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The J Diaries

Forum-Index Diaries The J Diaries
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 10:52 (9 Years ago)

Title: No One Was Online

If there is something that makes me bored when here it's having those you normally talk to not show up. Before she decided to leave (or not come here a lot) ToeTag001 was the one I'd go to when I wanted to have a conversation with someone. She was even part of the reason I decided to give the show Rick and Morty a try. I saw a top ten facts video about a week before I even began looking into it (my own decision), but then I noticed it mentioned in her own fanfiction she was just beginning to work on as being one of the fandoms used in her own crossover. Then she left. That story, which was going to be something I'd look forward to reading, is never going to be continued. I'm still not over how she just decided to desert her story let alone this site.

I did find other people to talk to and for Saturday night it was great. The person I spoke with was online when I was, but then the pal pad messages began to slow down, mainly in the evening/early night hours and I was suddenly bored again. I always look for the little green dots in the pal pad, but they just went on being blank and so I decided to do things off the site.

I have a fanfiction of my own (a lot of them), but when I feel there is no readers or no one is online when I am (mainly in the evening/early night hours) I tend to get bored very quickly. Also for a show like Rick and Morty I get nervous that I shouldn't be writing for a show like that here on this site. I've decided to leave as well. Since ToeTag001 left it hasn't been the same. She's the main reason I decided to write for this show and then she just...left. I'm not even sure she wants to meet the same people when she does return with a new identity. She says she is going to become a new person this year and makes it seem like she just want to forget the past and everything (and everyone) about it. I've been doing a lot of interacting, but never to her eggs and pokemon. I feel betrayed by her. For once I had something fun to do and talk about, but only days after...she leaves. Yes, I did find others to talk to, but like I mentioned above. They weren't online.

So I guess this is my last dairy entry for now. I don't know if I'll come back, but I just don't want to be bored anymore. And that's all I feel when I come to this site most of the time now.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 11:15 (9 Years ago)

Title: Sorry About The Other Entry

There's just nothing to do here that is making me want to stay. My newest fanfiction is becoming not boring to write, I love the plotline I planned for it, but it has certain things in it planned that may be a little...PG13 for this site. It's mainly a Rick and Morty story, but a mega crossover. So I don't think I should go into the next chapter.

I'm also not too happy about ToeTag001 leaving. I've read her last dairy entry many times and it sounds like she just wants us to forget she ever existed. Does she realize that I'm NOT going to forget she exists? I left Deviantart over a year and a half ago and I STILL remember my time there and I never forgot Inad for that long either. She was always on my mind since I was forming out an original character who is now a major part of a book series that is VERY close to finally being released to stores. How can I just forget someone who was around during one of the most important moments of my life?

I sort of let my disappointment towards ToeTag001's plan to leave get the better of me and wrote the last dairy entry. I still feel bored here and my fanfiction is again discontinued. I'm still not going to be coming here much either, but it's just how I feel. Mainly it's ToeTag001 leaving that has me wanting to leave. There are a lot of other things I can do that is a lot more fun then coming here and having nothing to do since no one is online. My 3DS for one thing. You can play games, watch Youtube, and even go online (as if surf the internet) with it. I tend to want to use IT more for online things because I'm nervous around my new laptop. I lost other laptops from viruses and I'm nervous that it'll happen again. I had one close call before.

Now this is the real last dairy entry.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 00:32 (9 Years ago)

Title: Maybe It Wasn't My Last

I was sort of upset this morning since I wondered over to ToeTag001's page and sort of lost it. Since she's not here anymore and she's the one I joined this site to speak with in the first place (about the book series I'm working on). I was also a little nervous about my fanfiction as well seeing Rick and Morty is an adult cartoon. I did put a warning in the introduction so I guess it's okay that I continue. I'm a day late with the second chapter so I may do it tomorrow.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 01:51 (9 Years ago)

Title: It's Decided.

I'm going to pick up where I left off tomorrow. Seems I can't leave when I still like the story I'm working on. Truth is I was too nervous to continue the story seeing, as I said before, Rick and Morty is an adult cartoon and isn't for kids. I gave the story a PG-13 rating in the introduction when I first posted it so that should be enough.

It's a day late, but I plan to pick up with the story tomorrow. I have too much planned to give up on it and I like the idea. I'm having fun writing it and I don't have to leave here because it's based around an adult cartoon. The rating is enough to keep the younger members of the site away.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 14:24 (9 Years ago)

Title: I'm Continuing The Story

I made a quick stop on the site last night and noticed that one of the people that I speak with through pal pad (austinfirefire2) was online. Found out he'd turned off pal pad the night before because of someone asking for items and that was why he wasn't on. After doing our normal Rick and Morty discussions I decided to pick up the fanfiction again today with the second part of chapter (or episode) 1. Since I'm doing the chapters in the style of episodes with every two chapters being full episodes. That means today's chapter marks the end of the first episode.

I'm going to write more later.

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 17:27 (9 Years ago)

Title: Planning New Story

Part of the reason I give up too easily with my stories is because my work doesn't have style. So I'm going to do something different with this new idea. I'm going to try to use BBcodes. As you can see I'm giving it a try here. If it doesn't work in this dairy page then it's not going to work when working on fanfiction.

I'm still planning on doing something with the show Rick and Morty, but this time I'm going to take it more seriously and plan more.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Fri, 08/01/2016 11:14 (9 Years ago)

Title: New Fanfiction, Total Drama, and More

Well, I started yet another story. This one being based around the Total Drama series, but it's still a mega crossover. I always have to work that into stories. As for this series itself I've always been on and off it. I sort of wanted to move away from the series so I skipped The Ridonculous Race when it aired back in September, but I've recently began looking into it and WOW. I knew Noah, one of my top favorite Total Drama characters, was going to be in it, but....WOW!

If you have seen the rest of the Total Drama series, but not this spin off and don't want to be spoiled turn away now...

NOAH HAS A GIRL FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No kidding. He hooks up with Emma, one of the newcomers and that sub plot of this spin off is both funny and fun to watch at the same time.

And then I began planning Total Drama Dimensional a mega crossover with a sort of Total Drama plot. It's my new project here and ever since I began to get the hang of BBcodes this is going to be a better story.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 08/01/2016 11:19 (9 Years ago)

Title: My first post

This is my first post I have ever made if u fell it nice then please subscribe

I like Pokeheroes very much(Y). Thank you raiko for making pokeheroes. I like collecting pokemons in pokeheroes. I like chatting, battling, playing games, interacting other's pokemon etc. Pokeheroes is my favourite online game

Hi everyone

I love my friends very much. I like playing, chatting, battling with them. They are always with me everytime:P ;)

kaha gayi re , sahi pakde hai ,
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Sun, 10/01/2016 13:53 (9 Years ago)
I guess I'm going to stop using this dairy. Someone (looks above) doesn't know that you're not allowed to post in someone else's dairy. This is a private place where a member writes.

Maybe I should have put a DO NOT POST HERE message back when I started this dairy. -_- Now it's ruined...
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Sun, 10/01/2016 19:48 (9 Years ago)

Title: Today's Been Bad Luck

Today's been boring. Someone else has posted in my dairy, which isn't allowed, I've been excited about writing my fanfiction and decided to hold off until austinfirefire2 has seen some videos I sent last night through PM and a few more I sent this morning through pal pad, but I haven't heard back from him yet. I've been trying to find other fans of the Total Drama series and it's spin off since Friday, but I haven't been having any luck on that. My polls that I use to seek out possible fans haven't worked and now I don't think my fanfiction (Total Drama Dimensional (Redone) will have no readers.

My dire to write fanfiction is fouled by there being possible readers and the only way I know if there are readers when writing on Pokeheroes is if I'm able to talk to those who read and I haven't had any luck with that....