Forum Thread
Elmo's Shop
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Elmo's Shop29/Dec/2015 16:53 server time

1. All PH rules
2. Don't rush me
3. First come, first served
4. If it's not on the list, I'm not selling it
5. I don't do pre-orders
6. Prices are negotiable, feel free to offer
7. I have the right to decline these offers if I don't think they're fair
8. I will post here if your order is okay. Please subscribe to this thread until your order is finished
9. Please wait until I tell you the trade is on before sending PD
10. If I don't hear from you for 3 days after I posted that your order is okay, the trade is off
11. I won't accept trades or exchange gems until I receive the payment
12. If I haven't responded to your order in 2 days, feel free to palpad me ONCE, the notification could have gone unnoticed
2. Don't rush me
3. First come, first served
4. If it's not on the list, I'm not selling it
5. I don't do pre-orders
6. Prices are negotiable, feel free to offer
7. I have the right to decline these offers if I don't think they're fair
8. I will post here if your order is okay. Please subscribe to this thread until your order is finished
9. Please wait until I tell you the trade is on before sending PD
10. If I don't hear from you for 3 days after I posted that your order is okay, the trade is off
11. I won't accept trades or exchange gems until I receive the payment
12. If I haven't responded to your order in 2 days, feel free to palpad me ONCE, the notification could have gone unnoticed
You can also pay me with


Bug, dark and ice gems are 700PD each
All others are 500PD

Evolutionary Items
* 2500 PD
Fire Stone x11
Water Stone x6
Leaf Stone x2
Thunderstone x5
Dawn Stone x1
Soothe Bell x7
* 5000 PD
DeepSeaScale x2
DeepSeaTooth x1
* 6000 PD
Spray Duck x2
Forme-changing items
Gracidea x5 - 15,000 PD
Honey x590 - 40 PD
Calcium x1 -2500PD
Carbos x0 – 2500 PD
Iron x0 – 2500 PD
Protein x0 – 2500 PD
Zinc x0 – 2500 PD
HP Up x0 – 2500 PD
* 2500 PD

* 5000 PD

* 6000 PD

Forme-changing items



No form, just tell me what you want and how much it will cost
Didn't find what you need? Take a look at Britt's shop!