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Searching for: Posts from noobly_face.
Posted: Sun, 02/04/2023 22:39 (1 Year ago)
The eggs this year are all so pretty! However, I noticed something that might be a bug. I found two eggs on a single page--is that meant to be possible? I've never encountered something like that in all the years I've been egg-hunting. I took a screenshot if it's needed, but I don't want to risk spoiling a potential egg location.

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Posted: Wed, 07/06/2017 23:58 (7 Years ago)


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Posted: Tue, 25/10/2016 02:14 (8 Years ago)
Souls are overrated anyway. I sold mine to Papyrus for some spaghetti.

Help! Riako stole my facebank! (what's a facebank? see my avi.)

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Posted: Sun, 23/10/2016 21:28 (8 Years ago)
prolly not rip

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Posted: Thu, 20/10/2016 02:20 (8 Years ago)
Little kid
the irony of dressing up as yourself
though i'm not THAT little tbh

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Posted: Sun, 16/10/2016 21:44 (8 Years ago)
After a week or so of neglect, my entry has been finished lol

The dark-colored upper body represents the character's rough and calloused exterior, while the pastel-rainbow tail represents a kinder, more sensitive hidden side

the strange gradient parts were my lazy failed attempt at color transition, but it still looks kinda okay to me whoops

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Posted: Fri, 30/09/2016 03:42 (8 Years ago)
~Bumpity bump~

More magic fancy sparkles

I have a three-day weekend so more time for drawing

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Posted: Wed, 28/09/2016 23:40 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 25/09/2016 19:31 (8 Years ago)
We're open again, and I'm now drawing digital too!

*Insert magic fancy sparkles here*

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Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 23:19 (8 Years ago)
So, I'm doing another UT stream, but I'm starting back at the beginning because I got a new computer and stuff.
I'm raising my goals higher, though - instead of JUST no-hitting Asgore, I'm planning on no-hitting every boss. Wish me luck, or something I guess.
Join me here!

Edit: Stream is over. But next time I'll be going up against Toriel! That's gonna take a while though, seeing as her attacks are sO DIFFICULT TO DODGE--

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Posted: Sat, 09/07/2016 02:48 (8 Years ago)
You are still accepting users for this, riiiiiiight? If not, feel free to ignore this, :'D

Hey Eternity! I want to join ^^

PokeHeroes Username: noobly_face
Minecraft Username: noobly_face
Password: Diamonds, ripme

If I do happen to get included in this, don't expect me to be on at first. My current laptop doesn't have Minecraft, but I'm planning on transferring a bunch of my stuff over to a brand new one and I'll get Minecraft on that.

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Posted: Fri, 17/06/2016 03:04 (8 Years ago)
Splashy poked her head out from the water, startled by (somewhat of) an outburst of noise near her location. She shyly turned a bit, seeing a few Pokémon whom she supposed were heading into camp. A Chikorita and a Glaceon were conversing, and further behind them was an... Iwanko? Strange. Those weren't very common, from what she knew. Observing them, she suddenly grew self-conscious of how close she was to them. It was possible that they could notice her from where she was. She shied away ever-so-slightly, dipping herself further into the water until only the top of her head showed.

((Oh, may I make a suggestion? Please record the characters in the RP on the first post (Name, what Pokémon they are, user, etc.(?)). For easy reference. It'll be even more useful as the RP goes on, especially if there are characters that join later on, on a later page.))

((EDIT: I'll just say, Splashy is close to shore, she's just not near the other Pokémon, who are closer to the actual camp, on a 'different' shore.))

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Posted: Thu, 16/06/2016 23:20 (8 Years ago)
((Just going to assume there is a lake there, for the Water-Types, haha))

Splashy nervously shifted in the water, making sure she didn't go too close to the other Water-Types swimming around. Her fin was protruding slightly from the lake's surface, but fortunately no others went near her, too focused on socializing and playing with their own friends. She'd arrived fairly early in the morning, as to avoid being around a large crowd (she found that she was awfully socially awkward) and had been staying put in the lake for the longest time.

She found that she could be bothered to learn more about the wild and surviving in it, having been fairly nomadic for almost as long as she could remember. She found it harder and harder to travel, as the direction she had been heading in had only gotten more and more treacherous as it passed. Survival skills would be useful.

Who knows, she could even make some friends. The few friends she did have were so kind, supporting her then and now, conversing through letters. Splashy would always send a letter every time she visited a new place - telling them where she was, where she would be going (and when), and then speaking all about her travels. Perhaps it would do her good to open up some more to other Pokémon.

((Ahhh, such a long post. Whoops?))

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Posted: Tue, 14/06/2016 18:21 (8 Years ago)
Hey, if it's okay, can I join?

Name: Splashy
Pokemon: Magikarp
Age: ack what do I do 11
Gender: Female
Personality: She's very timid and doesn't like being around lots of other Pokémon, but she treasures the friends she has and does everything she can for them.
Other: If it's okay, can she look like this? If not, that's fine. (Some of her scales are golden-colored at the edges, and she wears a small pink ribbon around her left whisker.)

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Posted: Mon, 04/04/2016 01:44 (8 Years ago)
Happieh B-Day Trollduck Raiko Riako!

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Posted: Sat, 02/04/2016 00:05 (8 Years ago)
i KNEW IT! *Dramatic gershp*
Oh well. I'm excited for the beach. Water stuff (and to extent, FISH stuff) is always very cool.

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Posted: Fri, 25/03/2016 02:18 (8 Years ago)
Alphys can't die.

Okay, let me think...
Nah, they're all too lovable.
If I had to chose, it would be Mettaton, but even his death is sad.

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Posted: Fri, 25/03/2016 02:16 (8 Years ago)


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Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 20:23 (9 Years ago)
Sorry, but no support. This would make getting Ditto WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY easier than it should be, and it kind of makes it unfair to the people who put in all this effort to get a Ditto just for it to be achieved by someone who could've just gotten lucky with Coinflip (or, even worse, cheated). Not to mention the fact that the value of Ditto would drop like a rock if this was implemented. It would just make getting Ditto too easy. Ditto is meant to be rare, and it's already got both the Gem Collector and Lab as ways to obtain it.

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Posted: Sun, 21/02/2016 03:40 (9 Years ago)
I actually haven't been using the golden slot much, because I'm kind of hoarding GGC.
And, unfortunately, I'm going to have a lot by the time I actually start using it, and that'll take forever, so...
Full support!

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