Loretta said,"Hydreigon have you seen Opal's Larvesta and
Hydreigon nodded his head as a no.
"Seen Amy?"
Hydreigon nodded his head as a no again.
Lapras looked down. He then replied in a low tone. "I..I didn't
mean to run off...I..I just don't like to be hit, and yelled at"
the Pokemon muttered. He flinched as he remembered his original
Pidgeot sighed, "I'm a quick flyer" he replied in a simple tone. He
then took a look at Tiger who was passed out, and I'm the bird's
Kingdra recalled the way back."This way." He started swimming. He
sees Tiger,Pidgeot,a Larvesta,and a fletchling. What's going on? Is
this a fight? The Kingdra thought.
Lapras followed, he stopped being Kingdra as he saw Tiger, Pidgeot,
Larvesta, and fletchling. "Pidgeot are you and Tiger alright!?" The
water type asked the Pidgeot the bird looked down and blinked.
"It's a long story, I believe Tiger'll be fine, but I'm not sure.
Are you ok?" The Pokemon asked softly. Lapras blinked and nodded
slightly as if he was lying to himself.
"Well me and Feather got to him first. I tried to get him out of
the water but I wasn't strong enough. Then Pidgeot came and saved
him." Daylight said to Lapras.
"I'm Feather,and this larvesta here is Daylight." Feather said.
Lapras nodded. "Thank you for rescuing him. It's nice to meet you
both, I'm Lapras, and the Pidgeot is a wild Pokemon that Tiger
befriended a few years ago" the Pokemon stated he introduced
himself, and his friend. Pidgeot nodded a greeting, and looked at
the sky. "We should head back before the storm gets worse"
thenpokemon said lowly.
Pidgeot placed Tiger next to Cyndaquil. "I believe so" the bird
stated. He looked over at Lapras in worry slightly. I wish I
knew if we'd be safe to head back to johto the bird thought to
himself and sat next to the passed out boy.
Pidgeot nodded, and Cyndaquil sat next to Tiger. He was still upset
about what had happened earlier. "We should find shelter for the
night, I believe that the Pokemon center in lilycove is still
intact. Maybe we can shelter there from the storm, and fly out to
Johto first thing in the morning" Smokey stated simply from where
he sat.
(Yeah Lilycove is next to the ocean, and it has the second harbor
in the game. It would be possible to surf from Sootopolis to
Pidgeot nodded, and looked at Cyndaquil. "You think you'd be able
to return Lapras I can fly you and Tiger to lilycove safely" the
Pokemon asked the fire type. Cyndaquil nodded, and took Lapras'
pokeball from Tiger's belt. He then returned Lapras, and looked at
the others silently.
(Alright then)
Loretta said,"You can ride my Hydreigon if you want."
Opal sees Daylight and Feather. "There you are I was so worried!"
She said.
"We're sorry." Feather and Daylight said.
Opal said,"Its okay,now go back to your pokeballs." She grabbed two
pokeballs and returned her pokemon.
Cyndaquil looked over at Loretta slightly. He then replied quietly
"no thanks, I'm sure we'll be fine" the Pokemon stated simply.
Smokey blinked and looked at the two pokemon. He then let his
Flygon out of its pokeball. "We should head out now then while we
have a break in the storm" the older boy said softly, and examined
the clouds. The rain had slowed down a bit.
"Alright then." Loretta said,with small guilt on her voice. If only
this didn't happen,she thought.
Opal said,"Can I?"
Opal hops on Hydreigon along with Loretta.