be doing just fine, compared to him at least.

"Er, I have almost no qualms on being unsportsmanlike if necessary. I daresay my Semblance encourages it."

Good. Well, not that being unsportsmanlike was generally considered good. But that also meant she most likely wouldn't be so quick to judge Arsen and that was good. That didn't mean she'd trust him though.

Jorani's semblance seemed rather nifty, much more interesting than his at least. And less predictable. From what Arsen had heard, she seemed like a rather great asset to the team, even though she seemed to stray away from the subject at the end. It was still good to know they had a decent cook in the crew, right?

After Jorani went silent, he could hear Rot talking next: "That was a great introduction! I'm very glad to have a teammate like you!"

Arsen stiffened slightly. Yes, she was such a great teammate, at least she could talk for starters. He resisted the urge to pout. Upon hearing his own name, Arsen glanced up just in time to see Rot gesturing towards him. So other people had to even introduce him now, just great. His 'just shut your trap and they'll ignore you' -plan wasn't working. Which became really apparent when Nyanza decided to try to squeeze information out of him next.

Lifting his gaze and standing up straighter, Arsen turned his head to look at Nyanza sitting on one of the beds with a smirk. He wasn't sure if it was a good or a bad smirk but he didn't like it either way. There was no way he'd manage to open his mouth and get everything she wanted to hear out as smoothly as Jorani just did. And staying silent again would make her even madder at him. He was so screwed. Unless...

As the seconds ticked by, it started seeming like Arsen wasn't going to answer at all but then he uttered a single short sentence: "I'll show you."

Once the last syllable rolled out of his mouth, Arsen swiftly reached behind his back and drew his dagger out of its sheath. He gave it few spins from the short string attached to the end of its hilt before catching it by the hilt mid-spin. The movements were smooth and precise, like he had done the same motion a thousand times and it had been perfectly ingrained into his muscle memory.

He brought the dagger in front of him and just looked at it for few seconds, his gaze unreadable. And then, he was gone. Well, not gone per se, just elsewhere. In a blink of an eye he had moved from the spot he had been standing on to crouching just behind Nyanza's back on the very same bed she sat on. His dagger was a mere inch away from her throat.

Arsen's semblance was simple. He was fast. Very fast. With such a short distance between him and Nyanza, it seemed like he had teleported.

Leaning his head slightly forward so that his face was beside Nyanza's right ear, Arsen spoke in a volume that was barely above a whisper and would be rather difficult for Rot and Jorani to hear: "Aaand you're dead." It could only be described as creepy. Of course, Arsen didn't really realize that.

The next moment, he drew his blade away from Nyanza's throat and leaned slightly away from her. Though he still remained crouched behind her on that bed. "I'm fast. And a backstabber. Literally." He didn't realize how bad that sounded. Describing yourself as a backstabber probably wasn't on many people's list of 'good ideas' when introducing yourself to your new teammates.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Wed, 10/08/2016 12:37 (8 Years ago)
Nyanza Wisteria

The last thing Nyanza was expecting, when she asked Arsen to reveal what he could do, was for him to sneak up on her and threaten her life. They had only met and he wanted her dead. The blade had startled Nyanza slightly, though she attempted to contain herself, hoping that none of her teammates would notice.

Although she had unexpected this from one of her teammates, at least it showed he had the courage to something as daring as this.

"Aaand you're dead." Arsen whispered into her ear. Nyanza realised that Arsen had obviously forgotten about Aura, a knife to the throat may hurt, a lot, but it wouldn't kill any decent Huntsman.

"I'm sorry," Nyanza stated loud and clear, with the knife still inches away from her throat, "but your blade would not have killed me. It would easily kill any normal citizen, but not a Huntsman. Did you forget about Aura? The thing that keeps us from getting fatally wounded." Nyanza was disappointed that her teammate had apparently forgotten something so simple, though, she did want to applaud his tactics. "Now don't get me wrong, what you did was good, and your style of fighting should be welcomed onto our team, but I'm unsure about your Semblance. I know you used to get behind me, but I don't exactly know what it is."
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Wed, 10/08/2016 21:43 (8 Years ago)
Amethyst Winstone

Amethyst checked on door number hoping she didn't just embarrass herself with not being at right door. ''Yes, this is my room. So you girls are my roommates!'' She proclaimed in her, not, always cheerful tone. ''We will have so much fun meeting each other.'' She said while looking around. Like she noticed before there were only two other team members and no one in room, what made her concerned for forth member. 'I hope he didn't die in incident.' She let concern show in her eyes, but she knew she couldn't show it any stronger.

''Well it's nice to meet you Hazel. Even though you look a bit gloomy.'' She walked in room and looked around. ''This room is.. hmm...'' She stopped for few seconds, and thought about what happened. ''Well small, but we willl get used to it.'' She turned around to see other girl still standing in front of door. ''And you are... wait I read your name on screen. You are Aviani right?'' She stoped waiting for response from girl, she was pretty sure her name wasn't Aviani, but something similar, still she needed to keep her mask on.
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 464
Posted: Sat, 20/08/2016 11:39 (8 Years ago)
Rot Juodi

Rot felt a little disappionted when Wisteria chirped in again, not allowing Jorani the time to express herself. But she didn't end it there, now she focused her attention on Magnus, wishing to make him spill the beans next with that devilish smirk of hers.

The bull Faunus didn't approve of such behavior. He could feel something, something very bad, crawling up his spine. His head twitched sideways - a sign his family and close friends knew brought trouble. This time was no different from the others, just that the people around him were oblivious. Though, before Rots patience could run out, Magnus squeezed out three, technically four, words: I'll show you.

And what a performance it was. With quick, but precise motion Arsen took out his dagger, toyed around with his weapon for a few seconds, then stopped to stare at it. Rot jumped a step back like a spooked cattle when the hooded guy vanished to thin air. 'Can he become invisible?' were the short males first thoughts as his eyes madly looked around the room trying to locate their missing member.

Somehow Mangus appeared right behind Wisteria, his dagger to her throat. Could his Semblance be teleportation? Honestly, Rot had not the slightest clue how Mangus managed to get behind their cold teammate so fast. Then the hooded guy whispered a funny line right in her ear, if Rot only heard it because he was a Faunus. He let out a snicker just for it to die at the next few sentenses. A backstabber? Really? Mangus had to be pretty smug to say it out loud. Like they couldn't win against him, like their fate was unavoidable.

Of course, leave it to Wisteria to brush it all off. Not only that, she also critisiezed the taller male, sweeting it up with a compliment. There was something seriously wrong with this horrid team, everyone was mad! Rot eyed Meas standing not too far from him. Was she just as insane? Maybe that was how humans acted in general. And he, the only Faunus, was stuck with them for four years..