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||Remnants Of A Forgotten Past||

Forum-Index Roleplay ||Remnants Of A Forgotten Past||
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 17:44 (8 Years ago)
William Neptune

William went back to the ship. He saw someone go inside of it.
"Hey do you see anyone?" he asked the boy inside the ship. It was hard to see anything with all the smoke in the way of his vision. He covered his mouth and coughed as he searched through the airship. He helped some people off.

Avani Peridotite

Avani barely had enough energy to stand up. She was completely drained of energy. "I'll just let them think that it crashed" she thought to herself. She limped away to the building away from everyone so no one would see her.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 76
Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 18:26 (8 Years ago)
Josh Luteus

"Yea,I can barely see some people,but I can't help them alone",said Josh,while coughing a lot because of the deep smoke.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 18:45 (8 Years ago)
William Neptune

"Here let me help" Said William. He pulled out his Hoverbaord and smashed an ice dust crystal into it. " This might help." He changed his hoverbaord into to revolvers and started firing rounds into the flames. The smoke begins to clear out. "What's next captain?" he asked
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 19:19 (8 Years ago)
Hazel Honey

"You're welcome!"

'Welcome for what?' Hazel thought, 'almost killing me?' But instead of arguing with the guy, she chose to bite her tongue. She had just fallen from the skies and didn't need to draw any more attention towards herself by causing an argument.

She watched the guy pull his hood up and scramble towards his fallen dagger. Afterwards, the guy glanced over in the direction of the fallen airship, or the remains of it anyway. Air ambulance crews were beginning to arrive and attend to those who needed it. From what Hazel could make out from this distance, it appears not everyone made.

From an outsiders perspective, the crash looked like a devastating accident. Buy Hazel knew something else was at play. She had heard the ticking sound before the initial explosion, but she wasn't sure if anyone else had, so she chose to let her mind wander for the moment.

She turned to the guy, "There's nothing that we can do now. I'm going to the amphitheater, like we were instructed to. Feel free to join me. Name's Hazel by the way."

Nyanza Wisteria

Nyanza didn't care much for the aftermath of the crash. People die and get hurt all the time, no need to make such a huge deal out of it. A good Huntsman should be prepared for anything, and would have survived. Those who died obviously weren't going to do well at this Academy anyway.

As Nyanza entered the amphitheater, the first word that came to her mind was 'grand'. The hall was huge, along with the raised bleachers and circular stage towards the front. Along the walls, Nyanza could see empty blue screens. As she peered around at her fellow pupils, she could see that some were oblivious to the events that happened outside.
A little while later, the Headmaster of Beacon, Professor Ozpin, came onto the stage to welcome all of the new Huntsmen in training. The speech wasn't anything too special, the only thing Nyanza picked up on was that the sparring matches would begin first thing in the morning, and would take place here, in the amphitheater.

"On a final note," Professor Ozpin said, "team listings will now be shown on the blue screens surrounding the hall. Please take a moment to observe them and discover your fellow teammates, as well as your team dorm room number."

Nyanza made her way towards one of the blue screens and learned that she would be a part of Team RANJ. 'Ugh, I don't even like the colour orange.' The second thing that came to her mind was that she wasn't picked as the team leader. "Who even chose these teams?" She muttered to herself in an annoyed tone. Team RANJ was in dorm room 106; so she set off in the direction of her dorm.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 20:02 (8 Years ago)
Avani Peridotite

Avani listened to the speech from outside the amphitheater. She had regained some of her strength. By the time the other students left to look at the teams she was a little better. She walked up to the paper and smiled. Not only was she apart of team ASSH but she was also the leader.
"They've got some common sense" she said smiling. She noticed a kid walking off. "107 huh",She followed after him" Hey wait up dude!"

William Neptune

William sighed. He didn't want to move because he had just gotten comfortable. He pulled out his hoverboard and rode to the paper. He saw that he was on team YLLW. "Great",he thought,"and I'm at the bottom too." He sighed again and rode away to Room 108.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 76
Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 20:30 (8 Years ago)
Josh Luteus

After the speech of Professor Ozpin,Josh found out that he was in team RANJ,"A team with guys I don't even know,huh?That's gonna be interesting",heading to the dorm room 106.
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 21:41 (8 Years ago)
Arsen Magnus

The faunus did have a point. Some help had started arriving on the scene and he'd just be on the way if he tried to lend a hand. And standing around like a moron served no purpose. However, just carrying on like nothing happened didn't sit exactly right with him either. Still, after a second or two, he gave Hazel a small nod before replying to her introduction with a simple "Arsen." And off they were, to the amphitheater!

On the journey to their destination, Arsen didn't seem particularly interested in the horrible wreckage on the courtyard. Which wasn't exactly the case, he just didn't feel like looking at it in the least. However, he couldn't help noticing a guy with ridiculously big horns that was pretty darn happy to be alive by the looks of it. Arsen was pretty sure he had seen that guy before the airship went boom as well, the horns weren't easy to miss or forget.

Once they arrived in the amphitheater and Professor Ozpin started his little welcoming speech, Arsen found it hard to pay attention to any of it. Everyone seriously just carried on like nothing happened? The destruction that happened just mere moments ago was simply brushed off? Like it was an everyday occurrence? What? He really didn't know how to feel about all of it. So he just stood there, stone faced, with Ozpin's words flowing in from one ear and out the other. His brain was busy trying to make sense of the airship's explosion. 'Accident' didn't feel right. And White Fang liked blowing stuff up, it was most likely them. But on the other hand, there was faunus on that airship as well. It made no sense. Who else could possibly want to target students of the Beacon Academy? Arsen couldn't come up with an answer to that.

...Perhaps it was an accident?

"-will now be shown on the blue screens surrounding the hall. Please take a moment to observe them and discover your fellow teammates, as well as your team dorm room number."

Arsen came out of his thoughts just as Ozpin was finishing up his speech and it took the lad few seconds to realize what was happening. Students were dispersing to the edges of the room and over to the blue screens on the walls. Yes, right, Professor Ozpin said something about something being shown on the screens. It seemed important.

He followed a small group of students over to one of the screens to see what was up and it turned out to be the teams which was indeed kind of important. Arsen spotted himself on Team RANJ, which was oddly fitting. He couldn't recognize any of the names of his teammates but that was no surprise, the only other name that he did know was Hazel and she was on another team. Hopefully these Rot, Nyanza, and Josh people were nice.

Oh, and they had a dorm room? Room number 106 it said. Was he supposed to head there now? Arsen tore his eyes away from the screen and noticed he'd been standing there, gazing at the screen, a bit too long. Most people had already started heading off. So he briskly walked after them, soon discovering that they were indeed going to the dorms. Great. Now he just needed to find room 106, which wasn't a difficult task either. He hesitated a split second at the door before getting in. Time to make some friends!

Yeah, right... Not really his area of expertise.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 22:42 (8 Years ago)
Hazel Honey

"Arsen." 'It's nice to put a name to the idiotic face.' Hazel and Arsen then continued towards the amphitheater.

Hazel was indulged in the Headmaster's speech. She wanted to gather every ounce of information she could while at this Academy. She was more than likely behind a lot of students due to not receiving any training while growing up. Though, she was keen to show her abilities at the sparring matches tomorrow.

Throughout the speech, Hazel could see that Arsen wasn't paying much attention. When the speech ended and she was making her way towards the blue screens, Arsen remained in the same spot, day dreaming. She decided to just leave him be. 'I'll probably see him later anyway.'

After learning that she would be a part of Team AASH, and staying in dorm room 107, Hazel made a speedy dash for her room. Once she found the location of her dorm room, she paused at the door and took in a deep breath. 'Everything's going to be fine.' And stepped into the room.

Nyanza Wisteria

The dorm room had one large window in the middle, with four beds spaced out evenly around the room. There were multiple shelves, cabinets, and wardrobes. The room was spacious, yet cramped. Her entire team had to live in here.

As Nyanza was the first one to arrive, she chose the bed in the left-hand corner, next to one of the wardrobes. She had a small bedside cabinet and lamp all at her disposal. Nyanza walked over to the large window and swung it open to allow air into the room. A large gust of wind flooded in and she could feel it shaking her cloak. Just then, the door opened.

Sage Ludicro

After escaping the falling debris unscathed, Sage decided to just leave the injured within the hands of the medics. Upon entering the amphitheater, Sage could see that he had missed the Headmasters speech. He noticed a few pupils looking at the blue screens located around the room, and decided to do the same. From the screen, he learned that he would be a part of Team AASH, and was in room 107.

Sage didn't really know where the dorms were located, so he just followed a few pupils who looked like they were going in the right direction.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 22:54 (8 Years ago)
Lavender Holyrain

The flustered deer Faunus scurried to the amphitheater, hoping she wasn't late. Making it on time, she listened intently to the speech. She wanted to prove she wasn't just a incapable Faunus. She bounded towards the blue screens, trying to get her info. Once she received it, she headed to her dorm, smiling happily.

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 00:16 (8 Years ago)
Avani Peridotite
Avani had finally made it to her dorm. As she approached the door, she saw a girl standing outside by it.
"And you are?" she asked the girl standing outside of the door.
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 16:59 (8 Years ago)
Arsen Magnus

Arsen stood in the doorway of the dorm room, still and straight faced, taking few passing moments to take a look around the somewhat small-ish area. Well, it wasn't really that 'small' per se. But considering that the whole team, four people, were going to live in that same room, it might end up feeling way too small at some points in the future. At least there seemed to be adequate room for all their belongings, Arsen noted as his eyes took in the various shelves and cabinets. The beds were taking quite a bit room however and he didn't know how he felt about sleeping in the same room with three people he didn't yet know. But he'd just have to deal with that.

Surprisingly, it turned out only one of his team members had made it into the room before him. The girl stood before the only window in the room, across from the door where Arsen was still standing. She wasn't ridiculously shorter than him. She was also pale, almost like a ghost accompanied with her white hair, cloak and accessories, he noted with a small arch of an eyebrow. It would've been almost creepy if it wasn't for her purple eyes and few pieces of purple clothing. Arsen would hate to wear so much white, he'd have to be washing his clothes constantly.

And then, he finally stepped away from the door. Arsen was visibly tense and even though his face was seemingly emotionless, you could see a hint of of nervousness if you paid attention and looked close enough. He stopped at an arm's length from this ghost-girl before lifting his hand up for a handshake. "Hi, I'm Arsen." That's what he was supposed to say, right? Was there something else he had to say as well? Probably. He didn't know what that was though so those mere three words had to do for now.
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 464
Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 17:43 (8 Years ago)
Rot Juodi

Rot let his hands fall to his sides when he heard shouts of 'thank you' behind him. He had no time to turn around and determine their source as arms caught him trapping the guy in a hug. There was even more thanking. But Rot also felt wetness on his back, the female was crying. Then more mumbling followed and finally she let him go and walked away.

Something about the deer Faunus made his heart sink, the weight of the recent events settling in. She was also happy to be alive, because so many behind him didn't. They were gone. Forever. Dead. A medic rushed up to him, asked if he was okay. Rot only nodded looking at the ground. They also mentioned something about an amphitheater, that he should be there.

'The welcoming speech. Probably..' his brain supplied. The place was overcrowded in his opinion so he stayed near the exit. Rot listened to the speech, waited for them to say something about the catastrophe. But nothing came, not a single word to regard the situation. And that made his blood boil, how could they ignore this? How can they brush off so many lives like nothing? Sure, people die all the time, it happens. However, that doesn't mean they shouldn't respect the dead! Otherwise how did they differ from animals, from Grimm?

Everyone moved to the blue screens, to check what teams they were on, while he glared at the retreating back of the Headmaster. Only when he was gone Rot moved on. He looked at the screen, but understanding it was somehow hard. His eyes just didn't want to see anything. After a bit he did notice himself, but didn't want to believe his eyes. For some bizarre reason he was picked as the leader. The guy couldn't understand such a choice, he wasn't fit to be the leader! He paniced too quickly! He would lead his team to failure that was sure!

He noted the number of his dorm and walked away dragging his feet, pale faced. The walk took much longer then it should've because of his slow pace, but it couldn't be helped. Today was just too much too fast. Rot frowned even more when he saw that his dormrooms door was wide open. Most likely he was the last person to arrive, oh what a great leader indeed.

Rot took a deep breath and took a step through the doors frame. First he noticed the two standing by the window, a perfect contrast to each other: the girls theme white, while the dudes was a dark blue/grey mix. What bothered him a lot more though, was the difference in their height. It was unfair, there was a ton of othet students with similar height to his, yet the only ones he met were taller.

His face was a true master piece of emotions as he looked at the duo. There was concern, nervousness, a little envy and anger. It was a mystery how could so much fit on one face. Even more so when you took in the stone faces before him.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 21:59 (8 Years ago)
Hazel Honey

As Hazel opened the door into her dorm, a female voice from behind asked, "And you are?" Truth be told, the voice made Hazel jump a little. Hazel spun around and saw that the girl was slightly taller than her. She had long blonde hair and wore green items of clothing in different places around her body.

Meeting new people made Hazel nervous, and out of habit she reached around her back with her right hand and began to play with her tail. "Hi," she replied to the blonde girl, "I.. I'm Hazel. Nice to meet you." Hazel assumed this new girl was one of her teammates and decided that they should continue their conversation in the dorm room. "Let's go into the room and we can talk some more."

Nyanza Wisteria

The taller, blue clothed, guy stretched out his hand towards Nyanza and introduced himself as Arsen. Nyanza kept her hands concealed beneath her cloak. She wasn't touching Arsen's hand, she didn't know where they had been. "Hello." She said, "The name is Nyanza, Nyanza Wisteria. Born and raised in Vacuo. And you are fr-"

The door opened, interrupting Nyanza mid-sentence. A very short red-haired Faunus entered the room and stared at them. Nyanza wasn't sure what species of Faunus the guy was, but she could see the two prominent horns peeking out from his head. The guy didn't speak. Nyanza thought that she may as well make an effort with the people she had been forced to spend the next four years of her life with. "Hello." Was all she said.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 785
Posted: Tue, 28/06/2016 10:12 (8 Years ago)
Yune Astrea

Yune and Lute had rushed to the amphitheater to hear the Headmaster's speech. Yune payed attention to the speech and set her sigh on the blue screen that showed the team listings. She immediately noticed that she would be in the same team as Lute. She sighted from relief, because she would be in a team that had a familiar person within it. Lute poked her and hinted to look at the blue screen again. "Huh? Oh, I'll be a team leader... Uuh, I don't think if I'm good for the task..." She mumbled and looked at Lute with distressed gaze.

Lute Einsbern

Lute listened to the speech, but he were more concerned of the team split-up. He looked up at the blue screens and noticed that he was part of team Yellow, he quickly looked around the other team mates and set sigh on Yune's name that was on written beside the text of team leader. He tough that Yune might not have noticed the fact that she would be the team leader so he gently poked her and hinted to her look at the blue screen again. Yune murmured about the fact that she would be the team Yellows team leader, but Lute had the feeling that she would be good person on the task. "Don't worry, I think everything will go fine. And if you need help on something just ask me to help you, okay?" Yune nodded to him as they started to head the dorms.

They arrived at the door of the room number 108. Lute slowly opened the door and noticed that the other two team mates hadn't come to the room yet. The room was kinda small for four people to live in and it was also kinda mediocre. There were huge window in the middle of the wall in front of the door that they came in, there were four beds around the room, two in each side of the window and two after them. There were also few shelves, cabinets, and wardrobes around the room.

Lute hurried to open open the window because the air in the room was very stale and dry, that it was hard to breath. Yune walked behind him and sat down on the bed that was on the left side of the window. "I'll conquer this bed" She said happily and let her head to fall on the bed. "Well then, I'll take this bed that's after yours." Lute said to her and threw his backpack onto the bed.
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Tue, 28/06/2016 21:28 (8 Years ago)
Arsen Magnus

A deep of sense of awkwardness flooded Arsen as the girl in white gave no indication that she was going to shake his outstretched hand. He let his hand drop back to his side slowly as she started talking and introduced herself as Nyanza. She proceeded to mention she was from Vacuo, which was more than a little odd considering her pale complexion. However, Arsen didn't get to ponder on that as whatever Nyanza had intended to say next was cut off by the arrival of another person. Shifting his focus on the new arrival, Arsen turned around to face whichever of the two remaining team members had decided to grace them with their presence.

His gaze was met with red hair and big horns. That was familiar. It's a small world, or in this case, academy. Then Arsen looked down and was met with the face of the owner of the horns. The guy looked... conflicted, with the lack of a better word. There was way too many mixed emotions dancing across his face for Arsen to keep track of. It was confusing.

As Nyanza decided on a simple hello, Arsen stayed quiet. Another hello from him would most likely be regarded as weird. So instead, he let his eyes wander downwards, slowly taking in the whole appearance of the guy. Which Arsen didn't realize would also seem... weird.

Clearly, this guy was a fan of black and red, judging by his choices of clothing. He also seemed perfectly fine from what Arsen could see, considering that the guy had just been on an exploding airship. Though, then again, there wasn't really anything to indicate that Arsen himself had come close to being blown to smithereens just a while ago as well either.
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 464
Posted: Wed, 29/06/2016 06:59 (8 Years ago)
Rot Juodi

The white haired girls hello brought Rot back to Earth from his thoughts and unsettled feelings. Now, instead of just staring at them as perfect sculptures, he regarded the two as actual people. The female didn't seem very interested, while the guys gaze seemed to be pretty much glued to him. Even so, he didn't say anything, no greeting or a single word, just looked Rot down.

Suddenly Rot decided that his skin color didn't really fit in all that well, so a scarlet blush crept on his cheeks to fix the mistake. Not knowing what else to do in such an awkward situation, he bowed to the two, to show some respect as well as hide his embarrassment. Too bad that wasn't as effective in hiding his clumsy tongue.. "H-h-hello, it's very n-nice to meet you! I-I'm Rot Juodi from the Vale k-kingdom! And it would seem that from now on we will be teammates.." he finished lamely.

Rot wasn't sure on how much was he supposed to say, what was too much. He always felt so nervous when meeting strangers, he just wasn't able to leave good impressions. And Rot was supposed to be the leader? Whomever picked the teams must of had a screw loose or something. The female wearing white and purple looked like a much better choice for a leader to him.

Speaking of her, Rot dared a small peek to his standing straight teammates. He wanted to see just how bad had he screwed up this time.
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Wed, 29/06/2016 14:54 (8 Years ago)
Nyanza Wisteria

The red headed Faunus blushed and bowed his head. As he went to speak, he began to stutter. 'How am I meant to fight with teammates who can't even speak, ugh.' Nyanza had already developed an immediate dislike towards this Faunus; he appeared weak in her eyes.

Once the Faunus eventually finished his drawn out introduction and introduced himself as Rot Juodi, a thought came to Nyanza's mind. 'Rot...r...RANJ... Wait!' She questioned, even though she knew the answer, with a look of disgust on her face "You're our leader?"

How was she even meant to survive the next four years at this Academy with these weaklings? She knew she would be the one that would carry the team, and was their only hope of achieving superiority over the remaining teams.

Sage Ludicro

Once Sage finally stumbled upon the dorm room building, he had forgotten his room number. 'Room 108...right? Or was it room 107...?' He decided to just pick one and hope for the best.

Sage came to a stop in front of room 108. He swung the door open, and immediately felt the presence of fresh air blowing in through the large open window. A girl dressed in aqua with beautifully long black and blue hair lay on top of the bed directly adjacent to the left side of the window. On the bed next to her, sat a boy with dark brown hair dressed in black.

Both parties turned and looked towards him. "Hi, I'm Sage." He said with a smile, "Is this team Ash's room?"
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 16:06 (8 Years ago)
Arsen Magnus

Arsen wasn't particularly impressed by Rot's introduction. People didn't usually convey any kind of sense of leadership when introducing themselves with a blush and a stutter. However, first impressions can be very deceiving and Arsen knew that well. Not to mention that he knew someone who used to be a team leader in that very same academy and she hadn't given a very good impression at first either, from what he had heard anyway. Though he was pretty darn sure the Grimm were having nightmares of that same person now. So Rot at least deserved the benefit of the doubt.

Besides, Arsen really didn't have any right to criticize anyone's speech.

Nyanza, however, wasn't fond of their leader if her looks and words were anything to go by. In order to not be a hypocrite, Arsen would have to try to restrain himself from making assumptions about Nyanza either based on this so very joyous first encounter. Though she really didn't seem that nice...

Either way, whatever the case with her might be, Nyanza was definitely being a bit of a douche right then and there. Being mean was one thing but she was also being rude by not returning the courtesy of introducing herself to Rot. Speaking of which, he should do that.

So as if Nyanza hadn't just been a big old meanie, Arsen took a small step towards Rot and opened his mouth to let few stiff words out again to address the horned faunus, "Arsen Magnus. From Vale. Hi." The taller boy hesitated for a brief moment before offering Rot a handshake in that tense awkward way of his. "I don't have complaints."

Both Nyanza and Rot had bothered to mention their surnames and home kingdoms so Arsen tried to do the same with somewhat different results. It would be really awkward if Rot wouldn't shake his hand either though.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 464
Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 14:21 (8 Years ago)
Rot Juodi

Rot wasn't surprised by the rude question, or rather statement, he expected as much. However the males reaction was something else: he introducted himself, gave his hand to shake and said he was okay with their predicament. That made Rots eyebrows rise as he straightened out. He gave a sheepish smile to Arsen as he shook the guys hand in both of his. "Why, thank you!"

After a second, Rot let go of Arsens hand and directed his eyes to the only female in their group. His eyebrows slowly met in the middle of his forehead. "It would seem that I am" Rot calmly answered her. Somehow he could face doubt, disgust or distrust of his ability without much dificulty. Maybe he was simply used to it by now, he wasn't really sure, but he no longer felt so flustered. Of coure, it wouldn't last long, but for know he'd use the moment.

"Even so, I hope we find a way to get along, miss Wisteria. It would also seem one of our teammates, Josh Luteus, isn't here. I wonder if he got caught in the crash and didn't... didn't..." Rot couldn't finish the sentance, it left such a faul taste in his mouth. It would be so harsh to lose a member of their team before they even met. Where would that even leave them? Would they get a replacement or stay a three-person team?

Rots face was starting to lose all its color as his mind kept wandering, until he finally had to shake it. Such thought won't get him anywhere. "Didn't make out unscratched or something. If that's the case he'll probably join us later, when the medics let him go." Rot reluctantly finished, changing the ending.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 19:49 (8 Years ago)
Jorani Meas

Frankly, the sarcastic comment of "started school with a bang, did you?" would have been very appropriate for the current situation. In fact, Rani could've sworn she had heard someone drawl it out, but the ringing in her ears had deterred her from trusting her hearing. She had been a wee bit closer to the blast than she would've preferred, and her evasion of medical assistance didn't help matters. Surely, she had thought, other people would need the attention more.

Soon enough she was regretting this decision. As she ducked past the other students and spilled hurried apologies left, right, and center, her ears were positively killing her. This didn't warrant anything but a strained expression; her aura was bound to remedy it as soon as it had replenished. Unless her eardrums had burst (which she very much doubted), she was sure they'd be back to normal by the end of the day.

Aside from her hearing, Rani was relatively unscathed. The soot should be easy enough to clean up and her tangled hair was fixable. She'd survived by a combination of luck, spatial reasoning, and her Semblance. Although unreasonably so, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed of her method of escape. A smidgen of guilt mixed into the base of her thoughts even as she headed to the amphitheater. It had taken her no less than three minutes of straining before she finally made out the essential bits of information from the AI, and her doubts rose with every passing moment.

By the time she had arrived at her destination, the ringing had lessened significantly. Enough parts of the speech made it to her awareness to cancel out the possibility of ignorance, but the pain had yet to cease completely. When the students started to file out, no doubt ready to explore or find their dorms, Rani lingered behind. The ringing in her ears had been replaced with the pounding of her own blood. Only now had the full impact of the recent events sunk in, and the feeling could be likened to being sucker punched. She would only take a moment or two to recover, she told herself. Her eyes had yet to be briefed by the blue screens, but she was sure it wouldn't take long to find her own name.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.