Forum Thread
May God Have Mercy Sign-Up (Semi-Lit) (Open and Accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → May God Have Mercy Sign-Up (Semi-Lit) (Open and Accepting)
The year is 1945. The Allied powers had driven the Nazi regime into the ground, with unconditional surrender seeming to be on the horizon. We thought we had won. How foolish we were. Hitler refused to give up so easily. As the British forces closed in on Berlin, he activated a fail safe now known as Operation Z. In seconds he had an army to wage war against not only the Allies, but death itself. He raised an army of the dead. Our forces never knew what hit them. The unstoppable march of the zombies swallowed our troops, and as our ranks thinned, theirs swelled. Within days Germany was overrun with 70,000,000 starving undead. There was just one design aspect that the German people had not expected. Zombies don't care about nationality. They consume all. Most of Germany's population was turned quickly. Old allegiances were soon forgotten, the lines between German, Russian, and British blurring to leave only one people. Survivors.
Extra RP Info

This RP is based off of the Zombie
Army Trilogy games, though you don't need to play them to join. In
this RP you are an average (or not so average) person from modern
times. Through the use of an ancient artifact you have been drawn
back in time, straight into the middle of the Zombie War. You must
use your wits, strength, or other attributes to try and survive.
With a bit of luck, you may find a way back home. Now, let me give
you a quick run down on the types of zombies you'll have to deal
Your standard, shuffling zombie. Most use
biting and clawing to finish off enemies, though some do carry
things like crowbars to use as weapons. A single headshot, or a few
body shots is all you need to take them down.
Very similar to soldiers, though quite a
bit weaker. What makes them dangerous is the fact that they travel
in massive hordes, and the only way to kill them is to shoot the
glowing heart in the center of their chest.
Do I really need to explain?
Fire Demon/ Burners:
These guys are completely indestructible
most of the time, taking in the oxygen around them. Once they have
gathered enough, they release a massive flare of fire. This fire
will ignite soldiers, turning them into dreaded Burners. Burners
crumble to ash when shot by even a low caliber pistol, but can
sprint incredibly fast. The few seconds directly after a fire burst
are the only time a Fire Demon can be killed.
Summoners usually sit in hard to reach
corners, making them especially difficult to kill. From there, they
can call forth an infinite number of zombie. Many are killed simply
through sheer number. These zombies are incredibly dangerous in
combination with Fire Demons.
Eight foot behemoths, each with a huge
machine gun, Elite zombies generally move with large groups of
soldiers, leading them to strategic locations. They are much more
intelligent than most zombies, and serve as generals in the undead
Fire Demon/ Burners:

1. All PH rules apply.
2. Mild swearing is allowed
3. Mild to heavy gore is allowed
4. Romance is allowed, but should not be a major aspect
5. At least a few sentences per post. A one liner will get you the boot.
6. No killing characters without permission. Do not ask for permission on this sign up or on the RP thread.
7. If you are inactive for a long time, I may kill your character off.
8. Only one character per person. The password is Elite.
9. If you have any questions, please ask them here, not on the RP thread
2. Mild swearing is allowed
3. Mild to heavy gore is allowed
4. Romance is allowed, but should not be a major aspect
5. At least a few sentences per post. A one liner will get you the boot.
6. No killing characters without permission. Do not ask for permission on this sign up or on the RP thread.
7. If you are inactive for a long time, I may kill your character off.
8. Only one character per person. The password is Elite.
9. If you have any questions, please ask them here, not on the RP thread

Attributes (i.e. mental or physical strengths):
History (optional):
Attributes (i.e. mental or physical strengths):
History (optional):
My Form

Name: Selinia Kräkalenge
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5"4'
Attributes: Advanced survival skills, including fire starting and the like. Practical firearm knowledge, and experience with handling/shooting them. Basic academic skills.
History (optional): Growing up in the rougher parts of New York was never easy. Each day was a struggle to keep living. It breaks many people. But not Selinia. She was born in filth, and raised wild. At age six her father taught her how to use a gun, to protect herself, he said. Luckily for her it never came to that. She roamed the back alleys of NY, befriending less than reputable people, and scavenging food from waste bins. As she grew older she began to take jobs from the other residents. Mostly stealing food and such, but every once in awhile there would be something a bit more illegal. She had a knack for cat burglary, sneaking in and out without ever being seen. She did get caught once, and ended up spending a year and a half in juvie. After she got out she toned down her crime spree, stealing only when necessary. She worked hard, got a steady job, and was one of the few who pulled themselves out of those back alleys. Her parents could not have been prouder. She had plans for college, hoping to get started on a full time career. Who knows how things would have gone. But then the light came. The light that tore her away from her life, her time, and tossed her into hell on earth.
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5"4'

Attributes: Advanced survival skills, including fire starting and the like. Practical firearm knowledge, and experience with handling/shooting them. Basic academic skills.
History (optional): Growing up in the rougher parts of New York was never easy. Each day was a struggle to keep living. It breaks many people. But not Selinia. She was born in filth, and raised wild. At age six her father taught her how to use a gun, to protect herself, he said. Luckily for her it never came to that. She roamed the back alleys of NY, befriending less than reputable people, and scavenging food from waste bins. As she grew older she began to take jobs from the other residents. Mostly stealing food and such, but every once in awhile there would be something a bit more illegal. She had a knack for cat burglary, sneaking in and out without ever being seen. She did get caught once, and ended up spending a year and a half in juvie. After she got out she toned down her crime spree, stealing only when necessary. She worked hard, got a steady job, and was one of the few who pulled themselves out of those back alleys. Her parents could not have been prouder. She had plans for college, hoping to get started on a full time career. Who knows how things would have gone. But then the light came. The light that tore her away from her life, her time, and tossed her into hell on earth.
Here is the RP Thread

Gender: Female
Age: 21
Height: 5" 11'

But with more fiery red hair and smoldering, almond shaped eyes. Her skin is much more tanned as well.
Attributes (i.e. mental or physical strengths): Extremely intelligent, reading everything she can get her hands on. Knows how to defend herself, having practically raised herself, and is much stronger then she looks.
History (optional): Serena grew up wild. Her parents where rich artists who spent their time travel the world. This left the bubbly, bright, and charismatic Serena in the care of tutors and governesses. The large estate she lived on was strait out of the fantasy books she adored. Fancying herself a modern day cross between Bell from Beauty and the Beast and a Fey, Serena spent most of her childhood running away from her caretakers to hide in the gardens and read. She is smart as a whip and when angered will give her victim a tongue lashing. As she grew up, her caretakers just learned to be happy she was safe and sound in bed every night. When she decides to do something, she does it, so expect some impulsive, sometimes rash decision making. She carries a pair of bladed Chinese fans, her weapon of choice, keeping them hidden in her leather boots most times. She would have become an author had the flash of light not torn her from her peaceful heaven on earth and sent her strait into the fiery pits of Hell.
Password: *********
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5'9

(Just ignore those cat ears whoops//)
Attributes (i.e. mental or physical strengths): Above average survival skills and an uncanny sense of smell, as well as having large amounts of knowledge and experience with an array of weapons, especially about knives and firearms. What she lacks in intelligence academically, she makes up for in 'street-smarts', which includes knowing exactly how long after certain foods have expired are still good, or the most efficient way of breaking into a house, etc.
History (optional): //This turned out super long//

Selene grew up in a large, expensive
and isolated home, with only her sister; Marinette, a few tutors
and occasionally her father for company, her mother having run off
with another lover shortly after she turned 3. Her father, a
notorious drug lord was away for 'business' most of the time,
usually only returning for birthdays or special occasions, but it
never ruined the love and adoration she had for him, though her
sister had a vastly different opinion. When Selene turned 14, and
Marinette was 16, their father started urging them to join him on
his trips to 'get to know the family business', Marinette convinced
Selene to run away with her to somewhere that they could grow up
'normally', though Selene mostly went with because she didn't want
to be, or leave her sister all alone, but she would admit that what
she knew of that their father was doing for a livjng scared and
horrified her. They escaped pretty easily, and hiked through
several miles of wilderness until they reached a nearby town,
bought bus tickets to somewhere as far off as they could afford and
left. Quickly, they used up all the money they had, and often had
to do awful illegal, or painful things to have somewhere to sleep,
something to eat, or even just to survive, and have been doing so
ever since, and constantly living in paranoia, due to constant
stress. Selene's life had finally started to look like she'd have a
future, until she was whisked away to a hell 10 times worse than
anything she'd been through before.
Other: //She started going by Scrounge, because it felt like she could be someone completely different, and started changing her attitude from being a nervously sweet girl to a rowdy deviant. (I really hope I filled this out right ;v;)
Password: ******

Gender: Female
Age: 15 -ish
Height: 1.61 meters
Appearance: (I still dislike images, thank you very much)
Sherene has raven-black hair and an angled face, though she is thinner than expected for most teenagers her age. When she arrived, she was wearing stolen clothes - a faded school jacket, some almost brand-new sneakers, and jeans. She scavenges what can. Her hair is short, barely reaching her shoulders.
Attributes (i.e. mental or physical strengths): Being a street thief, she had to be good at what she did in order to survive. She has above average speed, stamina and agility. She is known by her victims to be able to do parkour, along with some acrobatic tricks. Although she has little to no knowledge of using swords, Sherene is quite skilled in using a crowbar. Either to knock victims unconscious, to steal stuff, she never leaves her lair without a crowbar. However, she is quite inexperienced in dealing with guns, and ranged weapons in general. Additionally, she isn't really strong. Even compared to other girls - yes, including that prissy actress-wannabe girl. Sherene is also capable of finding out which surfaces are more fragile than others - that is, if she's looking closely. If not, she's as likely to disregard it as anyone else. Her weapon of choice is a dagger (stolen from a cultist guy), her crowbar and a sword (a present from one of the gang members).
History (optional): Sherene ran away when she was twelve, having becoming extremely fed up of her old life - being bullied endlessly by her peers, constantly denied love - and so she doesn't regret her decision. She survives mainly by stealing food, clothing and other necessities. She doesn't like stealing from the weak - beggars, baskers who have no money. Sherene often steals from ordinary people, though she's learned to avoid places teeming with police officers. When she was going to turn fourteen, a gang of thieves picked up, so she learned under them. She choose the name "Swift" because out of all of them, she was the fastest and the most agile. They became like family - indeed, they were her family, more than her flesh and blood one had been to her.
Other: She, like any other professional thief with a gang, is quite cautious and wary towards strangers.
Password: derpy
[visit me]
Avatar by MetalHeadKendra
Gender: Male
Age: 24-ish
Height: 2.14 meters(in armor.)
Attributes (i.e. mental or physical strengths): He's stronger than most people, so he can lift objects such as crates or break down doors to clears paths or use against enemies. Is pretty good at hitting his target. The survival skills that come with his training can come in handy.
History (optional): Jacob led a pretty average life up till seventeen, when both his parents died in a car accident. Not qualifying for university, he looked around for alternatives and landed himself in the marines. It turned out that this was a good choice as his superiors described him as a 'natural'. He rose through the ranks until he had tactical control of a four man Special Operations strike team. They soon became good friends to him. On their fifth mission together, one of them failed to move into position in time. Due to this, the entire team was killed and Riles was severely injured. After being nursed back to health, he went temporarily crazy with grief and went AWOL. It was during this time that everything went to hell when he was transported back
Other: Mixed personality. He tries to be kind, but can be rude. Occasionally, he's just brutally honest. Carries a slightly better than usual loadout.
4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley

Title: Wait for me!
Gender: male
Age: 34
Height: 2.10 meters

Attributes (i.e. mental or physical strengths): Crack aim and worthy to watch your six. Carries a pair of Hand pistols, A Shotgun of some kind (gotta research). Not to be trusted on gathering specific codes and papers cuz he may screw up. But either than that, his pretty good on anything.
History (optional): He was considered a thief. A mercenary. A scum. A reject. But he was not like that. Of course he stole from the rich, but he always helped those in times of need. He only does his best when 1) His in danger 2) His friends are in danger, who am I kidding? When his PAYERS are in danger 3) When He gets paid well. He was about to get killed by a very powerful and rich person just before he got zapped back to the past. From the frying pan to the Fire.
Other: He hates people who want him dead, or try killing him, OR aim rifles between his eyes.
Password: *****

4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Height: 5'2'' or 1.58 meters
Appearance: Her straight rusty blonde hair has always remained that shade throughout her life, even though her buddies would always try to get her to dye it different colors. Her eyes are the most striking green one can imagine, as deep as the deepest patch of seaweed and as bright as the most brilliantly cut emerald. Her nose is short but broad, she had actually contemplated saving up some money to change it, but pushed those thoughts out as she believed that if God had wanted her to change her nose, He would have done so when he made her. Though she doesn't have bulging muscles or scrawny limbs, she does have some meat on her bones and is not very self conscious. Her clothes are basic "bunk attire" an outfit that is perfect for relaxing in the dorm-like bunk hall, but not viable for the parade grounds and exercises. Here is a better idea of what she is wearing as my ability to describe it may not be accurate enough.
Attributes (i.e. mental or physical strengths): As she entered the Marines when she graduated high school at the age of 18, she has great discipline, both physical and mental. The Marines gave her a place and reason to focus her energy and strength for good things instead of bad things. The Marines also gave her good training with a great number of firearms. She never liked working with pistols but learned how to use them anyways. Her favorite style of firearm is the assault rifle, more specifically the SCAR type, preferably with a M203 Grenade launcher attachment. She takes great pride in the knowledge that she can disassemble and reassemble most rifles and pistols in a short period of time. Depending on the size of the weapon of course.
History (optional): Her parents were immigrants from Croatia and moved to the US when Magdalena could barely walk. Though her family didn't live in poverty, she wasn't rich either. Her family lived in a decent neighborhood, but it still had it's troubles. As she was raised in the US she grew up with an American accent. Her grade school years were usually pretty quiet, that was until she got into high school. The bullies were worse, as was the peer pressure. She had retained her quiet demeanor and just let the worst blow over, at least, that's what it looked like. She had been holding onto the anger that the taunting and teasing had birthed within her. One day, it all spilled out. That was senior year. At the graduation party. She doesn't divulge many details except that "he got what he deserved." Which was a trip to the hospital. After high school her parents weren't that pleased when she joined the Marines. But they stood by her in her decision. She went through basic training and was selected to join a special forces unit. That unit trained and learned various forms of fighting in the states and continued training with firearms, which is how she earned her nickname. During training missions, she was the one who'd always have an extra magazine, "mag" for short. After a couple years, the unit went over to Israel and learned from their military the martial art of Krav Maga. She had just gotten back to the states when things literally went to hell.