1) Fallout. I literally can't pick a favourite outta the franchise,
so I'm just gonna go with that! ^^'
2) Black Ops III
3) Pokémon Diamond/Pearl (Bit nostalgic.. xD)
1. Half-Life 2. It was either this or Portal, but Valve's sequel to
the iconic FPS usually tops any list I put together.
2. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. This was another hard choice
between Ace Attorney and Ghost Trick (both by Shu Takumi), but
Capcom's 2001 game can't be beat.
3. The World Ends With You. A classic example of how Square Enix
can make amazing works when they try. With a rich storyline and
fleshed-out characters, this RPG is a must for any JRPG fans.
Rage || More
rage || Ultimate
rage"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about
something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin
color, your sexual preference or otherwise." - Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
1. Pokemon- the idea of taking care of magic creatures still
enchants me.
2. Minecraft- for my creative side. You can build anything in 8-bit
3. Enter The Gungeon- when I'm feeling sadistic, but not
Touhou-level sadistic, bullet hell gives me a nice thrill.
Well, it will be difficult, but let's at least try. It's not in
order though. One of each gender so it's "fairer" xD
- Pokémon B/W
- The Binding of Isaac Rebirth
- Minecraft
Honorable mentions: Bravely Default, Pokémon Emerald, Final Fantasy
IV, Age of Empires II, The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past,
Undertale, Chrono Trigger, Portal.