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Time to Light it Up...

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Time to Light it Up...
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Sun, 08/11/2015 14:13 (9 Years ago)
A TV flickers to life in front of you, static marring the screen.
"W-we int-int-int," the TV hiccups and you smack it impatiently. "interrupt your program with b-breaking news!"
The television goes silent, and a scream tears through the air. You leap upwards, startled, as a hungry howl meets the scream head on. You dash to a dirty window towards the edge of the room and see a creature... a monster of unimaginable horrors. The huge leopard turns to look at you, fire racing along its back. It narrows its eyes and finishes eating the woman.
You are not alone

~ * ~
Welcome, to my own little dystopian world. What has happened is that creatures linked with elements have been appearing. They are smarter, faster, and stronger than their normal forms. They are slowly taking over the realm of humans... one by one.



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Z...ZZZ... Help us win this war, cadet. General Field, signing out.
[b]Character Name: [/b]
[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Personality: [/b]
[b]Weapon: [/b]
[b]Appearance: [/b]
[b]Rank: [/b]

Elemental Animal

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Heheh... you here to help us, chap? Well what're you waitin' for?
[b]Username: [/b]
[b]Character Name: [/b]
[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Personality: [/b]
[b]Appearance: [/b]
[b]Element: [/b]
[b]Animal Type: [/b]
[b]Current Status: [/b]
[b]Other: [/b]


Psst... just read the bold.
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1. NO GODMODDING! I cannot stress this enough. You can't just go around and kill everyone because you say so. Bleh.
2. NO MARYSUES/GARYSTUS! Not everyone is perfect!
3. You must have at least 3 negative traits. Again, no one is perfect!
4. Maximum of positive traits: 5. I don't want anyone going crazy with positive traits.
5. Try not to use a picture for your appearance. Sigh... this one... it's just BLEH! If you want to, you can use a picture, but we're here to write, so let's write!
6. It must be at least two lines long. This is an INCREDIBLY small amount of words! Just go ahead and try!
7. You have a limit of three characters. I bet a few people just left my thread. Sorry, but it's boring if you are controlling everything!
8. All of Riako's rules apply!
9. NO MYTHICAL CREATURES! You can change color and change size (not by a ton though) BUT NO GRAPHING OTHER ANIMALS ON TO OTHER ANIMALS!
10. Try to read the tips down below...


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1. The rank is if you are in a group/old rank.
2. Elemental Animals have behavioral traits similar, if not a copy of, their original animals. Meaning, wolves will travel in packs, honey badgers are aggressive, etc.
3. Not all Elemental Animals are on the same side. DO NOT TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY! Humans cannot communicate effectively with any of the animals, so animals are either neutral or against. Also, do you think that a fire wolf is going to be kind to a fire deer or a grass wolf? Ha, no.
4. If you travel in a pack, post it in other.
5. Elements are: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Nature, Light, and Dark.
6. I don't care what colors you make your animal have! Heck, it's animals with elemental powers! GO PINK ZEBRAS! Wait, what?

Element s

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Fire - Animals whose elements are fire tend to be aggressive and territorial. They usually travel alone, but will team up when necessary. Their powers with fire include:
*Ability to manipulate fire
*Ability to raise temperatures
*Ability to start forest fires
*Ability to manipulate lava

Nature - Nature animals lean towards the tame side of the Elemental Animal spectrum. They occasionally spare humans and travel in large packs. Their powers with nature include:
*Ability to manipulate plants
*Ability to grow things no matter where they are
*Ability to soothe/make other animals sleep with pollen

Water - Animals who can control water tend to be cold and commanding. They lead most herds of animals but are fierce rivals of other water animals. They appear to be the smartest of the Elemental Animals. Their powers with water include:
*Ability to manipulate water
*Ability to create storms
*Ability to freeze over large bodies of water.
*Ability to shift ice bergs

Ground - Animals who control the earth have large muscles and a great physique. They don't usually attack other animals, except when hunting for food. No human has been directly killed by a ground animal. Their powers with ground include:
*Ability to manipulate earth
*Ability to cause earthquakes
*Ability to throw rocks.

Air - Animals who use wind as their element tend to be aloof and don't have many outward feelings for other creatures. These animals are the most solitary of all the seven elements. Their powers with air include:
*Ability to manipulate wind and stop air flow
*Ability to control the weather
*Ability to fly (Using wind to lift them up. Anyone want to be wind now?)

Dark - Animals with dark as their power are mysterious and solitary. They do not speak much and have a lot of control over their mind and physical being. They can only use their powers during the night, though they are powerful. Their powers with darkness include:
*Ability to manipulate darkness (i.e make themselves disappear, dim the lights, etc.)
*Ability to use hypnosis to control other animals
*Ability to read minds

Light - Animals with light as their power are graceful and caring. They do not tend to travel out into cities and towns but rather roam the countryside. They can only use their powers during the day, though they are powerful. Their powers with light include:
*Ability to manipulate light (i.e make themselves disappear, make something brighter, etc.)
*Ability to heal other animals and themselves of other wounds
*Ability to control emotions

As a small side note, any character that is being controlled by hypnosis only has four posts until they are released for the night. I will post when it is day and when it is night.

Hey! Are you light/dark! Cool! Animals with light/dark powers can also control their powers during sunrise and sunset!


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1. Pack001:
Scientist Hopewell - Human - Male
+ Add?
+ Add?
1. Pride
Ghembo - Lion - Male - Nature - Leader
Sheera - Lion - Female - Water - Head Huntress
2. Bask
Zaire - Crocodile - Male - Water - Leader
3. Moon Pack
DarkRose - Xoloitzcuintle - Female - Dark - Leader
4. Silent Shadows
Bane - Wolf - Male - Dark - Alpha

Accepted Forms:
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Username: Dragonsoul
Character Name: Max Hopewell
Gender: Male
Weapon: N/A
Appearance: A man with dark black hair and shots of gray tinging it. Skin mottled with brown is stretched tightly over his body. He wears a brown cardigan sweater, black boots, and navy blue pants.
Rank: Scientist
Other: Pack001
~ * ~
Username: Dragonsoul
Character Name: Ghembo
Gender: Male
+Kind towards other lions
Appearance: A dark brown lion with a full mane. Mane is dark green with streaks of black in it. HUGE. Golden eyes. (Yup, I'm totally going with that stereotype.)
Element: Nature
Animal Type: Lion
Current Status: Leader of Pride
Other: Pride
*Traits that are not positive or negative count towards neither limit.
~ * ~
Username: dragonkitty
Character Name: Ariana
Gender: Female
Personality: Prefers to be alone and is ruthless towards anyone that gets in her way, will very rarely accept help from anyone. She has a lot of pent-up anger towards humans and will lash out whenever she sees them. However, if befriended and treated well (by other animals) she can be very loving.
Appearance: Her fur is black with streaks of very dark purple and blue in it, and her spots are very dark red. Dark brown eyes.
Element: Dark
Animal Type: Snow Leopard
Current Status: Alone in snowy mountains.
Other: She v gay.
~ * ~
Username: Scotland
Character Name: Brunhilde, also possibly nick-named as 'Hilde'
Gender: Female
Personality: Brunhilde is quite intelligent, possessing a wide, varied area of knowledge and is often very compassionate and sympathetic to her fellow humans and few of the 'new' animals. However, she can be quite arrogant and has quite a temper causing her to lash out at 'certain' people having the ability to hold firm grudges and hatred against some. While she's generally help out anyone she could with her nature, she has been called cowardly and disloyal in the past due to desertion of her allies in the past.
Weapon: Within her sleeves and ragged socks, small knives are kept in an emergency, although she also has an antique-looking rifle that hangs from a leather belt over her shoulders.
Appearance: Quite short and even stout in stature with very pale, quite unhealthy looking skin. She has quite a tangled and curled mess of hair that reaches her shoulders but facially, none of her features are 'sharp'. She also has a bruise around one eye, giving a 'black eye' appearance with a deep scar passing through a lip. She wears a thick brown/green hunter's jumper with a similar design on her cargo pants, high leather boots and gloves.
Rank: N/A -- Not officially confirmed to be in a certain group
Other: --
~ * ~
Username: Scotland
Character Name: Zaire
Gender: Male
Personality: Aggressive, ruthless and hungry for power, Zaire acts often like a tyrant, doing what he can for power and domination. While most things are his enemies, he, like others of his species, will aim more at other animals rather than humans and with this, he can often be seen as sadistic. In spite of this, he does uphold some good leadership qualities. He respects those of his kind/species and even those who share his element of water and when hunting down prey, he is resourceful and won't take it if not needed and ensure that his group survives above all else.
Appearance: A powerfully-muscled dark brown scaled crocodile with a lighter underbelly. He has light green, small beady-looking eyes with many teeth hanging out of his jaws, however, his appearance differs from a usual crocodile as in his front limbs extend higher, giving him a little more intimidating height with larger, rounded shoulder-blades. He also has a 'mottled' streak of brown from his neck to his tail for additional camouflage.
Element: Water
Animal Type: Crocodile
Current Status: New leader of bask (group) of crocodiles
Other: Bask
~ * ~
Username: Tweek_Tweak but call me the potato dorito

Character Name: DarkRose

Gender: female

Personality: she is quiet, but it is really to hide her personality, because she tends to get angry easily and not think of things before acting, she is really nice on the inside. But because of an "incident" she has low self esteem and pretty much ignores strangers. When she talks, she sounds like she doesn't cares.

Appearance: pretty much a normal Xolo(or wolf),just that her skin (or fur) is slightly darker that the average (she has some lighter spots on her skin), and her eyes are dull yellow

Element: Dark

Animal Type: Xoloitzcuintle (or wolf, if not aloud)

Current Status: Leader of (group) Moon pack

~ * ~

Character Name: Rhea


Personality:She is kind of rude and shuts people out most of the time. She is a skilled fighter and smart but she points out others faults. She likes to be alone but is protective of people she loves. She has had a tough time alone but might accept some.

Weapon:She normally fights with a small dagger easy to conceal inside her clothes.She might use a gun she also carries.

Appearance:She is pretty with long black hair and pale skin. She stands tall at five feet and 9 inches. She has a small scar on her arm from an attack by some sort of animal. She has startling icy blue eyes.

Rank:None at the moment....

~ * ~
Username: StarStruckPlayzGames
Character Name: Zephyr
Gender: Female
Personality: She can be dominant at times, but she does have her soft sides
Appearance: Her fur is a dark red, with black tips and the ends of her tail, ears, paws, and snout. Her eyes are light green and the rings around her eyes are brown
Element: Nature
Animal Type: Fox
Current Status: Sleeping in her den with Kezzy
Other: None

~ * ~
Username: StarStruckPlayzGames
Character Name: Kezzy
Gender: Male
Personality: He cares and protects anyone he seems is nice. If anyone gets in his way, he WILL snap
Appearance: The tips of his feathers are red, and the end of his tail and gray. His eyes are green. And the rings around his eyes are brown.
Element: Nature
Animal Type: Ostrich
Current Status: Sleeping in Zephyr's den
Other: None

~ * ~
Username: Dragonsoul (Ah doi)
Character Name: Sheera
Gender: Female
Personality: Sheera has learned to take things seriously, and is rarely carefree. Her stiff personality earns her few friends but many enemies. She gets irritated easily and expects everyone to be a follower; to her, of course. She was born a leader, but the fact that she was female kept her from becoming one of the alphas of the pack. She is ruthless and rarely opens up to others. She views lions below her in rank as pawns, not comrades.
Appearance: A sleek, golden lioness. Her eyes are dark, dark brown, almost black. Her tail is unusually long and she always seems to have her head up. She keeps herself clean (almost her number one priority) and washes herself after each kill.
Element: Water
Animal Type: Lion
Current Status: Lead Huntress
Other: Though she is an Elemental, she rarely dabbles in her element, despite being quite skilled. She prefers claw-to-claw combat.
~ * ~
Character Name:Bane
Personality: Bane is very independent and very powerful. He almost stops at nothing to get what he wants. Bane doesn't stand for much and hates being questioned and mocked.
Appearance: A dark black wolf who is almost twice the size of a regular wolf. He has deep red eyes and very sharp teeth.
Animal Type:Wolf
Current Status:Wolf pack alpha
Other: Bane has a special move that only works once a month at night. He can bite someone and release a poison from the bite that is tourturing and causes extreme rage. It can also be fatal sometimes.

Sometimes, the scariest monster is you.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Mon, 09/11/2015 21:07 (9 Years ago)
Ready for action! Le bump! :3
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Tue, 10/11/2015 21:19 (9 Years ago)
Username: dragonkitty
Character Name: Ariana
Gender: Female
Personality: Prefers to be alone and is ruthless towards anyone that gets in her way, will very rarely accept help from anyone. She has a lot of pent-up anger towards humans and will lash out whenever she sees them. However, if befriended and treated well (by other animals) she can be very loving.
Appearance: Her fur is black with streaks of very dark purple and blue in it, and her spots are very dark red. Dark brown eyes.
Element: Dark
Animal Type: Snow Leopard
Current Status: Alone in snowy mountains.
Other: She v gay.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 424
Posted: Wed, 11/11/2015 16:36 (9 Years ago)
I'll join in! ^^
Username: Scotland
Character Name: Brunhilde, also possibly nick-named as 'Hilde'
Gender: Female
Personality: Brunhilde is quite intelligent, possessing a wide, varied area of knowledge and is often very compassionate and sympathetic to her fellow humans and few of the 'new' animals. However, she can be quite arrogant and has quite a temper causing her to lash out at 'certain' people having the ability to hold firm grudges and hatred against some. While she's generally help out anyone she could with her nature, she has been called cowardly and disloyal in the past due to desertion of her allies in the past.
Weapon: Within her sleeves and ragged socks, small knives are kept in an emergency, although she also has an antique-looking rifle that hangs from a leather belt over her shoulders.
Appearance: Quite short and even stout in stature with very pale, quite unhealthy looking skin. She has quite a tangled and curled mess of hair that reaches her shoulders but facially, none of her features are 'sharp'. She also has a bruise around one eye, giving a 'black eye' appearance with a deep scar passing through a lip. She wears a thick brown/green hunter's jumper with a similar design on her cargo pants, high leather boots and gloves.
Rank: N/A -- Not officially confirmed to be in a certain group
Other: --

Username: Scotland
Character Name: Zaire
Gender: Male
Personality: Aggressive, ruthless and hungry for power, Zaire acts often like a tyrant, doing what he can for power and domination. While most things are his enemies, he, like others of his species, will aim more at other animals rather than humans and with this, he can often be seen as sadistic. In spite of this, he does uphold some good leadership qualities. He respects those of his kind/species and even those who share his element of water and when hunting down prey, he is resourceful and won't take it if not needed and ensure that his group survives above all else.
Appearance: A powerfully-muscled dark brown scaled crocodile with a lighter underbelly. He has light green, small beady-looking eyes with many teeth hanging out of his jaws, however, his appearance differs from a usual crocodile as in his front limbs extend higher, giving him a little more intimidating height with larger, rounded shoulder-blades. He also has a 'mottled' streak of brown from his neck to his tail for additional camouflage.
Element: Water
Animal Type: Crocodile
Current Status: New leader of bask (group) of crocodiles
Other: Bask

Sorry if it was too long or anything!! ^^'
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Wed, 11/11/2015 22:28 (9 Years ago)
Ooo! A gay animal! Excited to see where that goes! ^^

No! Don't be worried about something being too long! Your characters are AWESOME and I can't wait to roleplay with you! :3
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Thu, 12/11/2015 20:54 (9 Years ago)
Username: Tweek_Tweak but call me the potato dorito

Character Name: DarkRose

Gender: female

Personality: she is quiet, but it is really to hide her personality, because she tends to get angry easily and not think of things before acting, she is really nice on the inside. But because of an "incident" she has low self esteem and pretty much ignores strangers. When she talks, she sounds like she doesn't cares.

Appearance: pretty much a normal Xolo(or wolf),just that her skin (or fur) is slightly darker that the average (she has some lighter spots on her skin), and her eyes are dull yellow

Element: Dark

Animal Type: Xoloitzcuintle (or wolf, if not aloud)

Current Status: Leader of (group) Moon pack

Avatar by Crypt

Bought in jack n Bryce's cafe, art by nearclear

Don't starve >:3

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Thu, 12/11/2015 22:46 (9 Years ago)

I like your animal! It's cool at first I thought you wanted me to call your character potato dorito ._.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 424
Posted: Fri, 13/11/2015 17:49 (9 Years ago)
Thanks for accepting the characters! (I was worried they were too long!! ^^')
Should we begin the role-play soon? xD
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Fri, 13/11/2015 20:41 (9 Years ago)
Sure! Is everyone else ready?
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Fri, 13/11/2015 23:50 (9 Years ago)
May I join in?


Character Name: Rhea


Personality:She is kind of rude and shuts people out most of the time. She is a skilled fighter and smart but she points out others faults. She likes to be alone but is protective of people she loves. She has had a tough time alone but might accept some.

Weapon:She normally fights with a small dagger easy to conceal inside her clothes.She might use a gun she also carries.

Appearance:She is pretty with long black hair and pale skin. She stands tall at five feet and 9 inches. She has a small scar on her arm from an attack by some sort of animal. She has startling icy blue eyes.

Rank:None at the moment....

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Sat, 14/11/2015 12:53 (9 Years ago)
Yay! Another human! :3

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Sat, 14/11/2015 12:58 (9 Years ago)
I'm ready to start whenever. :)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 424
Posted: Sat, 14/11/2015 16:28 (9 Years ago)
I'm ready to start! ^^'
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Sat, 14/11/2015 20:00 (9 Years ago)
Ready to start.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Sat, 14/11/2015 21:53 (9 Years ago)
Looks like the majority of the members are ready to go! Also, I've updated the original post so everyone understands what their elemental creatures can do! If you want to change your element, just post saying so!

I'll begin...

It is currently: Dawn!


___Max fidgeted, watching animals tear each other apart. It was horrifying; the huge lion flung a smaller lion away with just air. It lowered its jaws down to bite the smaller lion in two when it disappeared in a flash of white light. The huge lion gaped in confusion, whirling around and trying to find it. Max chuckled: the smaller lion was a light creature, it wasn't going to fight back. In fact, it was probably licking its wound right then and there.
___He scribbled a small note on the light lion. He had been tracking it for quite some while. It was hard when it could disappear in the blink of an eye. The other lion howled in anger before stomping off. Max shook his head; so unlike the usual wind creature. In most cases, wind animals didn't care much for action. The changed animals were changing even more.


___Ghembo crept through the underbrush silently, making moss instantaneously grow to make his pawsteps silent as they could be. The unsuspecting regular antelope had its head bent over a patch of strangely green grass. Ghembo grinned; laying traps was too easy.
___He sprang, dragging the deer-like creature to the ground. It kicked and struggled for a moment, but Ghembo summoned some pollen to make it drowsy. It slowed down, still fighting the whole way. Its eyes slid shut as Ghembo snapped its neck. What a tasty snack.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Sat, 14/11/2015 21:59 (9 Years ago)
Rhea knew what she had to do. As soon as she say the strange bird zip through the sky and the unnatural howl of wolves in pursuit she knew she had to go. She sighed. Another home wasted. She ran to her bedroom pulled open the closet door, and pulled out her backpack. She packed to shirts and two pairs of jeans, a first aid kit, her pistol, a toothbrush and toothpaste though she doubted she would get time to use them, a map, her dagger, wallet and a picture of her dad and her standing in front of the Grand Canyon. Then she rushed down the stairs and fled out the back door.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 424
Posted: Sun, 15/11/2015 13:02 (9 Years ago)
Yawning loudly with a drowsy look in her eyes, Brunhilde remained in a sitting down position, perched on a thick branch of a tree, looking down at the ground around her although remaining wary not to move so much in case her location were to be given away. With quiet, slow movements, she grabbed a leather-bound book from her small hip-satchel and began to read but as ever, kept the rifle within her sights in case of it being needed any time soon.


Zaire as with the rest of the bask, slowly circling a herd of nature deer slowly padding through to return to the grassy plains, eyes narrowed in an attempt to look for the weakest members, Zaire took no time at all to attack a limping deer that made it's way along the river. In one sudden moment, the once calm migration became a battlefield of blood and chaos and the crocodiles whipped the water to their wishes, as the deer wildly tried to escape but the result was that the hunt was larger than expected. With one flick of his tail to the group, they submered into the depths of the river holding onto the prey that they had just caught.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Sun, 15/11/2015 13:20 (9 Years ago)
It is currently: Dawn!


___Max returned to his group of other humans. He frowned when he reached the doorway; there were more. He counted heads under his breath. "Ten, twelve, fourteen... WHO JOINED?!"
___The crowd glanced at him uneasily and a little girl piped, "My mama did!"
___"Oh did she?" He sneered, showing yellowed teeth.
___"Get rid of her." Max nodded to two of the people, strong, hulking fellows.
___The pack gasped. Someone cried, "But Hopewell, she's only twenty four!"
___"Shut up, you raving pack of demons!" Max screamed over the clamor.
___Everyone froze.
___"If we let her stay, hypothetically, we'll run out of food," he spoke calmly, as if he were describing the weather. "If we get rid of her, that means more breathing space for us and more food which will last longer!"
___The crowd was silent, save for the little girl screaming and crying, while the young women was dragged away.


___Ghembo raced towards his pride of lions, observing the animals milling about. He shook his head; This will not do. He raced towards the towering baobab and leaped on to one of its roots. He roared, making a root rear into the air. The lions turned to gaze at him. Already, his snack was being torn apart by some of the lower members of the pack.
___He had the lions attention. He nodded to two of the females, one light and the other wind, and sent them on their way. They were to provide enough food for the pack's dinner.
___He jumped off of his vantage point, making ferns and flowers sprout where he landed. The plants cushioned his fall reasonably and he snorted, padding off to his den to take a cat nap.

IMPORTANT: Should the elemental animals be able to talk at all? I was thinking this because my top passage has a ton of dialogue while the bottom one is just roaring. .-. What do you guys think?
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 424
Posted: Sun, 15/11/2015 13:26 (9 Years ago)
(I think they should - I wasn't too sure either when I was doing Zaire's paragraph tbh! xD)

Brunhilde lifted up her head, she could hear something on the horizon. Tucking the leather book away and with a quick 'snap' of the rifle, she held the weapon tightly, before making her way off of the tree with quick bounds from branch to branch, keeping her weight even to prevent any of the branches breaking. With a cautious look around her, she quietly stalked her way through the undergrowth, rifle fixed in hands as she walked away to the source of the noise.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Sun, 15/11/2015 14:18 (9 Years ago)
Rhea was tired. She had been running for hours nonstop. She went into the forest and found a patch of trees in a grove. She took out her phone and saw that it was already the next day. Time went by quickly. She looked around. Nothing. Peace at last. She put her back against a tree and held her backpack close. Then she fell asleep but her last thought was: nothing can get me here. Of course she was very wrong.