I was wondering, once you figure out a price for the Scratch
sprites, can you message me?
I would like a Shiny Munchlax with a bowtie. -- Similar to my
avatar. The hands would be at the sides - not raising one hand up.
Facing forward.
I can give you a key and 2 boxes if you are interested!
Username: Noobly_face Pokémon: Magikarp Other?: say happy birthday! (april 18th is my birthday)
Also, please put Noobly under the pokemon if possible
<3 Thank you darling. I've saved the adorable evil thing in my
<3 And not a problem! It is. o: So long as your orders don't
pile up and live kills you.
Order Up, Noobly!
Also, this a big enough happy birthday for you?
You're welcome :3 And I'll get to work on your order in just a
moment =D
You're welcome, and I'll get on it in a moment. Yay! A dark red
stone to try and get to look good XD (I have a ton of them in my
collection of gemstones)
Aisling: NEVER! I don't believe in keeping those who visit here
happy! You're to be tortured for even suggesting it!
lol. Either of these any better for you?
Original then two darker pinks.
Order up :3
And with this, I think I'm done working on orders for the night.
Feel free to keep ordering, and I will work on them in the morning
<3 The third one is absolutely beautiful~ Thank you very much
dearest! Heheh. Please don't torture me too badly. xD Work's
already done a number on my legs. QuQ But that's what happens when
you're inactive, don't sleep or eat well, and have bad legs.