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Posted: Wed, 22/07/2020 04:30 (4 Years ago)
Anyone know what the Sprite is supposed to look like on mobile? I have been over every inch of this site for years and never once seen staid. I could just be missing him. Is he bigger or smaller then what the easter egg hunt eggs look like? If he's supposed to be bigger, I have no idea how I could miss that.

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Posted: Mon, 09/12/2019 22:04 (5 Years ago)
Eve mused that over, debating a few things about the alien dogs. "When you shift, can you match their scent? I have heightened senses for a human. But I am no where near Nala's level. Maybe she can help with that?" She offered. Nala cocked her head, curious about such a task. She was up for it. "I wonder..." Eve added, more to herself, her hands moving as she thought to herself.

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Posted: Mon, 04/11/2019 01:20 (5 Years ago)
Eve shrugged. "You seem kind. I don't really have anything pressing going on. Just surviving. My pack is free to come and go as they please. But honestly, I think they stay close to make sure I don't end up dead," she said, giving Nala a fond look. Nala seemed to shrug as she yawned. Maybe she thought that, maybe not. She wasn't saying.

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2019 16:42 (5 Years ago)
Eve smiled at the display of fangs. "You remember before they came? I don't really remember much of before I lived out in nature. I know it was before the aliens came though. I remember hiding from people. If you wanted to go see if you can find your family, I'd be happy to travel with you. To have your back. If you wanted that," Eve offered. She then processed the offer Lida gave. "I would be extremely grateful for the help. But if we can't get away together, I will make sure you get out at least. No sense letting us both be taken," she said with a smile smile. It would be a waste if this kind woman was taken down.

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Posted: Tue, 17/09/2019 15:42 (5 Years ago)
"I couldn't prove how I know they are structured so differently, but I think you're right there. They feel similar but different. Life is there. Wants, needs, those sort of things. They just go about it differently," Evangeline agreed as she ate quietly. Looking over at Lida, she smiled at the feline pupils she was sporting. "Walk and run. Though, if there are enough trees closely, I can swing between the vines pretty easily. For more pressing issues, I have had my pack to save me. Not everyone can carry me. And not many are strong enough to go long distances but it works. What about you? Have you ever had a pack? Or recall a family?"

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Posted: Mon, 19/08/2019 21:50 (5 Years ago)
"That makes sense. The different senses, different levels would be extremely disorienting and overwhelming. Can you only shapeshift into other animals? Or can you change into plants or inanimate objects? The later would be harder, I think. It isn't anything living," Eve mused thoughtfully, cocking her head.

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2019 23:23 (5 Years ago)
Eve rolled her eyes playfully at Nala. "You are a nut and still the playful kitten I rescued. Well, so long as you can tell she is playing, Lida. Shapeshifting looks so cool," she murmured, getting distracted by the double of one of her pack members. Nala snuggled in, looking like she was pleased with things. She began to groom one of her paws, indifferent.

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2019 21:36 (5 Years ago)
Nala watched her a moment before prowling forward. "...Nala..." Eve warned, her eyes fixed on the pair as one of the wolves snuck forward and snatched the meat. Nala ignored the woman calling her name and pounced. She landed on top of poor Lida, looking smug as all get out. Her claws were carefully tucked away so she didn't hurt the woman. She settled herself down across Lida's lap before she curled up and began to lick her paws. Eve sighed loudly. "You know you probably gave the poor woman a heart attack. And after she was kind enough to share with us. She doesn't yet know your humor, Nala. You can't go startling people like that. Especially new friends." Nala seemed to shrug, rolling so her belly was up in the air as she looked up at Lida to save her.

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2019 18:16 (5 Years ago)
Eve nodded absolutely as she watched the woman."I am sure Nala would love that. As would a few of the more carnivorous members of the pack." Nala watched Lida as well, cocking her head. The two were concerned but Eve was sure it was something to do with her powers. It looked like something needed for changing ones shape. "Have you ever turned into a panther before?" Eve asked, very curious.

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Posted: Tue, 23/07/2019 18:35 (5 Years ago)
"Course I can. You seem to need no help in taking care of yourself. But variety of food is nice to have," Eve told her, taking a handful of nuts and a few strips of jerky to start. She settled back in her chair, comfortably. The panther who had been protective of her earlier snuggled up next to her, taking a strip from Eve's hand.

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Posted: Fri, 19/07/2019 03:13 (5 Years ago)
"If you'd like, I can teach you how to care for plants. Like what to watch for in terms of watering or sun. They are mostly self sufficient but a few definitely need more attention then others," Eve told her, smiling warmly. "It could be just the simple act of over or under watering. At any rate, you're in good hands now. This looks great!"

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Posted: Thu, 18/07/2019 01:08 (5 Years ago)
"Sounds good to me," Eve replied. "I can't make an apple tree grow watermelon or oranges. But If I've got seeds or there is something nearby, I can grow mostly whatever I'd like. I tend not to grow something in a spot it shouldn't grow. It would be cruel to grow a pine tree in a jungle or a palm tree in a snowy climate."

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Posted: Mon, 15/07/2019 17:15 (5 Years ago)
"That is a wonderful meal though," Eve told her with a smile. "I've got a green thumb so I've got plenty of crops set up. In a pinch, I can grow things pretty fast but I enjoy getting to tend to what I have planted. I wouldn't mind sharing. We can swap good hunting spots as well. I just wish I has brought something for our feast."

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Posted: Sun, 14/07/2019 00:46 (5 Years ago)
"Sure. You are different from other humans. You have a good heart and intentions. Besides, we both get something out of it. Hopefully an ally in each other as well," Eve pointed out, only a hint of uncertainty in her voice. She put on a front of strength but it was just that sometimes. A front.

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Posted: Sat, 13/07/2019 15:49 (5 Years ago)
"When you do have it figured out, I would be happy to go with you and help provide cover. My pack as well," Eve offered. "It'll also give me a chance to see if I can communicate with their sniffers. Though, I imagine it will still hold the fogginess of your human instincts as well. When you are shifted, I get more from you then I would a human but not as much as i would a non shapeshifting animal of the species."

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Posted: Sat, 13/07/2019 03:03 (5 Years ago)
"I've found that as well.. it is troubling. I've tried catching some to try to figure out why. But I can't get anything. Humans are a lot harder to read then animals but I can still get a feel for emotions at least. The aliens give away nothing..." Eve said, obviously troubled by this.

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Posted: Wed, 10/07/2019 22:52 (5 Years ago)
Eve reached out, tracing the animal softly. "...I wonder if my powers would work on them...they seem so poorly treated...I want to help them but they are too busy trying to attack me or eat my pack for me to help in anyway. I've tangled quite a few in vines though."

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Posted: Wed, 10/07/2019 18:18 (5 Years ago)
"Pull it off? Like an alien's head? What are you pulling off?" Eve asked curiously, coming over to settle next to Lida, getting a look at the pictures as she flipped through. "Wait, you said something about reading about animals and getting their shape. Is this the same?"

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Posted: Wed, 10/07/2019 02:24 (5 Years ago)
Eve watched her, curiously. "What is in the notebooks besides the pictures? Any information?" She asked, hoping to get a closer glimpse of the aliens. "Who do you think wrote it?"

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Posted: Tue, 09/07/2019 20:19 (5 Years ago)
Eve had nothing pressing going on. She spent her days wandering and protecting the land and animals she thought of as hers. After taking a bite of the apple Lida had given her, she stationed herself at Lida's side. "I'm good to go."

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