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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Arcanewolf75.
Posted: Sat, 24/10/2020 20:38 (3 Years ago)
heyo, quick little thing from me before i leave for work, i got some dragons for sale on page 3 of my main lair tab, prices are in their broadcast messages, treasure can be haggled(minimum 5kt), check them out at ArcaneWolf75!

@AquaticLilii that's a very pretty Skydancer! i can see why she was so expensive XD

@Kuroo i've been having the same luck with nests honestly, in total i had 5 dragons hatching, 2 single egg nests and one 3 egg nest. i'm hoping to get better nests in the future ^~^

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Posted: Mon, 28/09/2020 20:29 (4 Years ago)
edited- it's been a while since i've posted here to sell any dragons, lmao, had a brain fart there for a moment XD

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Posted: Mon, 28/09/2020 18:03 (4 Years ago)
alrighty, only dragon i have for sale now is Rho the XYZ Goaler, selling her for either 15 gems or 15kt if anyone is interested, willing to haggle the treasure price.


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Posted: Tue, 22/09/2020 20:35 (4 Years ago)
selling unhatched eggs for a certain price can be quite profitable-

anywayyyy, i have some hatchlings for sale on page three of my main lair tab, take a peek, the WC's are at 6,500 treasure while the one Gaoler i put up for sale is at 7kt, still unsure if i wanna sell the second Gaoler(Coal prim) >.> the colors are cute and a friend on discord in a server i'm in mentioned the Gaoler(Coal prim) looked similar to the pokemon Zoroark, lol.

@Makabe sadly i don't have any dragons with that color combination, i wish you luck on finding said dragon, i'll keep an eye out if i find one myself!

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Posted: Sun, 13/09/2020 04:24 (4 Years ago)
@Piolla alrighty, sending the nuggets now!

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Posted: Sat, 12/09/2020 20:29 (4 Years ago)
heyo, not dead-

i agree about the stitched/patchwork genes, they are gorgeous and the patchwork aesthetic is amazing, if you hatch more in the future @Kuroo i'd gladly snatch one up, i'm running on limited space in my lair right now so i can't exactly snatch one now XD

@Piolla i have nuggets i'm willing to trade, i have 308 nuggets currently, looking to trade them for 308 gems if you got'em '^'

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Posted: Tue, 28/04/2020 15:35 (4 Years ago)
happy wavecrest saturnalia to everyone~ the 3 skydancers are still up for sale check them out when you get the chance ^-^
i've got another nest that'll be ready to hatch in a couple days so i'll show them off once they do!

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Posted: Wed, 22/04/2020 00:58 (4 Years ago)
hellooo long time no see~ figured i'd show off some dragons i got up for sale

Silver Jaguar/Moon Rosette/Moon Basic

Ice Jaguar/Silver Rosette/Lead Basic

Ice Jaguar/Platinum Rosette/Platinum Basic

up for 15kt each ^-^

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Posted: Mon, 23/03/2020 00:23 (4 Years ago)
he tensed up and forced himself to sit up, curling up where he sat at the feeling of the portals shifting inside his blood stream.
''agh, that feels so wierd, and i know someone is trying to kill me with a slow death at this point'' he hissed, but perked up when he felt something cold surround his wrists and heard a slight clacking sound, looking at his hands as he seen the ice cuffs.
Travis looked up at Lilith and bared his fangs a little bit, a slight growl rumbling in his throat at the thought of them using him as bait against Suzan.

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Posted: Sun, 22/03/2020 19:36 (4 Years ago)
Travis sighed as he glared up at Lilith, finding the ice spear against the back of his neck a bit annoying as he reached up and pushed it away, soon rolling over to lay flat on his back and cover his eyeswith the arm he had moved.
''at this point i'd rather be imprisoned than have to continue enduring whatever the hell is causing this weak feeling to go through my body, beside's if i use any more of my own blood then loose it i'll be in trouble... plus if you kill me your going to get whiplash from my power being ripped from your body'' he complained, bringing up the one downside to her power that he noticed when Lux had been killed.

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Posted: Sun, 22/03/2020 05:25 (4 Years ago)
''Shay, you shut up... your voice is so annoying.....'' he huffed, rolling his eyes before he laid back down and tightened his grip on his torso a bit, coughing a bit of blood up suddenly.
i need to try and figure out who it is messing with my blood.... this is such torture.. he thought, mentally cursing as he started to glance around from his current point of view on the surroundings.

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Posted: Sun, 22/03/2020 05:07 (4 Years ago)
Travis grumbled and shifted a bit from where he was laying, propping himself up a bit to look over where Poppy was next to Shay.
''i've not thrown a single person since i got thrown over here.... so don't put your sister being launched somewhere on me this go around...'' he uttered weakly, only glaring at them since he didn't have the energy to use his power to fight.

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Posted: Thu, 19/03/2020 04:19 (4 Years ago)
Travis tumbled a bit before skidding on his side, curling a bit when the pain of the portals messing with his bloodflow worse.
Suzan is so close to the star, at this point i'm just a punching bag until he gets that stupid chuck of stone.... he thought, feeling so drained he didn't put up much of a fight anymore.
his body was sore and just didn't have the energy, deciding to just lay there in silence and try to ignore them.

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Posted: Thu, 19/03/2020 03:41 (4 Years ago)
Travis looked at Lilith and growled, baring her fangs at her in annoyance at the fact she was belittling him the way she was.
''so your just gonna torture me now... i despise all of you, i really do..'' he grumbled.

Freya had managed to bite down onto Suzan's arm but decided to jump out of the way, circling around behind Finn before she flanked him, standing near his side as she waited in case she needed to strike.

Fredrick at this point had gotten up but stayed leaned against the tree he had slammed into, watching where the star was at from his safe spot.

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Posted: Thu, 19/03/2020 02:57 (4 Years ago)
he managed to fight through the pain to look at Lilith and stared at her for a moment, forcing his own body to move as he wrapped his arms around himself and started to back away a bit.
''stay away...!'' he wheezed, still extremely confused as to why he was in pain and felt weak.
he stopped when Shay suddenly trapped him in fire, glaring at her with a rather annoyed look.

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Posted: Thu, 19/03/2020 01:46 (4 Years ago)
Travis raised an eyebrow at what she said and simply put a foot back, stopping himself from moving as he turned his blood manipulation up a tick, forcing her back with surprising strength and knocking her down.
he chuckled, staring her down with amusement before he suddenly felt weak.
he stumbled a bit as he clutched his head and hissed in pain, feeling like his entire body was stinging from an unknown source.
what is happening...?! what the actual hell is happening! this isn't Lilith's doing, who is doing this??? he thought, panicking now since he wasn't able to actually look around because of the pain and weakness he felt.

Freya shot ahead as she went straight to where Suzan was, snarling loudly as she lunged for one of his arms, hoping to cause some form of damage.

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Posted: Thu, 19/03/2020 00:50 (4 Years ago)
he scoffed and rolled his eyes, throwing his arms up just to be mellodramatic because he felt like it from what she had just said.
''okay now that ticks me off a bit'' Travis hissed, getting rid of his blood sword and healed his wound.
he noticed Admin's weapon as well and ended up a bit confused as well, but shook his head before he perked up at her next words, smirking now as he crossed his arms.
''again, i'd like to see you try Lilith, i'm stronger than you! you can't even get close to me without risking your own life'' he said, though he did keep his guard up just to be on the safe side.

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Posted: Thu, 19/03/2020 00:01 (4 Years ago)
''are you seriously playing fearful....? don't you dare pull that with me Lilith, you know i'm not that stupid'' Travis said, pointing his blood blade at her accusingly as he sent the returned bullets into the ground in front of him.
he simply paced a little bit now, keeping his gaze on her as he debated on what to do, knowing he couldn't get close and couldn't get a strike in against her.
we're literally at a stalemate right now, unless one of us kills the other there isn't any way to land a hit... he thought, mentally cursing to himself out of frustration.

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 21:39 (4 Years ago)
Travis managed to stay on his feet when she pushed him back and jumped away when the ice spikes appeared, growling a bit when he seen her try to attack with sharp blood bullets.
when she did he merely made it avoid him and become a vortex almost before consuming the blood she tried to attack him with, grinning once the blood was fully consumed.
''your blood doesn't taste half bad, has a bit of a sweet note too it....'' he chuckled, pricking the fingers on his free hand before he fired blood bullets back at her.
Fredrick flew back and ended up slamming into a tree, a pain filled shout being ripped out of him before he slid down and sat leaning against the tree gasping for air, the wind having been knocked out of him.
he was definitely gonna have a bruise tomorrow from that impact, and was probably gonna need to ice it some how after everything is said and done.

Freya seen Finn almost pass her before she picked up her pace, getting to where she ran right beside him.

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 17:26 (4 Years ago)
@Kuroo that gaoler babyyyyyy ahhhhhh, it's sooo tempting to snatch up for myself!

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