Smokey went over to Pidgeot, and said something to the Pokemon that
was inaudible. The Pokemon nodded, and gave Tiger to the older boy.
Smokey then looked at Cyndaquil "I'll take Tiger to make sure he
won't fall off, or get any worse. I know you're still mad about
earlier, as well as worried for your friend, but we need to work as
a team. So go with Pidgeot, and follow Flygon and I closely" the
boy said softly to Cyndaquil the fire type nodded, and ran to
Pidgeot. Smokey then took Tiger, and himself to Flygon. Once smokey
got on Flygon the dragon type took off into the sky and flew toward
Hydreigon started following the Flygon.
"So how'd you get Hydreigon?"
"Well my mother gave it to me when I moved to Johto." Loretta
replied. "He was a deino by then."
Pidgeot flew shortly behind Flygon the flying type sighed in worry.
"Do you think we'll be able to save this region?" Cyndaquil asked
the Pokemon softly as he looked at the seemingly endless ocean.
Pidgeot sighed and shrugged slightly. "I'm not sure, this place was
already flooded before team Aqua won, and with Brandon from Little
root town dissapearing the region seemingly got worse" the bird
sighed, "and our only hope of winning is if we manage to catch, or
put Kyogre to sleep" the Pokemon finished. He then began to see
Lilycove off in the distance.
Smokey looked over his shoulder. "Lilycove is just below us we
should land now" the boy said. He then signaled his Flygon to dive
down to the city. Flygon dove down to land in the city, and once he
did the Pokemon looked around. "It's pretty deserted" the Pokemon
mumbled as he looked at the abandoned city.
Opal said"Oh thank goodness. You almost gave me a heart
"You can't just a heart attack like that."
"It was an expression,not an actual heart attack."
Pidgeot landed next to Flygon. Cyndaquil then climbed to the
ground, and walked to the abandoned Pokemon center. "How will we
get in there?" The Pokemon asked. Pidgeot walked over, and examined
the doors. He then tried to push the doors open. "Who locks a
Pokemon center after you're forced to evacuate" the bird growled.
Opal jumps off Hydreigon.
Amy sees a girl that looks like Opal. Wait,that is Opal. She
thought."Opal!" She yelled.
Opal heard yelling and she turned around and sees Amy running up to
her. Opal runs up to her sister and said,"Are you okay? Are you
"No,I'm okay."" Amy replied.
Cyndaquil looked at the other two and muttered lowly. "I'm glad you
two found each other" the Pokemon said he forced himself to try and
not sound bitter. The fire type then got an idea "I know how to
open the doors" the Pokemon said to Pidgeot the bird blinked "how"
Pidgeot asked. Cyndaquil then ran over to Tiger once more, he
grabbed a pokeball from his passed out friend. "Maybe we can use
Jolt to use thunderbolt and force the doors open. I mean the doors
usually run on electricity right?" Cyndaquil stared Pidgeot nodded
in agreement with the plan.
Smokey sighed, "someone said something that upset his Lapras, and
his Pokemon nearly ran off. He must have gotten tired from swimming
after the Lapras in the middle of the storm" the boy finished. He
just explained what Tiger did, and not what Lapras said that got
him yelled at for what the water type had said.
Jolt came out of his pokeball, and uses thunderbolt the doors to
the Pokemon center then budged open from the electricity's power.
Cyndaquil went into the center. He looked around the abandoned
building, the machine that once healed Pokemon was covered in dust,
and it was water damaged. The trainer PC was buzzing from being
over heated, and damages, and the lights were dim from Jolt using
thunderbolt on the doors. "Well it isn't in commission but it
should help us stay dry" Cyndaquil muttered as Smokey and Tiger
entered the building. Smokey then set his brother on a couch and
sat on the ground next to the doors. "So what's the plan for
tomorrow" Smokey asked light heartedly.
"I don't know." Amy said.
"Hopefully Tiger will wake up. He can think of a plan." Opal
Amy checked Tiger's pulse and said,"He's still alive don't worry."