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The J Diaries

Forum-Index Diaries The J Diaries
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Fri, 27/11/2015 18:13 (9 Years ago)
I should have named this something more catchy...anyway I'm finally writing my own diary here. I've been debating with myself on starting this or not seeing I wanted to say some things. To get it off my mind.

I joined this site only to bring a friend of mine some news on my book series I've been working on (book one coming in only a few months), but found myself hooked to this site. It's fun. Yeah, I don't spend hours here. I sort of only come here randomly to warm eggs and train Pokémon (I'm working on getting enough poke dollar for an Amulet Coin).

Anyway, the real thing I want to get off my mind was that while I was reading through Toetag011's diary I found myself clicking on a single link and now I'm sort of beginning to look up the game Undertale. I'm not trusting enough to download game files onto my laptop (had bad experiences with viruses in the past) and my current HP is only two months old. Still I found myself looking into Undertale, mainly videos, the wiki (haven't really seen more then one page), etc.

And I'm finding myself attached to Sans. I'm trying NOT to get attached to characters that are not mine.

Thanks Toetag001. You've really done it now...in a good way. :)
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Sat, 28/11/2015 00:08 (9 Years ago)
Just got my Amulet Coin. Now I'm going to work towards getting a VS. Seeker or something else. Haven't decided yet.

I'm planning on writing a fanfiction here. At the moment I'm planning for it and I may begin tomorrow morning. It's going to be a massive crossover focusing mainly on one Undertale character. I'll update my dairy when it's up.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Sat, 28/11/2015 10:54 (9 Years ago)
I may not be writing my fanfiction after all. Not because I don't want to, but because of how things are posted on this site. There is no option to turn your words bold or italic. I don't want to use my MS Word program to write it since I'm only using that for my book series. It was a good idea too. I just don't want to use BBCodes all the time since my style of writing has a lot of that to indicate things like thought, the notes before and after each chapter, etc.

For now I'm keeping my idea open, but I don't think I'll be writing it on this site.

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Sat, 28/11/2015 16:16 (9 Years ago)
I haven't even played my 3DS at all this morning and I normally do (only using it to take pictures). The reason...I've been reading through certain things on Undertale. Damn, that game is interesting and I'm still only reading info and watching videos of only one character....AND IT'S STILL ADDICTING.

If I haven't click on that link to Sans' page on the Undertale wiki in Toetag001's dairy then I wouldn't have gotten this attached to him. Part of the reason I want to write something.

I still want to write my major crossover fanfiction, but only one thing stands in my way...annoying BBCodes, which I don't know much about. I use bold and italic when writing fanfiction at times so I need to know this.

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Sat, 28/11/2015 22:07 (9 Years ago)
I've decided that I'm still going to work on my planned fanfiction. Tomorrow morning I'm going to begin. I don't need to use BBCodes to write a decent fanfiction. Waiting until tomorrow will give me more time to work out how the beginning should go.

Creating this dairy was a good idea. It allows me to get things off my mind.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Sun, 29/11/2015 11:26 (9 Years ago)
I'm still not sure about writing this idea. I know exactly what I want to write. I can create scenes and stuff in my mind, but when it comes to writing it I just can't think up the right words to begin it. Fanfiction has been this way ever since I began putting all my effort towards my book series. I've been working on that since 2013 and it began slowly since my interest in it kept dropping. It wasn't until the November of 2014 when I began picking up the pace and began to grow more and more interested in the plot I was forming. And now it's almost completely edited and now the cover is being planned. Funny how fast this is going now.

So I'm not sure fanfiction is going to be easy. It seems thinking up scenes is easier then getting it written. In my mind the idea is perfect. It's like I'm watching a show in my head. :D If that makes sense.

I'm still getting more and more hooked on Undertale (and Sans) thanks to Toetag001's dairy. I guess that why this fanfiction idea is easy to plan, but not easy to write. It's a major crossover and this one Undertale character is the main character of it.

I'll end this here. It's getting too long.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Sun, 29/11/2015 12:56 (9 Years ago)
There's may be a chance I will write this fanfiction after all. Seems whenever I decide to drop the idea it begins to bother me and I just want to write it more. I've been planning for two--or a little over one and a half days and the more I'm not writing it the more it's being planned.

I'll keep everyone posted on what I finally decide to do, but things are looking good now. I may be writing tonight or tomorrow morning.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Sun, 29/11/2015 20:32 (9 Years ago)
Okay. I've decided I'm going to write this crossover. I'm going to begin tomorrow morning. I've had ideas for this planned since Friday afternoon. I had an idea on what I was going to call something in it, but not the spelling. I was looking around this site some earlier today and found the word I was thinking on and now I have that decided on.

I'm not going to reveal the plot in my dairy. Only know it's an major crossover.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 01:42 (9 Years ago)
I finally posted the prologue of my fanfiction. After debating if I should write it or not I have finally got it up. It's called The Enigma: An Undertale Mega Crossover. It only has one Undertale character in it with a major role (Sans), but it's something I've been wanting to write for two days now and I hope it comes out well.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 15:33 (9 Years ago)
Internet went out for a little while this morning. Sort of threw off my writing schedule for my fanfiction since I planned to write a little of 'part one' around that time. I'm going to work on it a little later, but I don't think it was all bad. I didn't have a clear idea as to how to really begin the story and now I do. I guess the internet going out gave me time to plan.

This story isn't going to be done in 'chapters'. I'm doing it in 'parts'. Each 'part' will be several chapters long and will each have a different side plot to them. These parts will have names sort of like how chapters have names, but things will be done differently. More on how parts will be done will be mentioned before I begin the next entry to the fanfiction itself.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 00:26 (9 Years ago)
My fanfiction has been going well. Normally I wouldn't get such good feedback on stories so quickly. Maybe it's because this is the first time I'm working on anything fanfiction related after focusing on my first book for the past year. All I know is that you can order copies of it sometime late January and it's in the final proofreading stages. Doesn't mean I can't work on fanfiction on the side. I won't hear back from my editor with the finished final proofread until this coming weekend.

Tomorrow I'm going to do two chapters, which I would have done today if the internet didn't go out this morning. That's how my updating schedule is going to go. Two updates a day. In the morning and in the early afternoon.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 14:01 (9 Years ago)
Just updated my fanfiction not so long ago. I have a strange way of writing since I like there to be a stopping point that is random. So I sort of read while writing. After reading a paragraph I write a paragraph or line of dialogue. This pattern continues until I finish reading a chapter and that is how I know to end a chapter...randomly.

And I read Warrior Cats Super Editions. Chapters in those books can be super long. Some shorter or longer then others so this leads to chapters with random lengths and random ending points.

I plan to write one more chapter later today. Hope to get more readers.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 15:30 (9 Years ago)
I haven't been on here for a long time, but that's because I'm playing it safe. The night I stopped coming here I had a close call with a virus, but my protection software must have dealt with it in seconds since only mere seconds after I had trouble exiting this message everything was fine, but I'm just not going to be coming here much if ever.

But a lot has happened since then. I re-downloaded the Youtube app on my 3DS (another playing it safe thing since I'm not going to do much online on my laptop other then things having to do with my book series I've been working on) and saw a lot of Undertale videos.

I even found myself moving away from Sans as my favorite from this game. It sort of started when I was watching an Undertale review. It showed this scene. Yes, I knew who the character was upon sight, but the scene...it made me want to really look into this character.

The character? Mettaton. The scene...he was singing...while wearing a dress. VERY funny.

So Mettaton is my favorite Undertale character now. Both his original form and his EX form. I don't really care much for his NEO form.

Well, that's just about it. I'm just not going to be on here much anymore. Just thought I'd stop by to say this.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2015 15:33 (9 Years ago)

Title: More Undertale Studying

I've been learning more about this game during the past week. After only focusing on Sans for the first week and Mettaton for most of the second I began to put more focus on other things in the game from more boss battles to behind the scenes hidden secrets.

Now I pretty much know about the whole story of the games and all three endings even without playing it. I have to say my number one boss fight to watch is against Photoshop Flowey/Omega Flowey. Second is still the Mettaton EX battle.

As for music. I love a lot of the music. My top songs being: Your Best Friend (only because it is heard within other songs), Your Best Nightmare, Hopes and Dreams, Death by Glamour, Metal Crusher, Spider Dance, and MEGALOVANIA.

Well, I just wanted to say this. I'll be leaving now.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Sun, 20/12/2015 13:09 (9 Years ago)

Title: Character I Keep Going Back To

Have you ever had a character that you like from a fandom, but then you move away from them as other characters interest you only to go back to that same one character again and again and again? For me that character is Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls. I keep going back to him as my number one favorite character of all time. Maybe this constant going back makes him just that: my "Number One Favorite Character of All Time". My interest in Undertale seems to have fallen away and Bill's the one character on my mind now.

Besides there is only one more Gravity Falls episode to air before the series is completely over. And it's going to not only be the final part of a three part episode....it's said to be a whole hour long. Maybe that's why I went back to Bill. He's just too cool of a character to stay away from.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Mon, 21/12/2015 13:42 (9 Years ago)

Title: Fun Confusion

I've been wanting to start a second fanfiction here (Bill Cipher based), but then there is the main reason I gave up on the other one (my mega crossover Undertale story). There are other things that I want to do as well and when I'm thinking about writing fanfiction it means putting those other things off. I want to play my 3DS before Christmas. I'm getting two new games (Yokai Watch and Super Smash Bros 3DS and I've been playing my Pokémon Omega Ruby game until then. I also like watching videos on my 3DS Youtube app (which I like better then watching Youtube on my computer).

So with everything else I'd like to do I can't fit in writing anywhere. I want to, but can't. And I'll be resuming my book writing sometime early next year (since that is when the first book is going to be releases so the second should be started).

I'm such a Bill Cipher fangirl. I still wonder why I keep going back to him. First it was around the time The Last Mabelcorn aired, which was the first episode I saw on my 3DS (Youtube app) and my interest in this demonic cute triangle flared. Then it sort of died down and then Dipper and Mabel VS the Future aired and the ending of that episode sparked the interest AGAIN. Then I began paying more attention to my own characters from my book series for a time...before I discovered Undertale. Then it was Sans...and then Mettaton...and then the whole entire cast of characters...and now it's Bill again. Seeing I keep going back to him I guess I'm staying for the time being.

Damn it, Bill, why are you so interesting to think about.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Tue, 22/12/2015 17:57 (9 Years ago)

Title: Fanfiction or No Fanfiction

I have two different ideas and I'm even beginning to see an idea on it's own which merges both of the two. Seeing I've been into Bill Cipher (from Gravity Falls) for the past few days it's going to focus on him...if I do it. I'm still trying to see how writing fanfiction would fit into my life since I'll be getting two games for Christmas and trying to divide time for fanfiction, games, and the Youtube app is going to be hard.

So I'm still trying to think. I can work on fanfiction in the morning (chapters don't have to be too long), but that'll get into my work schedule next year when I begin work on book two of my series seeing the first will come out by late January (maybe). So that's something else that's going to get in the way of fanfiction.

I'm so confused. I WANT to write fanfiction, but with everything else I'm into I can't.

If only I could find others on this site who know Gravity Falls (and Bill). Maybe then I can find something to do here and not be bored whenever I come to this site.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Tue, 22/12/2015 19:29 (9 Years ago)

Title: I'm Doing The Fanfiction

I decided to work on this fanfiction. The reason is that after seeing -TheSans- Undertale/Warrior Cats crossover it got me thinking. A fanfiction can still work without the chapters being super long, which will give me time to do other things.

The idea itself is partly inspired by something I began working on at Fanfiction.net a while back, but stopped work on it once I began work on my book series. It was a sort of crossover between Gravity Falls and the SCP Foundation. It had Bill Cipher with the starring role, which had him trapped in the Foundation as one of the many "SCPs". His powers were drained to nearly nothing in this idea and there wasn't much he could do in order to escape.

This time things are going to be different. The beginning half of this idea will take after this idea, but it won't be the main plot. It'll only be used to give the story a decent beginning. As with the other idea Bill finds himself trapped in the Foundation, but instead of his powers being completely drained they are drained by half, but despite this there isn't much he can do. What begins the main plot is when he is somehow transported to another world by a strange force. It's in this world where he learns of a dark force, which is causing strange things to happen...and he isn't causing them.

After spending some time in this world he (and some others from this world) head back to the Foundation (located in another world). There he gains back the missing half of his power and is able to defeat the Foundation, but the story isn't over. This is only how it begins. I'm not going to go into the full plot, but this will be something I'll work on randomly. Seeing I'm not making the chapters very long.

It'll be a Gravity Falls/Mega Crossover (obviously) and Bill Cipher will have the main role. It'll be different having him as a good guy, but it'll be fun to work on.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 10:53 (9 Years ago)

Title: Story Started

I did the prologue last night and I'm about to work on it some more. I'm planning on keeping the chapters short so don't expect anything super long.

This is going to be a short diary entry. Nothing else to day.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 13:50 (9 Years ago)

Title: Who Is This Other Triangle

It's been bothering me on his (is it a he) origins since I started seeing pictures of him/her/it with Bill Cipher. Here's one of those pictures:


Is this character a fan character, from some kind of fandom that I just haven't looked into, or what?