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The J Diaries

Forum-Index Diaries The J Diaries
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Thu, 24/12/2015 16:18 (8 Years ago)

Title: Double Triangles

Yesterday shortly after posting my previous dairy page I decided to do the looking up on my own since I had a name for this other triangle. I used it to lead me to the fandom and even if the game itself doesn't interest me this character YV (or Yung Venuz) does. Most likely for his close resemblance to Bill Cipher. I mean he's a one eyed triangle creature with thin black limbs. So is Bill. The only difference is that YV is white and...is just white.

So now Bill isn't the only triangle I'm beginning to like.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 17:23 (8 Years ago)

Title: Christmas Entry

I guess I did find time to come onto this site after all. I had a good Christmas so far. I got:

Yokai Watch (Video game)
Super Smash Bros 3DS (Video Game)
3 shirts
A dairy like notebook

On other news I got some votes in my first poll. I'm going to leave it up for a while so there is time for the numbers to go up. I'd like to know what people think their favorite triangle shaped character is there favorite out of two. So far the voting goes:

Bill Cipher - 2
Y.V. (Yung Venuz) - 1
Both - 1

I voted both even if it's my own poll. I like them both. So keep the votes coming.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 23:19 (8 Years ago)

Title: Third Fanfiction

After seeing that Toetag001 is now working on a fanfiction it's got me into wanting to give writing fanfiction one last try. The thing is there are other things that I like doing and spending next to two hours trying to get out a single chapter isn't my thing. So I'm going to work on this new idea in a different way. I'm not going to spend a lot of time working on single chapters...I'm going to work on it a little multiple times a day. Whole chapters will not be done in one sitting since I'll be editing in more at different times a day. This way I can do other things and still write.

This new story is going to be called "Hole in the Multiverse". It's going to be about my own character Sapphire (it's hard to come up with names for original characters when most of your good ones is going towards a book series), who ends up being chosen to prevent a dark force from slowly destroying the multiverse or the large collection of worlds/dimensions that exist. A hole has already appeared and is slowly growing. This hole is located and can be seen by all from all worlds/dimensions, but only a chosen few can enter this hole and thus travel to the other worlds/dimensions. Travel is done by owning a type of stone known as a dimenstone (mixture of dimension and stone). These stones somehow pick the ones to own them (sort of like a keyblade picking it's wielder). Sapphire has one of these stones and other characters (ranging from cartoons to anime to anything else you can possibly name) will end up with them as well.

Also I've been beginning some research on the show Rick and Morty (in this story any other form of world/dimension travel is disabled by the dark force). Mainly because I saw a top ten video a few days ago and seeing the show mentioned in Toetag's own story's introduction sparked my urge to study it. If I can learn everything about Undertale without even playing it I can study this show and use it in my crossover at some point.

And that is the end of what I think is my longest diary entry.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Sat, 26/12/2015 13:19 (8 Years ago)

Title: Don't Want To Feel As If I'm Writing For No One

That's what made me give up on my two other stories. On other forums people give you feedback and reviews on what you write. When I write I like hearing back from people who read what I write and here people don't normally do that, which sort of makes me feel...pretty sad. The only way I can tell if people are reading my work are increasing numbers in 'clicks', but that doesn't tell you what people think of the story.

Last evening I came up with my third idea and decided to tell Toetag001 about it and expected a reply on it...and got nothing. I knew she was going to be online sometime during the night and would leave a pal pad message or something...but got nothing. No feedback even before the story begins. I'm super close to not writing. It's not Toetag that's got me down. It's not being able to get decent feedback.

I'm close to leaving the site altogether. It's not fun when it seems as if I'm writing for no one, but myself...
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Sat, 26/12/2015 13:35 (8 Years ago)

Title: Can't Give Up

Despite feeling as if I'm writing for no one I began to get the urge to write when I went to my own introduction for my new story. I have to write this, but if only I can hear back from Toetag001. The main reason I want to hear from her is that she's part of the reason this idea hit and she's also the reason I'm looking into/researching a show (Rick and Morty). I REALLY wanted to hear from her last night, but when I read her new dairy entry I began to feel down myself. I knew I wasn't going to get a reply from her when she's feeling bad and it only makes me feel bad...because one of my best friends that I've known for a few years is feeling bad.

Toetag001...if you're reading this dairy please contact me. I want to write and I want you to read this new mega crossover. Besides I want you to know I'm looking into this show. Since your own introduction is part of the reason I'm doing it. That and I randomly saw a top ten facts video on my 3DS Youtube app earlier during the week. You just helped me along.

So please. If you read this, Inad, please reply.

And to everyone else...please give feedback to the people who write fanfiction. It helps them feel good about their work. Just comment on it through palpad or something. Tell people your thoughts.

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Sat, 26/12/2015 16:23 (8 Years ago)

Title: Changing Story Plans...Slightly

I began to think on the story's idea a little more and decided that instead of there being several dimenstones there will only be one, which Sapphire will have. This stone's main purpose is to find those chosen to join Sapphire in the quest to save all the worlds/dimensions. Once someone joins they are a part of the story from that point onwards. This is triggered through a few different ways. You can be unworthy one minute and then worthy the next if you've done something that helps the group and the dimenstone takes notice of it, deciding that you are indeed worthy to be part of this group. The second way a character can become a member of the group is if they have knowledge needed to get further in the main quest. These characters become members of Sapphire's group a bit faster then those characters that need to prove themselves since they know things that can be useful.

The way the dimenstone shows this is that it'd suddenly begin glowing and the one, who is a possible chosen member of Sapphire's group, will also glow. This is what shows that they are chosen in the first place.

And my research mission continues. And it's FUN!
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 14:42 (8 Years ago)

Title: Poll, Story, and an Interesting Game

I'm working on plans for a Rick and Morty mega crossover story. First I want to make sure it has readers. When I know people read it then I seem to enjoy writing more, but if I don't know if people are reading any fanfiction that I write I lose the interest and I give up on it. That's why I started a poll. So far I have some yeses, but also some yes, but will rarely read and one no. I made it my goal to get 10 yeses, other then my own, but I'd really like a little more then that. I'm holding back on the idea...for now. I want to watch the poll a little while longer until it goes above my goal of 10. Once I see a landslide of yeses, beating out the rest of the choices, then I'll really have the urge to write. If only I knew fans of this show.

In other news I really like the Yokai Watch game. I saw a few episodes of the anime back in October, early November, and the game seems to match up to the anime a lot. It even has fully voice acted cut scenes...voices from the anime. This game has also helped my story planning about how allies are going to be found in different worlds.

That's about it. I'm not going to be doing too much here for now. Just keeping an eye on my poll.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Mon, 28/12/2015 20:16 (8 Years ago)

Title: Overwelmed

Today has been...interesting to say the least. While I should have started my sort of planned Rick and Morty mega crossover today I spent most of the day working on my Yokai Watch game and finally got stuck on a boss. These bosses are hard, but none of them really gave me trouble...until now. I should have seen it coming since this boss battle takes place in an abandoned hospital of all places. I'm going to train my team some and take on this guy again. I heard that if you target the hearts that are floating around then you can prevent him from healing part way through. I haven't been using the 'target' option in battles at all (not in normal battles and not in boss battles, but I should use it here). Anyway, I am sort of finding myself hooked to this boss character, but I'm having trouble admitting it to myself. Maybe that's why I'm going to train instead of taking him on again. Oh, well. What can I say. Yokai Watch is full of interesting characters.

As for fanfiction I am still going to write...something. I just need to think of something. But you can say today's experiences have knocked away another idea.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 12:11 (8 Years ago)

Title: New Story and I NEED Readers

I did begin it and it does have an introduction, but I can't work on it as much as I want to since I don't know of too many people, who have played the Yokai Watch game AND watch the anime. I only know people who have watched the anime ONLY, haven't played to much of the game so they aren't at the point where they will understand anything, or just won't talk to me about it. Why else would I make a poll? I don't just need readers...I NEED to know people because I like to speak with those who are reading the story.

So if you have read what I have so far or voted 'Yes' on my poll PLEASE pal pad me (or friend me and pal pad me). I have to find more people who have the Yokai Watch game and have beaten a good half of it AND know of the anime. And soon.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 19:29 (8 Years ago)

Title: Is It Worth It?

I've tried everything to get in contact with more Yokai Watch fans. I want to speak with them about my fanfiction idea, but nothing is working. Even if the poll I have set up has more 'would read' then 'wouldn't read' I'm still not feeling as if this is going to work. Maybe I should just leave the site, give up on the story, or both. Toetag001 is leaving the site for a while and she says changes are coming for her. I don't think it's worth writing anything let alone staying. I want to continue writing, but if I don't have contact with possible readers through pal pad then I feel as if I'm writing and no one is really reading. There is just not enough Yokai Watch fans on this site to really get the feel of things.

Guess I'm going to think about it, but if I don't get enough people that know both the game and the anime that I can speak with then I guess I'm not going to stick around here.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Wed, 30/12/2015 00:06 (8 Years ago)

Title: The Story is Back On

After not being able to find other Yokai Watch fans through warming eggs/training Pokémon and through polls I decided to join the Yokai Watch club. That sort of gave me a lot of luck and now instead of giving up on the fanfiction I'm going to pick it up again tomorrow. I guess I had to join the club to really find the fans on this site even if I've only been in contact with one of them.

Tomorrow the first chapter is going to be finished up and then the second will be started.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Wed, 30/12/2015 12:53 (8 Years ago)

Title: Story and More

After going through most of yesterday not thinking that I'd really get readers for my story I joined the Yokai Watch club on this site and now I have readers that I can discuss things with. I even finished the first chapter now. The second one will be started later today, but I'm still writing a little at a time.

Also the cable went out this morning (had to be paid) so I was a little late on finishing with the first chapter, but it's up and I can finally move on with the story.

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Wed, 30/12/2015 20:54 (8 Years ago)

Title: NEW Yokai Watch Story Planned

I've been thinking on doing something with the boss yokai Dr. Maddiman since yesterday late afternoon, but instead went to my other story. Then this urge came to me again this afternoon and so tomorrow I'm going to do this. I have some plans for it and more plans are being made. I've thought about what I'm going to do with it and now it's just about ready to start.

I'd like readers to know about who this character is so whenever you have time here is the boss battle:


It's only one of many I've seen, but you only need to see one. This one seems to be the best one.

That's all. See you when I begin this NEW story.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Thu, 31/12/2015 19:26 (8 Years ago)

Title: Feels As If This Idea Will Die Out Too

That's just how I feel. I don't want to go any further with what I have with the story now since it's perfect at this point and I don't want to add something that'd ruin it. So I'm waiting until I get some questions answered and maybe some ideas given.

The thing is Dr. Maddiman is a minor character (a boss yokai) and doesn't really have too much of a plot going in his battle alone so I'm trying to pinpoint important minor details and work with them for character development. I've turned to the Yokai Watch club for help to see if the one who started the club (neonsylveon) can help with this as well as help me out with something else. I've heard that Dr. Maddiman has a small scene or part (don't know much) in Yokai Watch 2, which is only out in Japan as of now. I want to see if someone can find this part, scene, whatever, on Youtube and tell me/send a link/or something. I'll take anything to get a good set up going for this character. Even if these/this scene/scenes are small there may be 'detail' or something in them to help.

Neonsylveon was online today, but didn't reply. Hopefully she comes back or someone else can help me. I don't want another story to die out because I don't have enough to work with since a character is too minor to do much. I CAN develop something, but I need to SEE things to do it and that's why I'd like to see those scenes.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Fri, 01/01/2016 11:28 (8 Years ago)

Title: Could Be A Lucky Year

The egg that was ranked rare turned out to be a Phione. They are said to be good luck, aren't they.

Anyway, I'm planning on finishing up the first chapter of my new story...a little later today. I was going to write this morning, but I don't feel up to it. Writing in the morning is sort of hard since you'd have to wake up all the way first. Maybe that's why I always go to bed the night before saying that I will write in the morning...and then it doesn't happen.

I'll add the next part soon, however. I like this idea.

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Fri, 01/01/2016 15:34 (8 Years ago)

Title: Got My Hopes Up

I'm back to seeking out Yokai Watch fans again, but it's again turning out harder then I thought. Pokeheroes is not as fun as it used to. Maybe it's because I'm taking ToeTag001 leaving too hard. That upset me and I feel as if she's a deserter. I'm still partly not over that and one minute I'm in a good mood and able to write just fine...and the next I lose the will to write and feel as if I should leave too. There's nothing much going on here to really make me want to stay and all I seem to be doing is interacting to pokemon and eggs alongside writing only a few sentences to my current story before stopping.

I like writing, but I want people here who can start conversations and talk about my ideas and stuff. I thought joining the Yokai Watch club would get me just then and it did...kind of. The conversations are there, but yesterday it seemed as if the club began to get buried under other clubs and even it's creator wasn't going there. I'm back to being bored on Pokeheroes.

I'm really thinking about leaving this site. There's nothing to do, my urge to write keeps leaving me (only to come back and then leave again), and my attempts to find better Yokai Watch conversation are again failing.

I'll hang about for a little longer, but if things don't pick up then I don't want to remain bored and waiting for things that just won't come.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Fri, 01/01/2016 15:45 (8 Years ago)

Title: NEW Plans and NO Polls

This is my final decision. It seems that writing mega crossover that follow a Yokai Watch style plot seem to be failing more then working. They are hard to write seeing they follow a set style to work. Yet there is still one idea out there that may work and it's a lot more fun to think up.

An all out, original plot, mega crossover.

These are fun because the plot is completely original and doesn't follow any style. I know I have the habit of starting tons of stories that won't get finished, but the thing is I've been too worked up on a lot of things. ToeTag001 leaving and dealing with this one Yokai Watch boss yokai (Dr. Maddiman) who can't seem to leave me alone.

So I think working on an original mega crossover will be for the best. It'll be fun seeing while I still can use any character that I want to it will have an original plotline to it that I can come up with myself.

So I guess I'm staying. I'll give writing one more chance and see if this one works.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Sat, 02/01/2016 12:00 (8 Years ago)

Title: A Lot Has Happened

I was on the verge of leaving Pokeheroes. The think the reason I was having trouble was mainly because you can't get a decent mega crossover going with Yokai Watch as it's focus point. I'm going back to where I was at before my Yokai Watch craze really sparked. That time wasn't as complicated as it was once I began getting hooked to a boss yokai from that game. The fanfiction project that I'm currently working on is going to be something new, but not new since I was doing something a little like it before. Yet I have new plans for it this time so I'm beginning a new story. It won't have the same planned plotline as what I originally planned and it'll be a greater project then the others I tried working on.

For now let's say I'm staying at Pokeheroes. I've found something worth staying for, but now I'll have to further it somehow. My will to write comes from speaking with people on the focus fandom of the story being written. If I can't get these conversations started then the story dies out and the will to write is lost. So I'll have to come up with some ways to keep my will to write.

That's all for this dairy entry.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 11:53 (8 Years ago)

Title: As Things Stand

Well, I finally have a story working for me. With both an introduction and a finished chapter I think this is going to be what I work on here. Also I have two active polls so keep the votes coming. If only ToeTag001 could just come back and make as if that upsetting dairy entry didn't happen. I lost a possible reader. Things are only good at the moment because my attempt to find other possible readers is working. Do you know how hard it is to find people who know about the things you're into on this site? HARD.

Anyway, I'm staying, but I'm still finding it hard to get writing. I did finish the first chapter. But it was hard to begin. (One) It's a Rick and Morty mega crossover. I've had trouble finding Yokai Watch fans on this site and this show isn't one for fans on this site either, but I'm finding them, thanks to my polls, but if only they can at least contact me. (Two) I've been nervous about getting Rick's dialogue right. Figured out a way to do it and I'm sticking with it.

I can only lead people to my story and poll through feeds and from there pal pad, but this dairy could work out too.

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 113
Posted: Mon, 04/01/2016 12:30 (8 Years ago)

Title: Interacting For Poll Votes

I finally think I found a fanfiction that's working for me, but what is a fanfiction...without readers. I only have (I think) one reader seeing we contact through pal pad. I've been looking for more people who know about the show Rick and Morty, but so far I'm not having any luck with that. There has to be people since past polls did go well, but as soon as I put a poll up that connects to a thread I made in the forum on the show no one is voting or people who don't know the show are voting no, which is getting me no where. I'm interacting with eggs/pokemon that crazy just to see if that draws people to my page and thus my poll and maybe...just maybe some of these people do know Rick and Morty. From there they'll go to the thread, by cutting and pasting the link in the poll and then I'll have a way to add more fans of this show to my friendslist and I won't be so bored here.

So far I only speak with austinfirefire2, the only person I managed to connect with that knows the show by a lot. I wish to find others like him that know the show well, have seen most to all of the episodes, and will also read my story 'The Multiverse Saga' (not the other stories, this one is my main one).

So I'm going to continue my interacting spree in hopes of drawing people to my poll. I'm becoming bored with interacting, but it's the only way. Back to click on eggs/pokemon for now.