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Posted: Tue, 17/01/2017 13:01 (7 Years ago)
Kaien looked at the ground , wanting to help somebody..or atleast..find something..
That moment , Mr. Lightning Guy appears
"Ok..Whatever your plans are we are not going to any lab thing , ALRIGHT ?"

"But why..? We could learn more about this.."


"Well I can't do anything else..Asana and Sam being together n'stuff..I think...Cass And Sofia..Probably taking care or Hope and Rairu is..Playing with Ryder..What do you suggest..?"

The spirit thought a little bit about everything and then said

"Taking in consideration I think you don't wanna make an awkward appearance you shouldn't talk ."

"Am I gonna be locked away from human life in the forest..?"

"Well..Not really..I decided I could let you stay in my.."old room"..But..Don't.TOUCH.ANY LAB THINGS..Got that ?"


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Posted: Sun, 15/01/2017 09:29 (7 Years ago)
(Ishika's would be an Elm wood with a phoenix feather core, 10 ¾ with solid flexibility ..I still haven't seen for myself which wand would be suitable but I'll probably do it sooner or later)

Mr.Muffin rests on Ishika's shoulder..Surprisingly not going through him.. in this short period of time his owner gets out of his chair , carefully goes to another trolley trying to met another person or two while trying to not disturb his little companion.

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Posted: Sat, 14/01/2017 14:43 (7 Years ago)
Kaien then releases a big wave of heat around him..In anger of course.

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Posted: Sat, 14/01/2017 10:47 (7 Years ago)
Kaien fell on his knees
"Why in the world..Why do all of you want to make me kill.."

"...Are you stupid ?..After everything..You still can't kill..? Like really..We gave you 3 more powers..and you can't get atleast one little kill..Ok then ! We might as well let that Sam guy kill YOU off and see how that goes.I think him hearing me will work out nicely..Atleast he'll listen..And he'll do as I say because he understands."


"A city ain't enough..And do you really think the people that will fall down here won't think about killing like the rest of you did ? Ha..Old habits don't change..And even if they think about making this a better place..They'll be a few..while the other majority will be on the killing side.You'll be outnumbered"

Kaien looked down..Confused and sad..Almost tearing up..He recovers a little bit and faces the Lightning Soul.

"Listen up..Alright..I'll train or do what you want but I'll use the powers only if those "people" resemble a threat..Capiche ?"

"Who resemble a "threat"..?Alright..Then that means you'll kill off Sam and Asana too if they resemble a threat..You got yourself a deal since I guess we can't push you forward to other actions.."

The soul disappears , back inside Kaien's body..

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Posted: Sat, 14/01/2017 09:52 (7 Years ago)
(oh..Oh what happened)

Ishika was sitting in a pretty empty carriage.. He liked it though.It was like paradise for him.Nobody bugging him or asking him if he could move somewhere else..or do anything in fact..
He took out a little ..book let's call it.. out of his bag and starts to read.Without Ishika noticing, Mr. Muffins exits from another other bag the boy had.The little creature stares at the contents of the book , pretty curios.

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Posted: Fri, 13/01/2017 21:18 (7 Years ago)
Say it then.Lemme hear ya.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Posted: Fri, 13/01/2017 21:16 (7 Years ago)
"WOWOW.OK . Listen up..Don't make clones of em' in my reality..I really don't wanna see em' as clones.Like I know only I can see em'..But..No..
And why Ignore them ? Yeah Bomber Man is a damn idiot and tried to attack me at the start though I did not resemble.."that much of a threat"..but Asana helped me and actually shows she's a good friend and Sam means...just everything to her..Taking in consideration Sam won't kill her..Or atleast I think so because he can't kill anyone by his own means...Yeah..Why am I saying this ? Well because he doesn't go all out on anything..Like have you seen him battle ? DAMN YOU CAN SEE HIM HOLDING HIMSELF FROM SHOWING HIS TRUE NATURE and that's sad."

Mr.Lightning Guy Appeared and looked at both of em'
"Too be honest..They both might just back stab you at this point..They have no hope...They're broken up..Seems they don't love eachother anymore, huh ? Sam might as well kill Asana if he gets angry and Asana might kill everyone else because Sam is an actual idiot..You are better off killing em' all.."

"But do you think killing everyone will resolve everything ? I won't get enough powers to leave this place even ! And why would I kill my only friends ?!"

"You could make friends outside of the barrier..And..You CAN have enough powers..The little girl has them..It should be easy to kill her off and get Juniper and her sibling's powers..Then..What's left ? The other idiots ?"

"Nobody can become a "FRIEND" to me like this.Asana saved me , FROM DEATH . Do you get that back outside of the barrier ? No you don't..But..Did they..Why did they.."

"Yeah..I KNOW.Giving a little girl that many powers ? Like..Atleast you guys had one.."

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Posted: Fri, 13/01/2017 19:39 (7 Years ago)
Kaien looked up and didn't see anything that was happening.He thought that Asana could somehow talk with Sam so he didn't worry..

Mr.LightingGuy on the other head was still murmuring about some things he tried to understand..

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Posted: Fri, 13/01/2017 18:04 (7 Years ago)
"Walls..Really ? Walls ? Like come on..I can fly over those.."
He activates his fire powers and quickly gets over them
"YO.BOMBER MAN!" He shouts

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Posted: Fri, 13/01/2017 16:49 (7 Years ago)
Kaien comes back down and gets Asana on his back.He then re-activates his fire jet boot things and comes back to da skies.
"So..Why are ya here ?"

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Posted: Fri, 13/01/2017 16:35 (7 Years ago)
Kaien sees Asana far away.Then he sees her landing.. And then Kaien starts to go full speed ahead to her location
"Hey ! You need a lift up ?!" He shouts

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Posted: Fri, 13/01/2017 16:29 (7 Years ago)
(well we were)

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Posted: Fri, 13/01/2017 16:03 (7 Years ago)
Arin and Ika were coming in.Ichiodoki was pretty calm and looked around with a smile.He quickly whispers to the girl next to him
"For the moment we still have to stay here but when Cero asks for me we gotta go, alright ?"
Ika nods happily

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Posted: Fri, 13/01/2017 15:45 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 13/01/2017 15:35 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 13/01/2017 15:34 (7 Years ago)
Ion finally wakes up out of his .."positive" exercise and sips a bit out of the tea

Crom looks at him and says "You are kinda weird sometimes.." silently.

The Nian looks at her
"It's not called "weird" but called honoring the dead.."

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Posted: Fri, 13/01/2017 11:42 (7 Years ago)
(Well we tried to put some what of a gijinka vibe into it..But taking in consideration that gijinkas are human pokemon..But we were not talking about pokemon..
Yeah I am somewhat confused about this)

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Posted: Fri, 13/01/2017 09:26 (7 Years ago)
Name: Ishika Gorio
Show hidden content

Personality:He is the type of person who you'd like to strangle because of how careless he is.Your house burned down ? "Oh..You'll get a new one..Don't worry..It happens to people all the time"Somebody tried to kill you and you ask for Ishika's help ? "Yeah..I think you can do it alone bro..You're good at these things"You actually have some serious business to talk with him? "Wait just a minute..I have to go back to see what Mr.Muffins is doing.." (Mr.Muffins being his "little buddy")
Ishika tries to be positive and shake off your worries , well he tries..
He is also a good friend when he's active and actually listens to you...
But doughnut mess with him when he really wants to do something..Things might get..Problematic
Crush: Open
Datemate : Open
Friends: Open I guess ?
On Qudditch team:Yes..Surprisingly yes
If so , what is your role :Keeper
Year:5TH Year
Other:He has a lil' buddy...He's a ghost though..Sadly..

+ Ikisha is one powerful guy(emotionally and physically) Insult him , yell at him , beat him up, do whatever you'd like.He'll keep on staying there and looking at you.At the end of it all he'll just stay
"Do you think what you did actually affects the future..? Or me..?"

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Posted: Thu, 12/01/2017 20:12 (7 Years ago)
Crom comes back with..3 tea cups..two normal sized ones and another pretty big one..Of course she had to come in her Hydra form to carry all of em.Especially the giant one
She puts one for Ion , one for herself and one for Scorpionic if he needed one.
Crom transforms into a human takes a sip out of it

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Posted: Thu, 12/01/2017 20:06 (7 Years ago)
"Well..That's great information..Thanks for telling us what happened in the battle.."
She goes to get herself some tea while still saying some things about Shadow
Like the following:
"How could she..." "Why would Shadow do this..?" "Does she know who she is fighting for atleast ?!"

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