Lapras sighed, he had a look on his face like he wasn't going to
take no for an answer. "Come on I'll take you to the next island
over" the water type said simply.
Pidgeot rose above the clouds, and Tiger couldn't stop thinking
about the Purrloin.
Lapras sighed in annoyance. "My trainer told me to help you. He
said to get you to Sootopolis, and to make sure no trainers see
you. I understand if you don't want me to help you, but it will
take you some time to get there, and if I do take you there you can
turn back into a human before we even arrive, so no one will be
able to capture you." The Lapras replied, he had seen Amy transform
from where he had been the night before the trip to Hoenn. Due to
Tiger leaving him in the lab to recover from a fight the week
Lapras growled, and rubbed his fin where the Purrloin scratched
him. The Pokemon then yelled as she swam away "fine have it your
way, but don't come yelling for help when you get either left
behind when the others go back, or you get attacked by Aqua again"
the Pokemon growled he then swam back toward the island. He then
said over his shoulder lowly "and at least Tiger tried to help you.
After all he tried to understand why you were out here, and he
tries to understand Pokemon since Lugia taught him to speak
Pokemon" the Pokemon said out loud. He had given away part of
Tiger's secret.
Lapras surfed toward Sootopolis he saw the island in the
Tiger, and Smokey landed on the island. Smokey seemed to loose his
balance as he climbed down Flygon. "So what now" Lion asked from
the shore line. He had arrived in the city by his Blastoise. "We
wait for the others to show up, then we head home. For now all we
needed was to observe and note how bad the region was. Now what we
need to do is go back to NewBark and rest before we come up with a
plan" the boy stated simply.
Ugh what do I say Tiger thought to himself. He had a sick
feeling in his stomach for having to say something. Lion was about
to say that she had dissapeared when Tiger finally replied.
"She...she uh was in trouble, and we thought we saw her, but in the
end all that we found was a Purrloin, and Lapras is attempting to
help it as we speak" Tiger reported lowly to Opal. He felt awful
for loosing Amy.
Opal asked,"What did the purrlion look like?"
Loretta said,"Well it looked normal,it did have a bracelet that
looks like Amy's. Also the purrlion ran away because I wanted to
catch it."
Opal shook in fear. That was Amy,she thought.
"Are you okay?" Loretta said,with a concerned tone.
Smokey blinked, "we can help look for her as much as we can" the
older trainer said softly. Tiger nodded he then sighed "I'm sure
Lapras will pick up your sister if he finds her" he replied.
Lapras sighed, and explained everything that happened in the ocean
before he got there. Tiger blinked and walked over to Opal, he was
about to say something but he shook the thought away.