Forum Thread
Big Spring Update
Forum-Index → News → Big Spring UpdateBerrygarden & Safari Zone
including 6 new legendary Pokémon
The big spring update is finally here! You've been waiting long enough for the new features, places, items and new side stories & quests.
Since the beginning of this year, the creative staff and me have been working hard on this large update. Many many sprites, artworks and many thousand lines of code are involved in two new core features and I'm really thankful for everyone's support and patience!
Important notice: The new features are pretty large and it was hard to beta test all of it, since there are so many possibilities that you can do with the new features. In case you explore a bug, please report it as soon as possible in our bug forum. Abusing a bug that gives you an unfair advantage is a violation of our rules and will be punished with a warning/account lock!

→ Requirement: Trainerlevel 8
→ Location: Town-Tab
Whew, that was quite some work :) I'm happy to introduce you to a new feature: The Berrygarden.
This feature is filled with different small things! Over 60 different berries which all have their own Quality Level, cool gardening tools, useful places like the Berrymarket or the Bulletin Board, and a new character called Lorelei!
I won't explain much about it in this post, since I prepared a full Tutorial for you that explains all necessary stuff as soon as you visit the Berrygarden for the first time. Try it out as soon as you can!
Item Bag & Berry Bag:
In the new feature, you will get a new "Berry Bag" which is used to store berries & seeds. You can move Berries from your Item Bag to your Berry Bag, but not the other way round. That means that you can not use berries from the garden for interacting or selling them at the Item Shop.
Reason: Economy. You will get about 100 berries per harvest (and some berries only take 5 minutes to grow) and that would strongly unbalance the rest of the site. It would be too easy to get enough berries for interacting and it would also be too easy to get Pokedollar by selling each for 20 Pokedollar.
That's why there is a new place called "Berrymarket" where you can sell your harvested berries to other users (at a much lower price).

There are 3 new Legendaries involved in the Berrygarden feature. You will learn about them after quite some time - don't expect to uncover all secrets on the first day :) I'm sure you will enjoy the legendary mystery that I included in this feature.
Before making suggestions for the berrygarden, please try it out until you reach at least Gardening Level 10. There is much stuff that you may not see/unlock on the first day. There are special gardening tools, useful widgets and many items that require a higher gardening level before you can unlock them.

→ Requirement: Trainerlevel 12
→ Location: Town-Tab
The Safari is also a new feature that comes with this Spring Update. It's a place where you can hunt Pokémon in the wild by feeding them with poffins and catching them with Safari Balls.
There is an admission fee and limited time for each visit - more information regarding that can be found on the Safari Page. c:
Please note that this feature requires a keyboard and therefore cannot be played on a mobile phone. Remember that PokeHeroes is a browsergame and not a mobile app.

Many special Pokemon are waiting for you in the Safari, including Vivillon (with all different pattern), Rotom and 3 new Legendaries. In order to unlock the Legendaries, you need special legendary rocks that can be found in Mystery Boxes from now.
The forme-change items for Rotom (Electric Fan, Lawnmower, Refrigerator, Washing Machine and Microwave) can be found in Mystery Boxes as well.
Safari Hunt: I wonder if there's something for the Safari similar to the PokeRadar. Who knows *shrug* *wink*
Also note that Eggs that are obtained from the Safari count for your Pokeradar and therefore can break your chain! The Pokeradar page has been updated with this new information.

All Mega Evolutions are now available - except from Salamence and Diancie. (We don't have a proper sprite for Mega Salamence yet, but we'll add it as soon as possible. Diancie isn't even released yet, so it doesn't make sense to add its mega evolution).
There are also no new Mega Event Pokemon - but we'll surely add the missing Mega Evolutions for existing Event Pokemon every once in a while.

Speaking of which:

*whew* Hope you enjoy!