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The Path to saving the Hoenn Region. (No longer accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP The Path to saving the Hoenn Region. (No longer accepting)
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 04:51 (9 Years ago)
(Yeah, but Tiger didn't hear that part)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 04:59 (9 Years ago)
Opal was shaking and tears came out of her eyes."I promised that no one would know the truth about my sister. You shouldn't of mentioned it while explaining."She mumbled to herself.
Loretta noticed Opal crying. When she was about to slap Lapras,before she did she said,"Whatever you to Opal,that she somehow heard. You shouldn't of said that! She might have gotten a bad history of something related or the fact you divulged a secret which made her feel bad!"
Opal was holding Loretta back has soon she almost slapped Lapras."It wasn't his fault." She said.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 05:06 (9 Years ago)
Lapras froze and flinched. He then surfed away in both fear and shame. Tiger growled in annoyance and anger. "I know you're concerned about Amy, but threatening my Pokemon isn't a great idea" the boy snapped at Loretta. He then looked at the sky and saw the storm was coming back in. I gotta do something Tiger thought to himself, he then heard Lugia in his mind please don't do anything reckless Lugia stated Tiger shook the thought away furiously and ran into the ocean he swam after his Lapras. Cyndaquil glared at Loretta, "Tiger didn't hear anything about Lapras stating anything about Amy's secret, and Tiger can understand what it's like to be different. I mean he shares telepathy with his guardian Pokemon, and he rescued that guardian legend by taking a sacred fire to protect the guardian Pokemon from going into critical condition. So if you want to hear his secrets then go ahead, because he doesn't mind if others know about it" Cyndaquil growled, and ran to the opposite end of the island, he watched as Tiger was fighting the waves to catch up with his Lapras.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 05:11 (9 Years ago)
Mika is still attacking the grunt. (Guys, I think you forgot about the Team Aqua grunt)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 05:20 (9 Years ago)
(Don't worry)
Loretta realized her Hydreigon flew off."Hydreigon! Where are you?!" She said. She heard a noise. She looked and sees a larvesta with Opal.
Daylight used string shot on Loretta,right in the face.
Hydreigon was flying around and sees a vapoeon and a tam aqua grunt. She doves down and used bit on him.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 05:26 (9 Years ago)
Cyndaquil growled and sat on the other side of the island. He didn't want to talk to the others after Tiger had left.

Tiger growled as he fought the waves once more. He noticed that Lapras was getting further, and further away. "Lapras...wait up" Tiger growled he then noticed the storm was starting. I don't want to be out in the storm, but if I don't get to Lapras he might leave...after all he's still young, and he wasn't treated right by his original trainer. I wish that people would watch what they say before they say it, and Lapras should have too apparently, but he was only trying to help Tiger thought to himself. He then attempted to fight a wave that was making him go underwater.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 05:36 (9 Years ago)
Daylight said to Opal,"Opal,you send out Feather? If Tiger can't find Lapras ,then we will do it."
Opal shyly said,"But If it goes wrong I'll lose you both forever."
Daylight grabs the pokeballs and Feather comes out."Alright Feather,were going to find Lapras!" She hops on Feather. The fletchling flies up in the sky.
"Daylight! Feather!" Opal cried.
Might as well help,Loretta thought. She sends out Kingdra."Alright,you find Lapras. Once you find him,give him this note." She grabs a piece of paper and pencil and writes on it. Then she hands it to him." She points to the direction to where Lapras swam. The pokemon began to dive into the ocean.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 05:39 (9 Years ago)
Mika growls at the grunt, and bites his hand.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 05:40 (9 Years ago)
The grunt gets frightened seeing Hydreigon and runs away quickly.
"You alright?" Hydreigon said to the vaporeon.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 05:42 (9 Years ago)
Tiger went underwater once he did he began to swim back up. As he did he saw something move below him. Tiger narrowed his eyes to try and see what it was, the Pokemon figure then growled and yelled. "Leave now, before you drown as well" the voice said. Tiger blinked, and nodded he continued to swim up. That wasn't Lugia..but it looked like a legendary the boy thought to himself he shook the thought away. Once he made it to the surface he gasped for air. "Lapras! Lapras!? Please come back" Tiger yelled. He began to swim again, and as he did he saw the outline of his water type. Gotta keep going Tiger growled to himself and swam as quickly as he could. As he did he felt the rain get harder, and the wind cause the waves to become more choppy. "Arceus please keep us all safe" Tiger prayed to himself as he swam forward.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 05:46 (9 Years ago)
"Faster!" Daylight said. Feather was flying much faster than before."Is that Tiger?"Daylight said,pointing at a boy in the water. Feather flew down a bit and sees Tiger.
Kingdra was swimming faster and much quicker. He was also trying to not get the not wet. He soon passes Tiger without noticing he was there.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 05:51 (9 Years ago)
Tiger didn't notice the other Pokemon. Just keep going, Lapras isn't to far away Lugia's voice rang in his head. Tiger nodded. "Alright bud, I'll keep going" the boy said in response to the telepathy. He then continued to swim a s strongly as he could. "Lapras come on I'm still your friend, and I'm not mad at you" the boy stated he coughed as a wave crashed into him and caused him to fall underwater once more. He saw the figure swimming underwater once more, just leave me be Tiger growled and thought to himself, he tried to fight his way to the surface, but his energy was escaping from the rescue he had done earlier.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 05:55 (9 Years ago)
Daylight used String Shot to wrap tie up Tiger. She was holding on the string."Feather,fly up!" She said. Feather flew up but was difficult because Tiger was heavier than her.
Eventually Kingdra sees Lapras. He swims up to him and said,"Stop what your doing for a moment."
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 06:01 (9 Years ago)
Tiger looked up, he noticed that the figure that had helped him was having trouble to keep him up. "Pidg...Pidgeot" Tiger coughed weakly. He then used the last bit of his strength to call Pidgeot. The bird Pokemon dove from the clouds, and grabbed Tiger by the hood of his jacket, and broke the string shot. "I've got him so don't worry" Pidgeot stated he had grabbed Tiger once the boy passed out from exhaustion, and pain.

Lapras growled at the sight of Kingdra "why should I? I'm not good for anything, and I failed to both keep my trainer on me in a storm, and rescue Amy. Why should I bother staying with any of you" the Pokemon snarled. He was attempting to not cry.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 06:09 (9 Years ago)
Kingdra was holding a note and said,"My trainer told me to give this note to you. It said: Dear Lapras,I'm sorry for hurting your feelings. I used to accidentally break a friend's promise by divulging something. I tried to run away from my problems but I realized, running away doesn't solve anything. Your trainer isn't mad at you,he is mad at me instead for my rage. I hope you understand. From,Loretta."
Daylight said to Pidgeot,"How'd you find us?"
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 06:20 (9 Years ago)
"I'm fine." Mika says. "Thanks. Where are the others?" She asks.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 06:24 (9 Years ago)
Hydreigon puts Mika on her back and said,"Its best I not explain." He began to fly back to where Loretta is. Soon she sees the place and lands there.
"There you are Hydreigon!" Loretta said.
Opal was just sitting there,didn't both to look around.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 826
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 08:44 (9 Years ago)
(recap plz?)

Credits to KaitoTemari

Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 677
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 12:37 (9 Years ago)
"Hey, Opal, look who's there. On hydregion! Look around, buck up!" Victor said. ( I guess, We should bring Kyogre into the story.

"Hey, Whats the distant rumble? I sense that there is something strong around here. And I can bet on it that it is a water type....." Victor said, expressing his fear.
(it's currently work-in-progress)
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 13:35 (9 Years ago)
(Loretta scared Tiger's Lapras off. Tiger then swam after him, and Daylight and feather had to rescue him. Pidgeot has Tiger now, and he had passed out. While Lapras is still further back. Kyogre isn't coming in yet though, I mean he already did when Tiger was underwater, but he won't attack yet.)

Lapras read the note and looked at the water. He had his eyes closed now, and he looked slightly upset.

Pidgeot blinked "I followed Tiger after he followed Lapras. Once he whistled for me I came to help. I couldn't see him through the clouds. But when he whistles it helps me figure out where he might be" the bird explained simply to the Pokemon.