Forum Thread
Gender Lens | Gender Radar
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Gender Lens | Gender Radar
These ideas are for everyone who dreams about having a shiny with a specific gender!

The first idea is for everyone who use Daycare: The Gender Lens

Possible questions:
Q: What if I'm hunting a genderless pokemon? (Ex: Voltorb, Magnemite)
A: The genderless symbol

Q: What if I'm hunting a one-gender pokemon? (Ex: Tauros, Miltank)
A: A symbol (

The second idea is for ones who use Tall Grass/Event Pass/Gem Collector: The Gender Radar

Possible questions:
Q: What if I hatch an pokemon and I don't be the gender I want?
A: The idea is that it will not count on your chain.
Flag's Sprite


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A: The idea is that it will not count on your chain." if the egg is from a event shop then yeah i could see this(maybe when using the pass it could be possible to select a gender that all the eggs would be), but if it is from the daycare this shouldnt apply because if someone click the said egg and if is not the correct gender its their fault they can always put it into the egg storage for all that too.
