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Fire Emblem Awakening + Pokemon RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Fire Emblem Awakening + Pokemon RPColin woke up, but not to a pleasant sight. His face was in a pie tin. He was hanging of the bed face on the floor, or actually in a pie tin on the floor. Colin moved his neak to wiggle out. SNAP. "OW!" He yelled. Darn it! His yelling woke Cordelia up. "Colin!?" She got up fast, which was really bad for Colin. THUMP. He fell of the bed, "Ow..." He said. Cordelia looked at Colin, "Colin!" She went over to to help him up. "I'm so sorry" She grabbed his hand and pulled him up, then pried the pie tin of Colin's face. There was a flash of light. "Wow, I can see again!" He said relived. "There is something else you can do..." She grabbed his head and kissed him. "Well... I have to go get cleaned up." He felt his face, It was sticky... very sticky. He opened the door and headed for the showers.

4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley

4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley
They got to the harbor in time to hear their commanders words. "I will not discuss terms with a peasant; I will issue demands to all! Citizens! Soldiers! Hear my words! The Conqueror himself, Emperor Walhart, claims dominion over these lands! You will grant your new emperor your ships! You will grant him all your provender! You will grant him your loyalty and your every possession! And you will surrender this land's greatest treasure, the Fire Emblem! Do this, and your lives will be spared. Resist, and your lives are forfeit! Now, kneel! And swear fealty to the mighty Valmese Empire!" Chrom lifted his falchion in the air, He creature was at his right side, and Sumia on the left. "These savages will never listen to reason. Everyone: prepare to engage!" Virion's companion Cherche flew in on a wyvern. "Might I join, sire? This may not be my country, but it is my cause. My dear Minerva here hungers for a bite of the action as well!" She asked. Chrom didn't respond but Chereche knew the answer. Colin and Cordelia brought their creatures out of their Pokeballs. Colin threw his spear and it hit dead center of a cavalier. The battle had begun.

4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley
"Look, there's no time for this. If you're a friend, speak now. If not, then stay out of Chrom's way or I'll have to cut you down." Cordelia threatened. "Chrom, Chrom, Chrom! It's ALWAYS Chrom with you!" She whined.
"...I'm sorry?" Cordelia apologized.
"You should be! And I don't care about your stupid Chrom, so you can just drop it!"
She ran away to continue fighting.
"O...okay?" Cordelia stuttered then got back to fighting
Colin faced Chrom. "Chrom, is that all of them?" "Yes, but victory's come with a price..." He said looking at the town. "The town is in shambles, as is my army." Basilio stated. "This is most troubling news. Feroxi soldiers are the finest east of the long sea. If they are having trouble, we are ALL in trouble." Fredrick claimed. "That's not the half of it. This was just the vanguard—but a taste of the meal yet to come." Flavia said. "And once it arrives, their host will wash over the whole continent in weeks. There's no way we could repel them and defend our people. It would be a slaughter." Basilio finished. "Ylisse is no better equipped to handle an attack from the sea... Colin, what do you suggest?" Chrom asked. "Hmm... Their greatest strength is their cavalry, which puts us at a disadvantage...on land. But if we were to catch them at SEA..." Colin said.
"But how?! Ylisse has no warships, nor does Ferox." "So we'd need aid from a kingdom that does..."
Basilio interrupted. "You have someplace in mind, oaf?" Flavia asked. "Perhaps a land that borders the sea, with enough wealth to afford this campaign?" Basilio hinted. "Plegia!" Colin blurted out. "No. Absolutely not. Out of the question." Chrom said firmly. "They have gold, boy! Countless ships! And more importantly, we have a fart's chance in the wind without them." Basilio stated. "The oaf is right. ...Crude, but right. There's only one path forward." Flavia confirmed. "Chrom, with you reconsider?" Colin asked.
"...... ...Very well. Send a messenger and request a summit immediately. Let us pray this new king is more reasonable than their last."
"...Hmph." It was the girl from before. "Oh. ...You." Cordelia said. "Wh-what do you want?!" She asked.
"Just to thank you for helping us. You fought bravely, er..."
"Severa. ...My name's Severa."
"It suits you somehow. Oh, and my name—"
"Cordelia. I know."
"Er, yes, that's... But how did you...? I'm sorry, did I introduce myself before?"
"I guess you must have if I know your name. Gods..." She then walked away.
"Milord, we have word from Plegia. They have agreed to meet with us at their outpost on Carrion Isle. A poor venue should things go sour, as the island's name makes plain. But then I don't see we have much of a choice." Fredrick stated. "Cautious as ever, Frederick the Wary. Don't worry. We'll get our ships. This threat hands over all of us—Plegia as well. They must see that."

4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley
Aversa came into the room "Greetings, Prince Chrom. Plegia welcomes you." Chrom then drew his sword. "Aversa!" Chrom yelled. "What can I say? It seems fate has designs for me yet." She said. "You serve the new king, then? This...Validar?" Chrom guessed.
"I do."
"They say he worships Grima..." Fredrick stated. "Why yes, of course he is Grimleal. We are both believers. My liege often says it was his faith that got him through, after Gangrel's passing. It was a difficult time... But he kept order where there might have been chaos. We had meant to arrange an official visit to Ylisstol, but— Ah, here is my lord now." Aversa explained, then Validar came into the room. "An honor to finally meet you, sire. I am Validar, king regnant of Plegia." He said. "The honor is mine, good king. ...Is it possible we've met before some... Gods! It can't be." Chrom said, worrying.
"Oh ho, I'm quite certain I would remember any encounter with Ylissean royalty."
"Psst! Colin!" Chrom whispered. "I know! He looks just like the assassin that came after Emmeryn two years ago.." Colin whispered back. "And you must be Sir Colin." He said turning to Colin. "You know of me, sire?" Colin asked.
"The whole world knows of Ylisse's master tactician! And indeed, I see the sparkle of wisdom in your eyes." Validar complimented. "But we killed him, Colin!" Chrom whispered again. "I know but... The's uncanny..." Colin replied "My, the negotiations haven't even begun and already so much whispering..." Validar said. "...My apologies, King Validar. We meant no disrespect." Chrom apologized
"Then let us get to it."
"Plegia can offer no soldiers, but will provide 800 warships and 200 transports. In addition, we would be pleased to fully fund the campaign against Valm." Aversa started...
Colin woke up. "Oh... It was just a nightmare..." He walked out of his tent, It was dark out. He then heard something, What was that? He thought, then turned around. A risen was right behind him ax in hand. "What the!" He dodged when the ax came down then stabbed him with a dagger he happened to have. "Risen attack!" He yelled. Everyone quickly came out of their tents, battle ready.

4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley
"You know, I thought you were all right... Turns out you're all FRIGHT! Nya ha ha! I'd wish you good luck killing these monsters, buuuuuut... They're ALREADY DEAD!"
"We are well aware!"
"The ravens wanted me to give you a message. "Caaw... C-caw-caw." Roughly translated, it means... Hmm, now what was the human word for that again? ...Traipse? ...Tripe? Oh, TRAPPED! Right! ...They say you're trapped."
"We know, d*** it! Gods... Where did they all come from?"
"Well, see, when a mommy zombie and a daddy zombie love each other very much... Nya ha ha!"
"Perhaps I should save the Risen the trouble and silence you myself."
"Hey, wait! I want to join your CAWs—I mean, I can help you! I know magic! What do you say... Birds of a feather and all that?"
"Those robes... A Plegian dark mage? ...Why would you help us?"
"Oh, don't let all the joking around fool ya—I've got kind of a thing for killing. Most funny people do, you know. The two things must be linked somehow. Ever talk to a jester when he's off duty? Oh! The ravens also said to keep an eye on those fortresses. If you're nearby when more monsters emerge, it could CAWs quite a stir!" Then he readied his tome for battle.
Colin took out many risen and eventually found himself on a bridge fighting alongside Chrom. "We're not done yet!" Chrom yelled, and killed the last risen. Colin let out a sigh of relief "That's the last of them. Gods, I thought it might nev—" "Colin, look out!" a risen assassin apeared behind Colin, He had no time to block or dodge. "Father, no!" Severa came running and stabbed the risen in the back. Colin just stared at her. "Um, I just saved you and no thanks?" Colin continued staring but then brought himself to say: "...You called me "Father." This time Severa was speechless. "Ugh, darn you Severa." She said to herself. "Let me talk to you." She turned to Chrom. "Privately." Chrom then walked away.
"I don't even kn-" Severa started. "How about he beginning?" Colin interrupted. "Um, no." She held out her hand. "Just look." Colin studied her hand, and then saw the ring he had given Cordelia. "T-that's." Colin stuttered. "Mom's ring." She interrupted. Colin's jaw dropped.

4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley
"What was that?"
"I SAID, I thought you'd be lonely, so I came here to see you! ...You're welcome."
"That's very sweet."
"D-don't mock me! You don't care! You don't care at all..."
"How could you possibly think that? I'm thrilled beyond words to meet you."
"...Then why'd you leave me? You said you had to go off to fight for what really mattered, and you never came back! You picked Chrom over me!"
"You have me at a disadvantage, Severa. I can't answer for my future self. But when I said I was fighting for what mattered, I probably meant you. I'd want nothing more than to build a world where you could grow up happy and strong. At least, that's what I want right now."
"You think I don't know that...? I mean, I DO know that, but..."
"I'm sorry I wasn't a better mother to you."
"Well, you're still MY mother, which makes you the best mother in the world."
"And the luckiest, it seems."
"Oh, Mom, I missed you so much! I...I'm sorry I was so mean... I just... I didn't want to lose you again... Promise you won't leave, okay? Promise!"
"I promise."

4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley
"So Severa... are there more of you? I mean are there more Children from the future?" Cordelia asked. "Um, yeah? What did you think? I'd be dumb enough to come alone! GAWDS!" Severa yelled. "Well, I don't think you answered Cordelia's question." Colin said. "Well, there were thirteen of us... but then..." Her eye's started to fill with tears. "What?" Cordelia asked. "I-I-I can't." She ran out of the tent. Colin then turned to Cordelia. "Well... what a personality..." He said. "Yeah..." Cordelia said, then moved next to Colin on the bed. "This is awkward," Colin said. "She must have inherited your gift to make anything awkward." Cordelia said, with a giggle.

4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley

Character Name: Severa
Gender: Female
Class: Mercenary
Support: C With Colin, C with Cordelia, S with Inigo (Not found yet)
Pokemon: Lopunny
Other: Child of Cordelia and Colin *From the future!*
Character Name: Severa
Gender: Female
Class: Mercenary
Support: C With Colin, C with Cordelia, S with Inigo (Not found yet)
Pokemon: Lopunny
Other: Child of Cordelia and Colin *From the future!*
Severa walked outside the tent. She looked to the sky. "Morgan..." She let a tear roll down the side of her face. "I..." She went down on her knees. Cordelia had left the tent and had walked over to her. "I'm sorry." She said. "Ugh, no your not." Severa said, turning away. Cordelia sighed. "Anyway, It's breakfast time." She started to walk away towards the mess tent, But Colin walked out of it, gagging. "D-don't go in there..." He flopped on the floor. "S-Sully's food..." Colin then

~Some Time Later~
"Everything looks clear. I'm turning in for lunch. Just hope they picked a better chef this time..." said Forge. They haven't. said Hunter. Forge groaned. "I guess we shall go forward unto dawn without any food." Fine by me. thought Hunter.
4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley
Severa was strolling just outside camp, her tent had not yet been set up yet. She looked around, then saw a red headed figure move towards camp. Could that be... She thought, then followed after.
Fredrick walked up to Colin's tent, then went in to see Colin and Cordelia kissing. "Sir, there is a-" "GODS D*** IT FREDRICK!" He looked very upset. "Well, there is a girl in camp looking for her father." He said. Colin got up and went to the middle of camp, where there was a red haired girl. "There you are, Father! I was beginning to think we got separated." She said as soon as she saw Colin. "...I'm sorry, what?" He said.
"Wait. Let's go back to the "Father" thing. ...Did you travel back from the future with Severa?"
"Huh? Who's Severa? And did you seriously just ask me if I came from the future? ...Why are you looking at me like that? Hello? It's me! Morgan! ...Your daughter? Love of your life and Daddy's little girl and all that? Wow, you're really acting strange today. Let's go home and get you to bed. Hmm, but which way is home? Is it— Ngh! M-my head!"
"Easy—don't try to force it! Just stay calm and listen to me. I know this sounds mad, but I believe that you came here from the future."
"Are you out of your mind? That's not even possible!"
"Actually, it is. Think about it. You said I looked younger, but look again. Closely. Do I look like I'm of an age where I could have a child as old as you? At this point in time, in OUR time, you still haven't been born."
"Y-you do look younger, but..."
"It's hard, I know. And you don't have to believe me right this minute. But you must come with me. It's dangerous alone, especially if your memory is gone. I was in the same position once, you know. If Chrom hadn't found me lying in that field, who knows what would've happened to me..."
"Wait, you woke up in the middle of a field, too? Hah! Like father, like daughter, huh? Oh, that's too funny!"
There was awkward silence for a moment. Then Severa walked up from beside a tent. "Morgan?" She sounded fragile and nervous, not at all like her usual self. "I-I-Is that you?"

4. It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
-Extract from Invictus, William Ernest Henley