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Posted: Mon, 12/03/2018 21:47 (7 Years ago)
Random question: Does anyone have advice for what to do when you want to write and you have ideas but you also just don't have the motivation to write at the same time-

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Posted: Sat, 03/03/2018 01:49 (7 Years ago)
Okay, so somehow I forgot to share these here, but I have some one-shots based on my Attack On Titan OCs written because I don't know, I got bored and felt like it.

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“So… Zoe?”
“What, Chlo?”
Zoe looked back over at her friend.
The fight that had just occurred was abrupt, and had caught them both off-guard.
But the cause did make them think….
“What branch are you going to apply to?”
Zoe stared at Chloe. “Uh…”
She switched her gaze to the table.
She didn’t want to tell her this… She knew she wouldn’t like it.
I’m gonna apply for the Survey Corps…” She muttered, quickly shutting her eyes.
“Zoe, you WHAT?!!”
Zoe opened her eyes again.
….People were staring, Chloe was standing up with her chair knocked back to the floor.
Slowly, Chloe pulled her chair back, and sat back down.
“Sorry, Zoe…”
“It’s fine..”
Zoe looked back up at Chloe and smiled. “So.. What branch are YOU going to apply for?”
Chloe set her elbows down on the table, and rested her chin in her hands.
“I was thinking The Garrison… Neither of us can apply for the Military Police Brigade since we’re not in the top ten, and the Survey Corps is a bit too dangerous for me…”
Zoe nodded. “You know.. I thought you’d go with them…”
Chloe laughed. “That predictable, am I?”
“No, no! I just.. Couldn’t see you agreeing to something so dangerous..”
“And I didn’t think you would agree to something so dangerous, myself..”
Zoe sighed. “Listen.. I have my reasons, and you know my reasons. I’ve told you over and over..”
“Yeah, I just… Didn’t realize that you really were going to go through with this..”
Zoe smiled. “Well.. I can definitely try not to get myself killed, okay?”
Chloe playfully punched her arm. “Yeah, you’d BETTER not get yourself killed, or I’ll do it myself!”
“How would you manage that? I’d already be DEAD, genius!” Zoe asked, laughing.
“You think I know?!”
“Well, you’re the one who said it!”
The two began laughing, now just joking around.
“Seriously though, try not to die if you really DO join the Survey Corps.”
“Yeah, I will.”

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((Quick note: this one takes place before the one in the first spoiler))

“Hey, Chloe..?”
“Do you ever wonder how we got here?”
Chloe sat up, confused. “Huh?”
Zoe shrugged, staring absentmindedly at the grass. “Just… Here. Like… How did everyone know to go here and build the walls here…? You know?”
“Uhh.. I dunno, Zoe.. ...Is there a reason you’re asking me?” Chloe asked, her voice having a worried tone to it.
“You’re the only person I can ask.. And.. I was just thinking.. It’s kind of odd how all that remained of humanity knew that this is where they should go...” Zoe explained. “It’s not like we can read each other's minds..”
“Wouldn’t it be cool if we could though?!”
Zoe smiled. “Yeah, it would be, wouldn’t it?”
“We could talk about secret stuff and no one would know ‘cause they couldn’t hear us!!” Chloe exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air excitedly.
Zoe sat up. “Or if we had a sleepover, we could talk to each other late at night and no adults could tell us to go to bed!”
They both giggled.
“Or we could talk about… you know…” Chloe pointed to her left, and the nearest edge of the wall. “Out there without getting into trouble!!”
“That would be AWESOME!!” Zoe exclaimed.
They both laughed, again.
“Hey.. Do you think we’ll ever get to explore the world?”
Chloe shrugged. “Maybe! What would we do out there, though?”
“I don’t know.. Explore, I guess?”
“Yeah! And we would get to climb super tall trees, too!!”
“Hey, what sort of animals do you think are out there?”
Chloe looked at the ground. “Uhhh… I don’t know, but there’s probably thousands!!”
“There are probably more than that!”
Zoe stopped. “Wait… Do any numbers bigger than a thousand?”
“....TWO thousand?”
Zoe shook her head giggling. “Noo! I mean bigger than ANYTHING thousand!”
Chloe shook her head back. “No, I don’t.”
“Oh, well… I bet there’s more than just thousands out there!”
Chloe grinned. “Yeah!!”
“Zoe, where are you?”
The two girls looked towards the voice.
“Oh… Dad probably wants me to go home now.” Zoe explained.
“Aww…” Chloe whined. “Well, maybe tomorrow we can talk again?” She asked.
Zoe nodded. “Yeah! See you tomorrow, Chloe!” She answered, standing up.
“Okay! Bye, Zoe!!”

They're both shorter than I intended, but hey.. I haven't written anything in FOREVER (school's been keeping me busy), so I'll write what I can for now, I guess. ^^'

Currently trying to write a third one but I'm not sure how to lead it to what the focus of it is-

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Posted: Wed, 24/01/2018 18:48 (7 Years ago)
@nightmare late reply is late Yeah. Part of me was actually worried it was dead. ^^'

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Posted: Mon, 15/01/2018 22:01 (7 Years ago)
So i haven't written in awhile (*Points at my school* Blame that thing), but I wrote a short natsukixyuri (doki doki literature club) fanfic last night out of boredom.

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“Ah-! Um.. Natsuki, what’s this?” Yuri asked, pointing at the box of cupcakes Natsuki was now shoving at her.
Natsuki looked down. “Uh… I made some extra cupcakes and thought you might like them. But I mean… It’s not like I made them f-for.. You know...YOU or anything…!! Stupid….”
Yuri smiled.
She had been around Natsuki enough to know that she meant that she DID make them for her.
“Oh! Well, thank you Natsuki.”
Natsuki blushed, then pushed them towards Yuri again. “J-Just take them already! My arms are getting tired!”
Yuri nodded, and took the box from her. “Mind if I try one?”
Natsuki shrugged. “I-If you want…” She answered, looking back at Yuri.
Yuri picked up a cupcake, and tried it, being careful not to get any icing on her face.
“..Oh! This is really good!” Yuri said, cheerfully. “You’re really good at making these, Natsuki!”
Natsuki felt her face turn red, as she quickly looked away from Yuri, again.
“W-Well…! I mean….. I bet if you tried, you could make something like this too!” She blurted out, then instantly regretting saying that.
Yuri paused, then laughed. “Oh, I don’t think I could. …..Maybe you could show me sometime?”

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Posted: Sun, 17/12/2017 03:40 (7 Years ago)
@Nishinoya That sounds really cool!!!! :0

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Posted: Thu, 14/12/2017 16:26 (7 Years ago)
I've read the first book, and then my life took over and I haven't found the chance to read the second one.

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Posted: Wed, 13/12/2017 19:00 (7 Years ago)
oh my god I am so so sorry I've been so dead on here, it's just.. I've been lacking motivation + school just... EXISTS + the amount of work school is giving makes me more stressed and then all I end up wanting to do is lay on the floor or something, so I haven't been writing. But I do have SOMETHING I'm writing right now. (It's really just part of a rp me and my friend are doing but in story form. ...I mean, it's better then nothing so-)

Um... When I DO finish it, would it be okay if I shared it here?

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Posted: Sat, 18/11/2017 02:07 (7 Years ago)
Okay, so, I just want to ask: What's the prompt and where would I find it? ...I apparently can't find a dang thing I'm looking for today.

(Also, sorry for being so inactive!! School just takes up so much time and drains ALL the inspiration and creativity out of me!)

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Posted: Wed, 08/11/2017 02:28 (7 Years ago)
@Error Ohmygod, same. You wouldn't expect saying something like "Alexa has red hair" to be difficult, but.... No? It is??

It's really difficult somehow????

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Posted: Tue, 07/11/2017 20:21 (7 Years ago)
@Error Yeah... Tbh, I'd be more active if i could

A. Get a freaking idea for something to write


B. Could write myself out of a corner in some stuff I wrote before.

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Posted: Sun, 05/11/2017 17:09 (7 Years ago)
I finally finished mine!!! : D

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Name: Elizabeth

Nickname: Lizzy (Prefers this)

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her They/Them

Age: ?? (I haven't decided yet)

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Posted: Sat, 04/11/2017 21:42 (7 Years ago)
I haven't drawn mine yet due to continuous random art block, and school but I finally have an idea!

I'll hopefully draw it soon! :3

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Posted: Wed, 01/11/2017 00:10 (7 Years ago)
I drew some stuff yesterday!!!

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WIP Pictures

Any advice?

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Posted: Tue, 24/10/2017 02:38 (7 Years ago)
@Luckylikespie aaaa thank you!! also, i am so sorry you have art block. aRT BLOCK IS THE WORST-

@Lilac REFERENCES, PRACTICE, REFERENCES, PRACTICE, REFERENCES, PRACTICE. Seriously, just find good references (I'm ALWAYS using references. Even if it means I spend 20 minutes posing and having someone photograph me in said pose if I can't find refs online and my friends have actual self-respect and won't do stupid poses.), and keep practicing since good art doesn't happen overnight!! I've been drawing for as long as I can remember (Even many of these were scribbles), and I still struggle with things! (Like hands. Hands are pure evil-) But, that's still a good thing though, since practice and making progress is great!!!
Also, challenge yourself sometime!! Challenging yourself can REALLY pay off! (And it usually does!)
Try and look at your drawing to see whats "off", also, and if you can't pinpoint EXACTLY what the problem is, ask someone! (E.g, that drawing I shared? I KNEW that the hand on the table was "wrong", but I didn't know what made it "wrong", and someone pointed it out! Now, I can figure out how to fix it!)

Sorry if I'm rambly and my advice is generic and garbage.. (I'm bad at advice-)

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Posted: Mon, 23/10/2017 23:53 (7 Years ago)
@Furret Ahh! Okay! (I knew I had done something wrong with the hands...)

@Teyendy Ooh!! That was really bugging me, but I didn't know what the exact problem was, and now everything makes so much more sense omg- thank you.

@Lania I haven't found one yet.. i'll let you know if I do! (Blurry lines are Pure Evil. ...Well, unless you WANT blurry lines but that's not really the point-)

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Posted: Mon, 23/10/2017 23:41 (7 Years ago)
I finally drew something- (freaking school taking up so much time-)

Any criticism for it?

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Posted: Wed, 27/09/2017 00:19 (7 Years ago)
@kookie how is it so cute- Also, what do you mean by "weird", can you maybe be a bit more specific? Idk, "weird" can be a kind of vague term - at least to me - so it's kind of confusing for me. (I'm not good with vague things, sorry..)

@Twin HOLY HECK THAT LOOKS SO PRETTY!!!! I really like the colors! the shading makes it look kind of cloud-like! ^^

@deviled that. is. adorable!!! I really really love the space theme!!!

@toma That looks good, but the eyes look kind of weird. One looks too close to the nose, and the other looks a bit to far away.. It still looks good though!!

@woopers That's really good! I like how all the orange looks all goop-like!! (That probably made no sense-)

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Posted: Tue, 26/09/2017 02:41 (7 Years ago)
I don't have much time to post this, so, no critiques right now.. Sorry..

But, um.. I drew some of the characters from Ponyo! (It's my goal to draw all of the main characters! >:3)

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Posted: Fri, 22/09/2017 02:16 (7 Years ago)
@Meme I agree with Luckylikespie. Atmosphere is VERY important. Now.. I don't read horror stories (the one time I did was in English class where they made us read 'The Tell-Tale Heart'. ....Reading that was a big mistake on my behalf..), but I do play SOME horror games, and NOTHING is scary in those unless the atmosphere is scary. Otherwise I take it as a bit of a joke. (e.g, Bendy and The Ink Machine has a very tense atmosphere, and when I play that, everything makes me jump because it's very tense, and I feel as if I'm in danger due to that atmosphere, so it works very well for me. Although, Tattletail doesn't since it's just... A house. There's not much else to it. The atmosphere just... Does nothing for me really.) So, this kinda goes for all horror for me. Atmosphere goes a long way.
ALSO, the characters are important too! If your characters aren't that scary, even if you have a really good atmosphere, than, it's hard to take the story a bit seriously (at least for me).
That and, try not to stereotype the idea, or have appear just.... Dumb. I've heard of a lot of horror things, where the concept is just so... Stupid sounding. Also, with stereotypical creepypasta ideas here are two I can think of:

- Insane serial killer who is probably a teen with some sort of anger management problem.

- Haunted/Cursed/Possessed game cartridge/copy.

Also, the character motives should be CLEAR. I've read some creepypasta's (my friend used to read them, with me, and kinda made me read them with her), and there are a lot of creepypasta characters with very unclear motives. like... "Why is murder doing this?" and the reason is just like "Idk bc we needed a murderer lol". And.. That doesn't work.

That's all I got. ....Sorry for rambling. (Also, as for FAVORITE, it's probably some of the not-scary ones, but oh there was this one Pokemon creepypasta. I think it might've been that 'Snow On Mt. Silver' one, but I read that a LONG time ago, so I don't remember exactly. All I know is that I had nightmares for weeks after my friend made me read that, proving that the creepypasta did it's job in scaring me.)

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Posted: Sat, 16/09/2017 19:47 (7 Years ago)
@lizz what. how is that so cute.

@kasu omg those are really good, like- woah :0

@All I drew Ponyo because whynot. and because I love that movie-

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